Bluebird TV - General Discussion

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05.09.2010, 21:30

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

If their web shows are as poor as the Sky shows then there will not be many takers

05.09.2010, 16:30

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

I forgot to mention the sub prices, for 1 nights viewing on nudeblue it will be 2 blue bucks which really is £2 and for monthly 30, but for there videos the more you spend the more of a reduction in £,s so not sure if it works the same for a live show?

anyway heres a link to there vid prices to give you a idea of what i mean. [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

05.09.2010, 16:02

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

It is starting to look like there is going to be no nudeblue on sky, But it will now be on live stream, which sounds promising until you find out you have to pay for it on nightly or monthly subscription.

there also saying friday nights show is the content to expect, and with so fewer callers that night it did get a bit boring to watch, so if you have to pay, less callers in my view.

05.09.2010, 14:21

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

Not a very inspiring comeback if last night was anything to go by on the channels that had returned

05.09.2010, 01:11

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

there is some grandmaa on a victorian setup trying to look sexy and looking like she is embarassed, so she should what are they gowing to hit us with
next angel long on another channel ive never seen her so tame befor, u know what i give up hope on this joke of burned bird.

04.09.2010, 23:54

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

kfcface wrote:what you thought that would last?

I think more like praying it would last, would be a better way of putting it lol

04.09.2010, 23:37

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

what you thought that would last?

04.09.2010, 22:58

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

dazaman wrote:
poloboulden wrote:the web stream doesnt seem to be showing what is on sky...what im seeing is angel long with another this on sky or are these two lined up for some harder stuff on web stream?

No sadly on sky too, so back to very soft again Thumb down

booo thats a major shame as angel long woulf have been well up for some rudeness Thumb down

a crap night in store than as danica is also off on elite...thanks for the info dazaman

04.09.2010, 22:53

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

poloboulden wrote:the web stream doesnt seem to be showing what is on sky...what im seeing is angel long with another this on sky or are these two lined up for some harder stuff on web stream?

No sadly on sky too, so back to very soft again Thumb down

04.09.2010, 22:52

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

the web stream doesnt seem to be showing what is on sky...what im seeing is angel long with another this on sky or are these two lined up for some harder stuff on web stream?

ok just gone back to the web stream & now its not working!!

04.09.2010, 22:40

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

Sadly it appears they sorted there problems now and are back on Sky, so crappy soft show Angry

04.09.2010, 20:51

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

kfcface wrote:from their forum.The Tin Man tells me we are into final testing.Everything is good at the uplink centre.So just final output tests then ready to go.Maybe another couple of hours: might be less

No were fine thanks with the live stream for tonight, thanks anyway Big Grin

04.09.2010, 20:31

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

despite the web stream problems i stuck with it till about 0230 and have to say thought it was their best night yet! shame amanda wasnt on.

04.09.2010, 20:02

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

from their forum.The Tin Man tells me we are into final testing.Everything is good at the uplink centre.So just final output tests then ready to go.Maybe another couple of hours: might be less

04.09.2010, 18:25

Re: they have sunk to a new low!

Is anyone going to bother to watch if they ever come back?
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