Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

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31.08.2012, 00:58

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

Maybe some news chaps

Ana has changed her Facebook status from worked for to works for Taraf TV

Have sent message to find out more

So maybe some more Fata

Keep wishing

23.08.2012, 00:04

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion


Mi se pare foarte greu de înțeles de ce atunci când fiecare spectacol unic pe Taraf TV paginile de comentarii. Ru sunt votate toate degetele în jos, cu excepția Fata de la miezul noptii, care a efectuat numai un thumbs up pentru toate comentariile Madalina Balan este nu produce spectacole noi pentru a ne spectatori
S-ar părea că comentariile sunt ignorate în totalitate de la Taraf TV. Ru Dacă acesta este cazul de ce Taraf ofere acest serviciu pentru spectatori

Telespectatorii vor revenirea Fata de la miezul Nopti așa încât vă rugăm nu ceva despre ea

Like · · 8 hours ago

ANA MOCANU Official SITE fata de la miezul noptii nu se mai incepe!

7 hours ago · Edited · Like

I know its supposed to be in english

But a rough translation is Where is Fata ??? ANA'S answer is No Hope !!!

19.08.2012, 16:56

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

Hi Chaps

Some bad news
Having spoken to some of the major players
It looks as though sadly there will be no more Fata for the future
There are varied reasons Conflicts, Contracts, CNA etc

Rest assured I will as I have done,, do all I can to try hard to get a return in some form

Sorry but I have done as much as I could inclusive of phonecalls e-mails and video chats to try to redress the balance

But all to no avail

But as always as someone said on here Hope dies last
So keep the faith and keep wishing

15.08.2012, 18:23

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

Happy Birthday Ana

08.08.2012, 21:21

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

Hi chaps these comments taken from Ana's facebook page

I have cut out the rest as it is not relevent

But the return will hopefully be soon


Ana, to be the face of midnight or?Smile) (Translated by Bing)

Monday at 10:21 am ·1.

Ana Maria yessssssss

Monday at 10:21 am ·1

05.08.2012, 21:39

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

Just posted on Ana's Facebook

In case we forget what we are all fighting for

There are many clips of all the girls on 220.ro also U Tube and Daily motion

I know some were pinched from Mauro by a prick that should have known better

But even so they are there to view

Just a reminder that it would be nice to know its not only myself and Ana trying to get Fata back

Additionally it would be good to get some feedback that we can take to Silvio so he gets an idea

of how passionate we all feel about a return

Or as an alternate post here when Taraf forum isnt locked [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] in the correct forum for Fata

16.07.2012, 16:26

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

Just got news On Denisa Despa's Facebook

Not the Denisa that cannot dance

She is a blonde Moderator with Taraf and seen on many song videos

That they were in studio Practising for return of Fata

But nothing will start till after Olympics As television will be full of that

So may be good news chaps

08.07.2012, 11:10

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

tony5599 wrote:[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

Try here to place comments if you want Fata returned

Perhaps you may get answers Who knows

Ok chaps dont bother with comments on this site

If they dont praise Balan in some way they are deleted

More lies to the Romanian public or world as Facebook is accessable to all

26.06.2012, 12:38

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

Try here to place comments if you want Fata returned

Perhaps you may get answers Who knows

24.06.2012, 17:47

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

19.06.2012, 16:15

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

The sad fact of the matter is that the production team at Taraf

Are persitantly lied to by the idiot Balan who seems to have taken anal retention to an all time high

They have had several live broardcasts from venues around Bucharest and because there are good audiences they seem to think
what they are doing is working

What they forget is that these shows are free entry it being the only way to get punters in

Their current line up of the varied shows on offer are all voted thumbs down on the message boards
When virtually all of the comments for Fata get thumbs up

What Balan has always disliked and is jealous of is Ana's Or Deea's obvious cult status
I think she is possibly on par with Ceausescu as the most hated Romanian ever
Also her politics are very similar Just keep lying to the people until they accept it

So to this end whilst there is a message board for all the rubbish and Fata on Taraf site
there will never be any answers from Taraf or comments of any description

Balan is far too ignorant and disliked so much any comment made unless it would be to anounce the return of Fata
would be voted thumbs down So head firmly fixed in arse she proceeds on her unhappy way to destroy the TV station for Silvio

19.06.2012, 15:25

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

tony5599 wrote:
Apoolamea wrote:can you link her site pls? thanks

I find this a bit strange and can not be confirmed there is no one to contact as they have named themselves Guest My information suggests a restart. Taraf were refurbishing the Studio in preperation and had got new dancers which was supposed to include gueast shows with Deea

it's cool! Deea, please come back!

19.06.2012, 12:27

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

Is there progress?
lets let everyone no matter monitoring of encrypted broadcast

19.06.2012, 11:59

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

Apoolamea wrote:can you link her site pls? thanks

Easy to find friend just type her name into FB there is about 5 different she uses regularly

Just got this from Taraf site

191 Guest 06/18/2012 4:53 p.m.
Unfortunately the show "Midnight Girl" was released all of the key program "Taraf TV" I talked to one of the dancers a few days ago and he confirmed that due to non girls and very low rating when not were allowed to give their bra off issue was closed! It is useless to hope for something that does not happen again! Good day!

I find this a bit strange and can not be confirmed there is no one to contact as they have named themselves Guest My information suggests a restart. Taraf were refurbishing the Studio in preperation and had got new dancers which was supposed to include guest shows with Deea

Although I have noticed from FB Ana has changed Works on Taraf To Worked for Taraf

So it may well be the end of the day for Fata

And all because the Production cretins totally fucked the show

And apart from Ana the relaunch had crap dancers despite what Mauro says (sorry mate nice or not Denisa could not dance)
also the 4 girls were lumbered with sound equipment
So coupled with The fat girl,, Denisa and michrophones lack of strip no wonder the ratings were low
Ana could not prop up the show all on her own

In addition Taraf spent more time with their stupid elections than pleasing the public

On the Taraf comment page there is a note requesting a return of Fata currently at about 85 thumbs up
This is approximately 84 more than their regular viewer who sadly cant find a way to change channel so he is stuck with it

There seems to be a log jam in Romania where the brain dead twats in production cannot see the wood for the trees
And will not comprehend no one wants their Manilisti crap and that Fata should be returned
As it was possibly the only show that was ever watched on Taraf Tv
I am sure Silvio is losing money in lost audience revenue
Which could explain the insrease in advertising time outs
One thing I do know is that every night at 10.05 pm their audience figures go through the roof for about 10 minutes until the viewers note no Fata and switch off and leave Taraf broardcasting to no one.. Except the one poor sod who cannot change the tv channel

03.06.2012, 12:32

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

can you link her site pls? thanks
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