How to record Streams?!

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10.04.2012, 23:42

Re: How to record Streams?!

brudgon wrote:
vogue wrote:
brudgon wrote:i can't find no free version about a streaming recording programm

You can't, if you don't ask. Try camstudio recorder. Which is free.

just downloadedBig Grin
thanks vogueBig Grin now i try to record something so i see what happenBig Grin

uffCry video is in white and blackConfused
maybe i must setting camstudioBig Grin
i want try also bb flash playerBig Grin

10.04.2012, 23:11

Re: How to record Streams?!

vogue wrote:
brudgon wrote:i can't find no free version about a streaming recording programm

You can't, if you don't ask. Try camstudio recorder. Which is free.

just downloadedBig Grin
thanks vogueBig Grin now i try to record something so i see what happenBig Grin

10.04.2012, 23:09

Re: How to record Streams?!

Slowfox wrote:
brudgon wrote:i'm piss offAngry because i can't find no free version about a streaming recording programmCry
so i will buy a dvd recorder with an internal hard disk and finally i will can put my etv models videosTongue in particular gia and roshanaTongueBig Grin

again and again and again, I recommend BB Flash Player

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

its simple, easy to handle and free. registering is free that is. no charges at all. even in Italy.

instead of complaining should at least try some of the proposals, sir.


i'm complainin only with myselfBig Grin
i'm learning to use the pc and thanks to all members for help meThumb upBig Grin

10.04.2012, 22:57

Re: How to record Streams?!

i'm piss offAngry because i can't find no free version about a streaming recording programmCry
so i will buy a dvd recorder with an internal hard disk and finally i will can put my etv models videosTongue in particular gia and roshanaTongueBig Grin

10.04.2012, 13:35

Re: How to record Streams?!

Try BSR screen recorder 5 i have the free version it will only record for 7 minutes dont know what the purchase price is but it,s so simple to use in fact it has to be for me to use it anyway it is another option hope this helps

10.04.2012, 11:20

Re: How to record Streams?!

brudgon wrote:trojanAngryAngryAngryAngryAngryAngryAngry
many thanksAngryAngryAngryAngryAngry

With any suspect files, try testing here:- [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

10.04.2012, 10:41

Re: How to record Streams?!

brudgon wrote:
Tarl_Cabot wrote:
satya1002005 wrote:Replay media catcher- Full version


[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

My anti virus program says the the patch.exe is a Trojan.

If a second forum members gets the same warning the post with the links will be removed.

many thanksAngryAngryAngryAngryAngry

try BB flash back. it's simple, easy to handle and it is free.


09.04.2012, 23:04

Re: How to record Streams?!

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
satya1002005 wrote:Replay media catcher- Full version


[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

My anti virus program says the the patch.exe is a Trojan.

If a second forum members gets the same warning the post with the links will be removed.

many thanksAngryAngryAngryAngryAngry

09.04.2012, 09:25

Re: How to record Streams?!

brudgon wrote:i'm trying again to understand how hell use jakstaCry
daz please help meBlush

Contact me through PM and i'll see if i can help Smile

09.04.2012, 07:53

Re: How to record Streams?!

i'm trying again to understand how hell use jakstaCry
daz please help meBlush

09.04.2012, 02:08

Re: How to record Streams?!

brudgon wrote:
dazaman wrote:
misterG wrote:Sorry if I'm being dim here, or if the answer to my problem has already been posted (have checked back but didn't find...)

I'm using (a version) of jacksta for stream recording and it works fine. But it only works when the feed is streaming - so for instance, if I try to record BS webstream, the stream drops every 10 mins and I have to manually restart the stream every time to start another recording. So I'm getting loads of 10 min clips and can only record when I'm there to restart it.

I'm not sure from what I've read here if jacksta is supposed to do the restart (in which case could it be a problem with the 'version'?) or if there's something missing from my setup, but wondered if anyone can advise?


I use Jaksta and no you should not be getting any timeouts, the only time i have recording problems is through the stream itself not working correctly, one i can't record constantly now is Sexysat as they refresh every hour so need to connect again.

Maybe try going through another browser?
i tried right now to install jaksta but i have a little problemAngryAngry
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

finally i installed jakstaBig Grin
....i must learn to use it...can someone help me pleaseBlush
thanks Cool

09.04.2012, 01:46

Re: How to record Streams?!

vogue wrote:
brudgon wrote:can i record in streaming with vlc?
thanks for helpBlush

Seems you can. Hope the link below will be helpful.

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
i saw but i have the latest version vlc 2.0.1 and i can't found the instructionsCry

09.04.2012, 01:39

Re: How to record Streams?!

brudgon wrote:can i record in streaming with vlc?
thanks for helpBlush

Seems you can. Hope the link below will be helpful.

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

09.04.2012, 01:22

Re: How to record Streams?!

can i record in streaming with vlc?
thanks for helpBlush

06.02.2012, 23:32

Re: How to record Streams?!

zorgaux wrote:Excuse me but, with the stream the flow is of 400 kbps Confused, with the satellite 2000 kbps Smile. I prefer the satellite, the quality is much better and I can programmed my recordings. Cool

That way I can sleep at night to be fit for work. Big Grin

I too, the save version with Astra AND Hotbird. Big Grin But not everybody has the possibility for a satellite dish and has only the chance to record from the i-net.
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