Bluebird TV - General Discussion

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27.07.2013, 14:31

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

misterG wrote:I know bb have never been the most reliable for telling us whats going on, but they were twittering last night about a wet tshirt show and today about an outdoor show (inc lucilou who as far as I can see isn't even on today) - is this all happening on a channel I don't have or have I just missed it?

At the very beginning of last night's 2-4-1 between Cali and Ella there was some water - tshirt action but... I don't know... kinda not worth mention IMHO.

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

misterG wrote:and come to think of it, I'm not much of a caller but does anyone know where they go when they're off cam but still taking calls?

How do you know that if you are not a caller Smile ? When a girl goes on a brake and she's not on a call with someone she usually takes her mic and ask to call other girls.

misterG wrote:... some of the girls seem to spend more time off cam then on...

I think that during the whole night shift girls spent about the same amount of time on brakes.

27.07.2013, 13:53

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

I know bb have never been the most reliable for telling us whats going on, but they were twittering last night about a wet tshirt show and today about an outdoor show (inc lucilou who as far as I can see isn't even on today) - is this all happening on a channel I don't have or have I just missed it?
and come to think of it, I'm not much of a caller but does anyone know where they go when they're off cam but still taking calls? seems odd that guys would call to talk to a girl they can't see, unless its the 'dirty chat' option maybe or are they using a webcam? but some of the girls seem to spend more time off cam then on...

30.06.2013, 18:30

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

What ever people think about B/B,there is one thing for sure they still got a cracking line up and have not gone down the cheap and cheerful road like some stationsThumb up

27.06.2013, 22:44

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

we can not watch bluebırd tv ın turkey?
do you have an offer that how can we watch thıs tv ?

21.06.2013, 13:07

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

any one know whats happened to stevie?

21.06.2013, 11:06

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

Gotta say that Charlene turned out to be much better than I expected after seeing her at BS.

21.06.2013, 01:08

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

Yet again on Bluebird.two ladies who know what a show is all about are leading the way and showing how it should be done,Dionne,Cherri,thank f**k they are still aboutTongueHeartTongueBig GrinThumb up

17.06.2013, 23:43

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

Would love Bluebird to do a tease hour with the likes of Catlin and Hannah Mac to name just two,just to see them being a little bit more naughty would certainly bring the calls in.Tongue

04.06.2013, 23:15

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

LMAO. Since yesterday stream 3 is not working at all and stream 1 has a freeze frame of Nina Leigh Big Grin

30.05.2013, 11:23

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

Streams work fine you say? Not for me, not all.
942 is the only one that works perfectly right now. 935 and 940 are choppy from time to time and 936 was a slide show last night Sad

30.05.2013, 03:17

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

A strange few days with BB as streams work fine but on TV as interference across all channels Confused

24.05.2013, 01:51

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

merlin69 wrote:Anyone know what's happened to the BB forum ?, iv'e not been able to connect to it for a few days, has it shut down i wonder ?.

Yep seems there site is completely down. So you're not the only one.

24.05.2013, 01:22

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

Anyone know what's happened to the BB forum ?, iv'e not been able to connect to it for a few days, has it shut down i wonder ?.

22.05.2013, 15:53

Re: I can't watch Bluebird tv help

then watch it on here....

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

p.s Turn off your Caps please. No need to shout

22.05.2013, 15:44

I can't watch Bluebird tv help

I can't watch bluebi̇rd tv.There i̇s si̇gnal,but the channel doesn't show.please help