Guess The Movie!

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03.06.2014, 00:31

Re: Guess The Movie!

Dr.Menard wrote:
hey guys believe me this is the best thread of the world with the craziest movie friends of the world !!!!!

and yaznee you can trust a silly hippie Big Grin

your turn Smile

I have to admit, this thread is a great laugh Big Grin

03.06.2014, 00:29

Re: Guess The Movie!

hey guys believe me this is the best thread of the world with the craziest movie friends of the world !!!!!

and yaznee you can trust a silly hippie Big Grin

your turn Smile

03.06.2014, 00:28

Re: Guess The Movie!

Gorilla at Large (1954)???

03.06.2014, 00:23

Re: Guess The Movie!

King Kong Escapes (1967)?

03.06.2014, 00:22

Re: Guess The Movie!

What happened today?
I can not find any movie.Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

03.06.2014, 00:22

Re: Guess The Movie!

King Kong vs. Godzilla 1962?

03.06.2014, 00:16

Re: Guess The Movie!

karras wrote:Konga (1961)???

i am sorry it isn't KongaSad

& hi yaznee

i know i know i know
and remember never trust a hippie and a fuckin bambiBig Grin

03.06.2014, 00:14

Re: Guess The Movie!

This will be the actual size of Dr.Menard's next shot Big Grin He does like to post small ones haha Tongue

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Get your telescopes out lol

03.06.2014, 00:10

Re: Guess The Movie!

Konga (1961)???

03.06.2014, 00:04

Re: Guess The Movie!

Dr.Menard wrote:
yaznee wrote:
Dr.Menard wrote:ok,yaznee ,never trust a hippie

next monster shot , of course very easy

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Cloverfield 2008? Big Grin

monster movie yes, answer wrong Sad

I was joking you silly Hippie Big Grin

03.06.2014, 00:02

Re: Guess The Movie!

yaznee wrote:
Dr.Menard wrote:ok,yaznee ,never trust a hippie

next monster shot , of course very easy

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Cloverfield 2008? Big Grin

monster movie yes, answer wrong Sad

03.06.2014, 00:01

Re: Guess The Movie!

Loooool, it's really Kong Big Grin

02.06.2014, 23:59

Re: Guess The Movie!

Dr.Menard wrote:ok,yaznee ,never trust a hippie

next monster shot , of course very easy

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

Cloverfield 2008? Big Grin

02.06.2014, 23:56

Re: Guess The Movie!

Dr.Menard wrote:ok,yaznee ,never trust a hippie

next monster shot , of course very easy

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

HAHA!!! You're funny Big Grin

02.06.2014, 23:55

Re: Guess The Movie!

ok,yaznee ,never trust a hippie

next monster shot , of course very easy

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