The Liveshow-TV Awards - Discussion

5 (5 Bewertung(en))

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12.12.2014, 19:56

Re: The Liveshow-TV Awards - Discussion

So there is or will there be again a voting this year?
If yes, maybe some more information wouldn't hurt, e.g. what are or were the dead lines?


12.12.2014, 10:37

Re: The Liveshow-TV Awards - Discussion

Watcher wrote:Oooo! Oooo! Oooo! Choose me, choose me, choose me! ... Big Grin

I see you chose an interesting avatar to try and qualify Big Grin I'll see if you're in the voting list Cool

11.12.2014, 23:27

Re: The Liveshow-TV Awards - Discussion

Voting done Smile Thumb up

it was not easy Confused... but I've done it Cool

Kind Regards

11.12.2014, 22:59

Re: The Liveshow-TV Awards - Discussion

dazaman wrote:Well who knew someone would have the gonads to start a new one Big Grin

Good luck to all entries and good luck to yaznee and hope you enjoy the challenge Thumb up

Me best avatar Big Grin

Me best nickname Big Grin

Me forum fanboy Big Grin

Me best video maker Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin

What i'm saying is vote for anyone more worthy Thumb up

Have fun guys Smile ENJOY Cool

Oooo! Oooo! Oooo! Choose me, choose me, choose me! ... Big Grin

11.12.2014, 17:41

Re: The Liveshow-TV Awards - Discussion

Well who knew someone would have the gonads to start a new one Big Grin

Good luck to all entries and good luck to yaznee and hope you enjoy the challenge Thumb up

Me best avatar Big Grin

Me best nickname Big Grin

Me forum fanboy Big Grin

Me best video maker Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin

What i'm saying is vote for anyone more worthy Thumb up

Have fun guys Smile ENJOY Cool

20.11.2012, 23:14

Re: The Liveshow-TV Awards - Discussion

hey guys are we able for vote?CoolBig Grin

15.11.2012, 23:11

Re: The Liveshow-TV Awards - Discussion

brudgon wrote:a little questionBig Grin
are we able to vote also in this moment or we must wait for new uodates for vote?
are able links are in the first post of this thread?
thanks for infoThumb up

If you think certain a category will be in the coming choices yes now would be ok.

I see other Mods trying to give me a bad rap Big GrinEnvyEnvyEnvy

The official awards will begin next week when the information will be posted.

15.11.2012, 00:24

Re: The Liveshow-TV Awards - Discussion

a little questionBig Grin
are we able to vote also in this moment or we must wait for new uodates for vote?
are able links are in the first post of this thread?
thanks for infoThumb up

12.11.2012, 22:41

Re: The Liveshow-TV Awards - Discussion

brudgon wrote:Last Visit: Today, 01:36Sad
lstv is back.....i don't know the reasons for this long absence ...

he's still drunk and so we've decided to arrest him for some days until he's sober again. hopefully this won't take as long as finding him. Confused

12.11.2012, 19:49

Re: The Liveshow-TV Awards - Discussion

Last Visit: Today, 01:36Sad
lstv is back.....i don't know the reasons for this long absence but i know that i will vote also this yearBig Grin
happy forum awards to all membersThumb upBig Grin

12.11.2012, 16:09

I adore this period...

dazaman wrote:Its taken almost a year to find him Angry but he's back from travelling the warmer areas of this world EnvyEnvyEnvy and as its getting closer to silly season, its back very soon Smile yes the 2012 forum awards is coming soon, unless we lose him again before Confused

So start searching for your favourite posts, videomakers and videos, he as told me some categories won't be used from last years list but most will be the same and also a few other changes Smile

Big GrinBig Grin...Hehehe...Big GrinBig Grin Who will be my successor ?? Good luck guys Cool

Personally, i will keep my Award for ever, too nice TongueTongueCoolCoolTongueTongue

A splendid evening to the challengers Cool

12.11.2012, 14:18

Re: The Liveshow-TV Awards - Discussion

Its taken almost a year to find him Angry but he's back from travelling the warmer areas of this world EnvyEnvyEnvy and as its getting closer to silly season, its back very soon Smile yes the 2012 forum awards is coming soon, unless we lose him again before Confused

So start searching for your favourite posts, videomakers and videos, he as told me some categories won't be used from last years list but most will be the same and also a few other changes Smile

23.12.2011, 15:34

Re: The Liveshow-TV Awards - Discussion

Compliments to the winners..

all deserved.. expecially the Vappiano's one !

lol hehehe

23.12.2011, 15:28

Re: The Liveshow-TV Awards - Discussion

Congratulations to all LSTV Forum Awards 2011 winner. You all deserve it! MERRY CHRISTMAS! In love

23.12.2011, 15:27

Re: The Liveshow-TV Awards - Discussion

My most sincere and cordial congratulation to all the winners. Thumb upThumb up
Really, they all are very fully deserved.