Guess The Movie!

5 (12 Bewertung(en))

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02.06.2014, 16:49

Re: Guess The Movie!

Dr.Menard wrote:
what a rule-

no one guesses the movie and shall rewarded??????????????????

No! It's more of forfeit lol. You buy the beers! Big Grin

02.06.2014, 16:47

Re: Guess The Movie!

what a rule-

no one guesses the movie and shall rewarded??????????????????

you have to sit at the right time at your computer


sorry incorrect but hey it´´s your turn lol

02.06.2014, 16:40

Re: Guess The Movie!

Dr.Menard wrote:
galahad wrote:The Searchers 1956 ?

&hi yaznee
sorry it´s not a John Wayne movie and it´´s not an directed by John Ford film

Oh well, they was all guesses anyways Sad Like I said, I don't watch cowboy movies. Whoever posts next and gets an incorrect answer, will post the next movie Sad

02.06.2014, 16:34

Re: Guess The Movie!

galahad wrote:The Searchers 1956 ?

&hi yaznee
sorry it´s not a John Wayne movie and it´´s not an directed by John Ford film The Searchers)

02.06.2014, 16:33

Re: Guess The Movie!

Hondo 1953?

1 attempt left CryCry

02.06.2014, 16:26

Re: Guess The Movie!

The Searchers 1956 ?

02.06.2014, 16:22

Re: Guess The Movie!

Dr.Menard wrote: this movie is really very well known and the actor/actress also

Not well know enough, hence why no ones guessed it haha Tongue

02.06.2014, 16:21

Re: Guess The Movie!

this movie is really very well known and the actor/actress also

02.06.2014, 16:07

Re: Guess The Movie!

Dr.Menard wrote:
galahad wrote:Shane 1953 ?

No,galahad it´´s not Shane

the biggest joke ever
almost three pages for this movie!!??? !!!!!!!!!!!!!????????

Last page probably, only three attempts left Sad

02.06.2014, 16:04

Re: Guess The Movie!

galahad wrote:Shane 1953 ?

No,galahad it´´s not Shane

the biggest joke ever
almost three pages for this movie!!??? !!!!!!!!!!!!!????????

02.06.2014, 15:57

Re: Guess The Movie!

Shane 1953 ?

02.06.2014, 15:54

Re: Guess The Movie!

Bad-Boy wrote:[b]Cheyenne 1964?

sorry wrong answer

02.06.2014, 15:40

Re: Guess The Movie!

Cheyenne 1964?

02.06.2014, 15:27

Re: Guess The Movie!

Dr.Menard wrote:
yaznee wrote:The Cowboys (1972)?

sorry incorrect


galahad, your turn Tongue

5 attempts remaining Sad

02.06.2014, 15:26

Re: Guess The Movie!

yaznee wrote:The Cowboys (1972)?

sorry incorrect
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