VIP birthday

3.62 (13 Bewertung(en))

(3.62 / 5, 13 Bewertungen)

Autor Beiträge

01.12.2012, 17:13

Re: VIP birthday

Zoe Kravitz 1st December 1988
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Happy Birthday to your 24th anniversary Smile

01.12.2012, 16:02

Re: VIP birthday

Bette Midler : 01/12/1945
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Congratulations with your 67th Birthday !

Woody Allen : 01/12/1935
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Congratulations with your 77th Birthday !

Gilbert O'Sullivan : 01/12/1946
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Congratulations with your 66th Birthday !

June Lodge :01/12/1958
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Congratulations with your 54th Birthday !

Billy Paul : 01/12/1934
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Congratulations with your 78th Birthday !

30.11.2012, 16:31

Re: VIP birthday

Billy Idol 30th November 1955
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Happy Birthday to your 57th anniversary Smile

30.11.2012, 12:45

Re: VIP birthday

today's vip birthday
30/11/1965 ben stiller american actor
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29.11.2012, 16:34

Re: VIP birthday

Janina Gavankar 29th November 1980
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Happy Birthday to your 32nd anniversary Smile

29.11.2012, 00:35

Re: VIP birthday

today's vip birthday
29/11/1989 francesca ferrazzo italian actress
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28.11.2012, 20:36

Re: VIP birthday

Ed Harris : 28/11/1950
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Congratulations with your 62 Birthday !

Alfonso Cuaron : 28/11/1961
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Congratualtions with your 51st birthday !

Joe Dante : 28/11/1946
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Congratulations with 66th Birthday !

Randy Newman : 28/11/19 43
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Congratulations with your 69th Birthday !

Kind Regards

28.11.2012, 16:54

Re: VIP birthday

Natasha Bedingfiled 28th November 1981
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Happy Birthday to your 31st anniversary Smile

28.11.2012, 01:04

Re: VIP birthday

today's vip birthday
28/11/1984 martina stella italian actress
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27.11.2012, 12:44

Re: VIP birthday

Jaleel White 27th November 1976
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Happy Birthday to your 36th anniversary Smile

27.11.2012, 00:06

Re: VIP birthday

today's vip birthday
27/11/1954 patricia mcpherson american actress
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26.11.2012, 18:04

Re: VIP birthday

today's vip birthday
26/11/1951 ilona staller former hungarian porn actress
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26.11.2012, 17:54

Re: VIP birthday

Tina Turner 26th November 1939
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Happy Birthday to your 73rd anniversary Smile

25.11.2012, 18:26

Re: VIP birthday

today's vip birthday
25/11/1950 giorgio faletti italian actor
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25.11.2012, 16:53

Re: VIP birthday

Katie Cassidy 25th November 1986
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Happy Birthday to your 26th anniversary Smile