Bluebird TV - General Discussion

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30.04.2010, 17:54

Bluebird TV - General Discussion

Bluebird starts 8 channels in summer. Amongst others they take over the channels currently known as Partyland and Live 960.

Lots of girls are leaving various channels to join them - Ashley Emma, Anna Lovato, Delta White etc from Elite...

23.02.2015, 01:16

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

please re up

23.02.2015, 01:13

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

yea Id love to see it if anyone has a link to any of these old vids please send it to me lol

02.03.2014, 09:16

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

I am missing this channel. We need a new daytime channel to shake things up a bit. The shows have become stale with no imagination. The 2 channels now have no competition and churn out the same thing. Same sets, same outfits and static girls.
We are in desperate need of something new and different!

02.03.2014, 08:23

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

has anybody got any lori buckby vids from bluebird

24.12.2013, 13:03

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

mrmann wrote:I actually think most were posted, and that very few people have the other non posted recordings. When I used to mention certain POVs back in the day, only one or two people would ever say they had seen the same session, and most of the good ones were after 1am, so my guess is that many people were asleep by then. The Morgan POV from December 3rd 2010 in the jail cell happened just before 4am, so I can believe not many people will have the recording of something at that hour. Also, I doubt Morgan would want it posted...

Big Grin

yeah, its a real shame, but there were so many good shows & povs capped on the bb forum but very few vids ever appeared - esp in 2010. Presumably they were recorded to get the caps, but guess most, if not all, have been deleted now. Sad
still live in hope that someone will find something on an old hard-drive!

24.12.2013, 11:09

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

I actually think most were posted, and that very few people have the other non posted recordings. When I used to mention certain POVs back in the day, only one or two people would ever say they had seen the same session, and most of the good ones were after 1am, so my guess is that many people were asleep by then. The Morgan POV from December 3rd 2010 in the jail cell happened just before 4am, so I can believe not many people will have the recording of something at that hour. Also, I doubt Morgan would want it posted...

Big Grin

12.12.2013, 17:21

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

TALLPAUL7130 wrote:can i ask? is studio 66 owned by bluebird? or vice versa? as the 66 on the logo does look like bb

The ultimate parent company of the 3 Studio 66 channels and the Play TV/Golden Girls channel is a company called "Primetime TV UK Limited", this company as no known connection with Bluebird .

Primetime TV has 2 Directors and 2 share holders, these are James McCann Director and share holder with 25% of the shares and Eli Thomas Nathenson Director and share holder with 75% of the shares .
To my knowledge neither of these 2 people have ever had any connection with any BB/Paul Chaplin company/programs.
I wouldn't be surprised if Studio 66 took on some of the former BB technical staff as well as some girls when BB folded, i think that's probably the only connection there might be .

12.12.2013, 13:22

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

can i ask? is studio 66 owned by bluebird? or vice versa? as the 66 on the logo does look like bb

16.11.2013, 12:08

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

good morning to all of you.does anybody knows where nikkie is ? still here ? moved to other chnnel ? thank you

15.11.2013, 11:56

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

Now that Bluebird is off air, if anyone has any of the old POV's the channel used to do from a couple of years ago like the ones with Gemma Massey, Cookie, Toni etc. messing around with the camera man that you were maybe holding back from posting in case it got the channel in trouble can you please post them up here now or alternatively pm me them. I would really appreciate it, thank you in advance Smile

31.10.2013, 21:56

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

Trick or Treat ?
I'll have the treat! uh.. no I'll have...

anyway, its me who's posting so you know who it is!
Happier days from Halloween 2010 - only short cos the outfit didn't stay on long!
Sorry about quality - recorded from screen with debut & converted, so no sound either...
...wish I'd sussed out recording 18 months before I did!

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[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

Mods: feel free to move / remove as you see fit.

26.10.2013, 14:34

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

any lori buckby videos

26.10.2013, 14:11

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

Any Morgan James videos?

25.10.2013, 12:13

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

Michelle Chase on rlc...

But I know this is stupid, but babechannels just haven't been able to grab my attention since bb went - obviously theres no morgan on tv, which for me is bad, but there are other girls I like on other channels - just somehow haven't been able to watch them.
Even though I've removed bb from my epg, when I scan the channels its like theres something missing so end up on mfc on the laptop waiting for a 2 sec glimpse between prvts and wishing someone would give me a few thousand tokens! With result not watching or recording anything & wasting loads of time doing it!
Guess I'll get used to it - just hope its soon!
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