Sabrina Salerno

2.2 (5 Bewertung(en))

(2.2 / 5, 5 Bewertungen)

Autor Beiträge

10.09.2011, 14:28

Re: Sabrina Salerno


10.09.2011, 11:34

Re: Sabrina Salerno

amazing woman....the 80'sTongue

10.09.2011, 01:50

In my dreams...

Bierbauch2011 wrote:Nice vids and pics! Smile
Sabrina was the dream of my sleepless nights,as I was 16,17 years old! Tongue

Hi Bierbauch2011 Smile

My version: Sabrina IS the dream of my sleepless nights and i'm not 16 or 17 anymore...Big GrinBig Grin

A torrid night to you Cool

10.09.2011, 00:13

Re: Sabrina Salerno

TongueBig GrinTongue
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09.09.2011, 05:05

Re: Sabrina Salerno

Nice vids and pics! Smile
Sabrina was the dream of my sleepless nights,as I was 16,17 years old! Tongue

09.09.2011, 01:44

Re: Sabrina Salerno


09.09.2011, 01:06

Re: Sabrina Salerno

Big Grin
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
ask and you will have a.......nightmares nightBig Grin

09.09.2011, 00:55

The most beautiful woman on earth...

Hi brudgon Smile

Nice inspiration restless warrior, permit me to add this:

Sabrina Salerno in oopsmedley by oopsmaniac (4 minutes 41 seconds - 168,36 MB) [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

Credits and my deep respect to the original uploaders of this files that i just stuck together and a bit edited Thumb upThumb upThumb up

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A torrid night to you restless warrior Cool

09.09.2011, 00:23

Re: Sabrina Salerno

from "ferragosto ok" (soft)Big Grin

have a................vehemencia nightBig Grin