Autor | Beiträge |
Two elderly women are talking about medicine then and now.
"in fomer times when I was a young woman and consulted a doctor I had always to undress myself completely. Nowadays I must only stick out my tongue. That`s an almost unbelievable progress of medicine." |
Two technical engineers meet and have a chat.
The first: "Last week I attended a course in elementary arithmetics!" The second: "That seems to be interesting. Did you receive new knowledge?" The first: "Yes, sure. And finally there was a competition among the participants!" The second: "Was it difficult to succeed?" The first: "Not really. The question was '7X3'. And I won the bronze medal with '23'!" |
nighthawk wrote:Hi Jost, yipThe last words of: -another Electrician? now switch on the electricity... -yet another Electrician? you have removed the fuse, right?... -the bomb squad? Cut the blue wire... -The restaurant owner? I won't pay the protection money... -The Policeman? 6 bullets, he has none left... -Sherlock Holmes? Obviously, you are the murderer... -the race driver? I'll take that corner at full throttle -the Postman? nice dog... -the chemistry teacher? No, don't mix that together... -the car driver? I have right of way -the front seat passenger? No, no car coming from the right... (but a truck...) to be continued Regards Joker |
Hi Jost, yip
Also a short one: The last words of an electrician ? What's that cable... Have a nice weekend Best rgards |
One short for tonight.
The last words of the sports coach: "all spears to me." |
nighthawk wrote:Find your place [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] A torrid night to the viewers |
In a lecture of anatomy of the human body the professor is asking the students:
Which organ of a human body is increasing eight times during an erection ? The professor is watching to a nice young female student while he is asking for it. Oh sorry Mr.professor please ask a male student for it, is the unspoken female student saying. The professor is asking a male student and he answered it is the pupil. Yes is the professor answering and concerning you Ms... X ? Don't go with too much expectations in the marriage.... Greets |
The professor to student:
- Tell me ... what are the conditions indispensable for the survival of the human race? The student, self-confident: - Food, water and a sense of humor. - And the women? - It 's where it takes a sense of humor ... |
brudgon wrote:It is rumored that those with blue eyes is because it has a head full of water. Think about them brown! shucks, my eyes are blue. shall I take that personal ? |
It is rumored that those with blue eyes is because it has a head full of water. Think about them brown!
A hunter gets home too early catching his wife and his best friend in bed. Without hesitation he takes the gun and shoots the mate dead.
The wife`s comment wagging her`s head: "If you continue like that you will loose soon all your friends." |
To stay in the F1 circuit i asked a special plaster/cast ...and i got one
[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig] Limited Edition : Ferrari plaster 1 of 1 ,the bidding starts now Yep this is a part of me that you see ...with this on but i don't have the speed yet i'm still testing it at home with some aerodynamics Kind Regards Shaky btw : pleeeeeaaasssssse don't fall in love with my legg ,i allready kept my feet away from the camera incase that there are feet lovers here |
A boy from the countryside visits the big city for the first time.
As he walks through the streets in the evening, he passes the entrance of a brothel. There was a colored girl standing who asked him:"Will you come with me, you would never forget this evening!" "No, madam," anwered the guy, "I don't want to go to Africa!" |