VIP birthday

3.62 (13 Bewertung(en))

(3.62 / 5, 13 Bewertungen)

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01.02.2013, 17:21

Re: VIP birthday

Jani Lane 1st February 1964
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Happy Birthday to your 49th anniversary Smile

01.02.2013, 07:46

Re: VIP birthday

William Lustig
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01.02.1955 in The Bronx,
he is an American film director and producer who has worked primarily in the horror film genre.(Maniac 1980) &&&

31.01.2013, 20:08

Re: VIP birthday

John Agar
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31.01.1921 † 07.04.2002
he was an American actor
(Tarantula 1955) &&&&

31.01.2013, 17:39

Re: VIP birthday

Patricia Velásquez 31st January 1971
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Happy Birthday to your 42nd anniversary Smile

30.01.2013, 17:17

Re: VIP birthday

Christian Bale 30th January 1974
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Happy Birthday to your 39th anniversary Smile

30.01.2013, 07:47

Re: VIP birthday

Happy Birthday "Doyle"

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30.01.2013, 00:26

Re: VIP birthday

today's vip birthday
30/01/1990 eiza gonzales reyna argentinian actress
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29.01.2013, 17:07

Re: VIP birthday

Tom Selleck 29th January 1945
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Happy Birthday to your 68th anniversary Smile

28.01.2013, 16:56

Re: VIP birthday

Elijah Wood 28th January 1981
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Happy Birthday to your 32nd anniversary Smile

28.01.2013, 12:49

Re: VIP birthday

today's vip birthday
28/01/1982 ainett stephens venezuelan model
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27.01.2013, 16:30

Re: VIP birthday

Alan Cumming 27th January 1965
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Happy Birthday to your 48th anniversary Smile

27.01.2013, 09:54

Re: VIP birthday

today's vip birthday
27/01/1956 mimi rogers american actress
[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]
27/01/1960 heather parisi american dancer
[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

26.01.2013, 23:00

Re: VIP birthday

27,01 1927 † 7. 01, 2004
was a Swedish film actress
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

26.01.2013, 21:55

Re: VIP birthday

sorry , sorry ,sorry
i forgot an important day Cry boo!
19. 01 1943 † 4. 10. 1970

26.01.2013, 16:27

Re: VIP birthday

Kherington Payne 26th January 1990
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Happy Birthday to your 23rd anniversary Smile
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