BigSister LIVE on

3 (2 Bewertung(en))

(3 / 5, 2 Bewertungen)

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10.01.2010, 16:28

Re: BigSister LIVE on

My opinion after 2 weeks of BigSister on dhd24:

+ Show, whirlpool, bed, sauna - so lots of places to play.
- Dizzy cameawork, stream problems, mainly just 1 model on the screen

In my opinion a channel with some potential, however there's lot of room for improvements. But even though some people do not believe it, the show is LIVE.

10.01.2010, 14:06

Re: BigSister LIVE on

linn2 wrote:...there is not one interesting liveshow channel left on Astra or Hotbird satellites.

I would exclude three models at SexySat. If Kylie, Kika or Mystery act like e.g. Mystery last night there will be at least one channel left for interesting (harder) shows. I'm just afraid that the shows of this three could also be interesting for the censors.

And for softer shows some models and shows at etv are also interesting (but just few models, even less shows and nearly zero directors).

10.01.2010, 13:36

Re: BigSister LIVE on

crazyhockey1 wrote:Except the fact that it is very annoying to have the images freezed evey 30 sec, I find these shows more interesting and erotic than the ones usually presented on ETV.
They have to improved the quality of diffusion.

Anything is more erotic than the wacky ETV!

The reality is that since censorship kicked in during 2008, there is not one interesting liveshow channel left on Astra or Hotbird satellites.

10.01.2010, 12:36

Re: BigSister LIVE on

Except the fact that it is very annoying to have the images freezed evey 30 sec, I find these shows more interesting and erotic than the ones usually presented on ETV.
They have to improved the quality of diffusion.

10.01.2010, 03:27

Re: BigSister LIVE on

Is this a new art of censorship ?! Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

10.01.2010, 02:35

Re: BigSister LIVE on

5 minutes? Would be fine if the picture would freeze every 5 minutes only. But it freezes every 30 seconds. Obviously BigSister uses a very reliable internet-connection to up th stream.

10.01.2010, 02:01

Re: BigSister LIVE on

1. Is it intentional to freeze the picture every 5 minutes and then show the DHD 24 logo?

2. Do the Germans make the worst liveshow channels of all time?

09.01.2010, 15:58

Re: BigSister LIVE on

If this show is really live then the productions values are crap, the germans should take a lesson from the brits on how to produce a high quality show, however I'm pretty sure just to reinterate that's it's not live. Bring back Point X, it was live.

09.01.2010, 15:16

Re: BigSister LIVE on

some "highlight"-caps from yesterday

We won't need to discuss the show, the models, live or not or anything else if we get no pic. Thumb down
Dabblers! Angry

09.01.2010, 01:54

Re: BigSister LIVE on

The Show is very boring Angry

On an other Forum the moderator say (BigSister say) the show at this weekend was very hotter then last week !

I can't see it Envy

08.01.2010, 22:45

Re: BigSister LIVE on


Its that what I said? I was typing way too quickly!

I obviously meant a "clock on the wall" :blush Big Grin Big Grin

08.01.2010, 22:35

Re: BigSister LIVE on

linn2 wrote:...they had a wall on the clock. Confused

LOL Big Grin

Seriously, linn2 I think it is all about dirty language.
I'm italian, and in most italian liveshows the models
keep saying all the time that you can call the "live number"
(it's when the viewers can heard both the caller and the model),
but if you want to talk using very dirty language then you have
to call the "private number"
(it's when the model talk with a phone and the viewers cannot
heard nothing apart music).

Anyway, let's wait for an answer from a german member...

08.01.2010, 19:37

Re: BigSister LIVE on

I watched an hour of the show, it was live, they had a wall on the clock. The picture quality can be better in my opinion. The show seemed an improvement on last week, the blonde girls are nice (mature) but the camera work is a bit all over the place!

I want to ask about erotic German channels - and why I think they never last long (the Germans never learn their lesson in other words). Is there a German law which prevents the models being heard? First we had Red Night TV, then Point X and now Big Sister - each time we cannot hear the models' voices, just silly music whilst watching them hold phones. And then on the Nonsensical Point X they believed (God knows why), that we wnted to hear the Man's voice all night prattling on whilst watchng the models but not hear a word from them or see what they sound like.

Any Geman viewers out there know a reason for this? It is a most foolish way of presenting an erotic channel and certainly does not happen on Italian or British erotic liveshows. Amazingly Sexysat is going that way but they are targeting a German audience.

Maybe they think women should be seen and not heard? Confused

08.01.2010, 19:26

Re: BigSister LIVE on

Mauro wrote:
damir wrote:This is just the 1001. same boooooriiiing tits channel Thumb downSadThumb down

You do not have to watch it. We (ok, least me) live in a democracy where everyone can decide for himself which programme to watch.

@piggy thanks on support

Yes but we talk here about erotic channels(not sport,movie,porn channels)..
and yes we live in democracy where on satellite(if we wanna watch erotic content) you can only watch 1000 same tits channels,so we(me, least me) have very nice 2 options(if we wanna watch erotic on tv): to watch same tits channels again,again..Thumb down or.. actually we dont have options at all.Thumb down
The point is why to start new channel when there is so many same kind channels and there is so many people who really feel sick(me, least me) about this ?! Confused

08.01.2010, 18:21

Re: BigSister LIVE on

damir wrote:This is just the 1001. same boooooriiiing tits channel Thumb downSadThumb down

You do not have to watch it. We (ok, least me) live in a democracy where everyone can decide for himself which programme to watch.
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