Translations required

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07.03.2008, 22:01

Translations required

We are looking for members to provide literal translations of the three topics (and their headers) which comprise of the forum's rules.

The translations are still required for  French,

We also require literal translations for the following brief header and text :

Header:       Notice to all members

Text:               We remind all members that you must only post in these forums in the English language. Thank you for your understanding. The full rules of the forum can be read here :-

Please forward the translations to [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

We look forward to receiving your contributions.

08.03.2008, 12:01

Re: Translations required

Di niente. :)

08.03.2008, 11:25

Re: Translations required

outside, thanks a lot for your help ;-)

08.03.2008, 10:40

Re: Translations required


Once again. Sincere thanks for your sterling work on the translations.

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