IP publishing

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08.11.2007, 20:04

IP publishing

I know there's a problem about multiple nicks from the same user, but is it strictly needed to publish every user IP? Aren't troubles about privacy?

Webmaster can track every user IP without publishing it on the site.


09.11.2007, 01:21

Re: IP publishing

In a hill? There are no hills in Berlin. It's a glaciafluviatil landscape formed by glaciers in the last icetime. Or so. I was absent at that time. :-D

And yes, I have a little war with my own tax declaration too. :-))

But it has nothing to do with my IP. I live 200m from the damn authority. :-D

Their problem now is that they reduced the employees in the last years and many of the rest ones are always ill or in vacancy. They find  gangsters like me :-D just by comparisons of datas not with navigation systems, google earth or IPs.

Bored mod, don't close topic. We are still on topic. Although in criminal perispheres. :-))

09.11.2007, 01:01

Re: IP publishing

This topic has been closed.

09.11.2007, 01:00

Re: IP publishing

The topic is now accademical as the IP's have been removed.

Actually, and the last link proves the point, the IP lookup gives very little information. Usually the country of the host ,sometimes the name of the ISP and the location of the service - not the location of the poster. If it did then I have just moved -))

09.11.2007, 00:59

Re: IP publishing

Thx elmo for this interesting link. But the location where I live is many miles away from where I live. Berlin is a huge city and I'm still guessing from where the picture is. Maybe I've never seen this location before. As I said, Berlin is huge. Around 40 kilometers in diameter. But thx for the link! It's a proof for me that the authorities still walk in the darkness.

09.11.2007, 00:53

Re: IP publishing

Let me guess, you live in a hill, don't you? :))))))

The only weapons I have are my fingers and my keyboard.

I have no secrets, just want to deserve my privacy, otherwise I would post with my (I don't know how it's called outside Italy) tax code, is it so hard to understand?.

Ok, you don't care, but we italians do, and I, from southern Italy (terrunciello 100%), do more.

P.S. If Inspektor Derrick or Kommissar Rex  (or Lace) would ask me something about you, I will tell them I never knew you. :)))))))

09.11.2007, 00:41

Re: IP publishing


take a look at this

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
it should answer your question.

09.11.2007, 00:40

Re: IP publishing

Hi outsider, or should i say outlaw?

Smoking hot Tia is great. Yes :-D

But oxygenized Cannabis=Cannabinoid is for eating not for smoking. :-D

And it's nothing clear about your secret. And the theme about  privacy is important and you can't wipe it from the desk. I just told you my "secrets" but you didn't. Maybe you deal with weapons.

The only point left is Tia. Those who love that girl can't be so wrong. :-))

But tell me more of your secrets. Maybe we could come to business.  :-D

But dear bored mod, I want my IP back!!!!!

And there is no reason to close the topic. We are still on topic.(Ok, some drugs). :-)))

09.11.2007, 00:23

Re: IP publishing

Hi bored mod. (This was a really good one from you, I like word games)

Only the last point: How is it possible to find out from where I've posted?  Just curious.

I live  in 10246 Berlin, Roseggerstr. 46. Can you confirm it in approximation?

09.11.2007, 00:21

Re: IP publishing

OK, IP have been removed, so I will post again.

Bull, it's clear we have different visions of privacy.

If you don't care, it's your business, I do.

For me that's the bottom line, boardmod can close the topic.

P.S. I never smoked cannabis, neither any cigarettes.

P.P.S. Bull, me and you are just according about Tia (and maybe neither about her). :)))))))

P.P.P.S @webmaster, THX for answer.

08.11.2007, 23:59

Re: IP publishing

Sorry, what has an IP to do with privacy? As far as I know you can only findout the city or a part of the city. And not the street with a housenumber.

Me for myself have even published my street and housenumber in Berlin after i told the German Secret Service (BND) in the forum of SPD (Social democratic Party of Germany) to bring me to jail. I named our chancellor Schröder a criminal and I would like to kill him if he doesn't stop his social policy. But nobody came here. Maybe the Secret Service had the same idea like me.

So, I don't care a shit about my IP. I've nothing to fear or to hide. Only few people have to fear s.th. Most of them are rich. But not by work.

In opposite, I don't want to discuss with people in the net, who do a great show, spread lies or plan s.th. or whatsoever.

Freedom of speech, even if anonymous, requires honesty and the force of conviction.

Privacy is for me perhaps my age, my weight, the amount of my cash and where I've hidden it and maybe current state of my kitchen/toilet. :-D  Because a model reads here. (But that's a well known fact in all forums I know).

I also downloaded the terrorist handbook from Bin Laden' s homepage.  Who cares? Not me.

I produced dynamite 20 years before Bin Laden did it. I was the best in school in chemistry.

I ordered cannabis seed in internet. 40 €. And became a very dangerous drug dealer. But nobody came here to prison me. There are still 20-30 gramms in my refrigerator. But  some years old. I will try to use it as a sleeping pill in a year or so. You know Cannabis will change its character in connection with Oxygene from hallucinogenic to a sedative quality.

But if somebody lives in Italy like you and  deals with humans smuggle from Africa or cocaine smuggle from Absurdistan with huge dollar profits and no respect of the life of other persons, maybe shooting them to death, then they deserve no IP protection. In the long term such people just worsen the whole situation for the Planet Earth in every sight.

ps. I'm not religious, I'm scientist, I have my own opinion.

pps. Somehow the girls on etv suddenly look much more better after all my writing

08.11.2007, 22:07

Re: IP publishing

Webmaster, there is mail for you.

This is my last post, there won't be more until IP were removed.



08.11.2007, 21:46

Re: IP publishing

I have no problem in having my IP published just like any other contributor here - and it has been published in my other account.

The decision to exclude that from the profiles of the forums' moderators was not mine.

Personally, I have no problem if the IP's are not shown. This is all a bit of an over-reaction. As with any information, it's not what you know it's how you use it.

08.11.2007, 21:26

Re: IP publishing

Sorry BoardMod, but it seems you have a lot to hide or why can't we see your IP???

Rules are nice if everybody has to obey to them, but if the ones that create the rule don't  care for them, then it looks rather silly.

08.11.2007, 21:23

Re: IP publishing

To be honest, in NO ONE forum where I usually post (for example freeforumzone and forumfree, two most important platforms in Italy) there's IP published, of course they are tracked due to security reasons, but not published.

Anyway, I think this is a privacy violation, and the reason you give, dear boardmod, doesn't satisfy me, I haven't anything to hide  (except my address, physical and IP) and I have right to safe my privacy, everywhere.

I'll follow your advice and I'll write to webmaster to ask him to remove IP, in case of denial, i will follow Jarod and will ban myself. This is untolerable.


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