The state of the forum (ETV)

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08.09.2012, 21:36

Re: The state of the forum (ETV)

well guys, for what it is worth some thoughts

When I started in this forum I basically was interested in downloading the movies of the shows and of some certain girls I was a fan of. And why not, that is where we all start or started in here I believe.

However, while digging further into the forum I got to know more of the people around here, all friendly and polite and helpful and all available for a decent discussion and sharing the same interest.

And now ? Only 19 months later, and in particular during the last 6 months this has totally changed. I only see unhappy and unsatisfied complaining people, not even worth anymore to discuss something with, as minds are totally fixed: ‘All around ETV is terribly bad, and they are cheating wherever they can, and they force us to pay our money, bla bla bla …’ Every single day the same thing.

Further, respect, generosity and politeness amongst the members of this forum has gone lost. I realize some lobbying of just a bunch of few, making every day the same noise as apparently there is nothing else for them to rubb on or to get ridd of their frustration. It is not about ETV itself but using ETV and this forum as a platform to get heard and to get pampered by their soul mates.

I ask myself why all these unhappy people still bother. They do not like the show for which they do not have to pay (I am repeating myself here). So, why are they still watching ? Switch to another program that makes you happy or do something different that can make your life better, is my recommendation. Said a thousand times already, I know, but still valid.

And talking about the old times and about bringing them back is not worth it, as the old times are gone. The program has changed, the girls have changed and the viewers have changed. Live with it or leave it.

Certainly there are things which can need some improvement in ETV and I do not deny that. But as said previously I tend to clarify that with the responsible direct.

I really feel sorry for those around, who simply want to have some fun, as life is tough enough for many, but get to read only destructive and bad comments every day about something they want to enjoy. They have my full sympathy once they withdraw from any participation in this forum, as with having another then a bad opinion standing in here gets really tough. Not all are available to stick out their butt constantly for something nobody wants to listen to and nobody wants to understand, as complaining is so much more fun and certainly easier.

Have an easy day


31.08.2012, 21:20

Re: The state of the forum (ETV)

CommanderData - Last updated: Yesterday, 18:36

Negative (-1): He saw it all, but he understood nothing. His live is so poor, his only goal is to annoy other people.

Can the rest of you "other people" hurry up and give me some negatives.
I want to start a variety of decreasing reputation related threads to put a bit of excitement back here ...

16.08.2012, 09:07

Re: The state of the forum (ETV)

Over the last year and half ..Since ETV decided to bring down the quality of the FTA shows ....and kills the charm of this world ...

The forum ( I mean the ETV section ) became like …..An old story ….or say …" A disconcerting memory " ...which strongly yearns to the past......In search for .....The residue of a missing world

13.08.2012, 21:48

Re: The state of the forum (ETV)

I see established contributors reinventing themselves by deleting their posts...
Why is this? Are they embarrassed by what they wrote in the past?

I see avatars with dubious provenance...
Do the owners of the pictures know they are being used?

I see complaints about the way ETV operate...
Seems to me that there are some operators here.

12.08.2012, 11:11

Re: The state of the forum (ETV)

On the other side, I could tell the same about fanboys and blind praises.
Why am I not surprised too?

09.08.2012, 21:37

Re: The state of the forum (ETV)

Watcher wrote:Personally, I read some of the topics, get halfway through writing a reply and then abandon all hope thinking "What's the point!"

Welcome to the club.

Edit: this time I didn't abandon all hope. Big Grin

09.08.2012, 21:31

Re: The state of the forum (ETV)

A forum is a place for the free discussion and exchange of ideas and here it works well ...

It's just a shame that so many contributors have such an aversion to facts ... Sad

29.07.2012, 10:21

Re: The state of the forum (ETV)

I was going to respond but... "What's the point!"?
Out for a breakfast.
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