Over 20 reputations

3.76 (17 Bewertung(en))

(3.76 / 5, 17 Bewertungen)

Autor Beiträge

21.02.2014, 16:19

Re: Over 20 reputations _Congratulations :

Congratulations, italianfan, for all your contributions to this forum, and for your fully deserved 20 reputations.Thumb upThumb up

21.02.2014, 12:23

Re: Over 20 reputations _Congratulations :

[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

21.02.2014, 10:24

Re: Over 20 reputations

Congratulations to our great sport contributor italianfan!!!

21.02.2014, 10:18

Re: Over 20 reputations

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

Congratulations ItalianfanThumb up

20.02.2014, 23:10

Re: Over 20 reputations

[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

14.02.2014, 07:25

Re: Over 20 reputations _day off _day late _:S

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14.02.2014, 03:20

Re: Over 20 reputations

And from me, congratulations genya!!!
I hope the 40 reputations will become 80 and 120 and.......
You deserve this. You have nice posts, you are kind(polite)
and for one more time thanks for the "likes" and for +1.

14.02.2014, 02:09

Re: Over 20 reputations

Serious part:
Thanks all of you Smile. Although I do not think that I deserve it.

I should say if someone like my posts then they should say a big thanks to Dackel0401, because without his help I can not post nothing.
"Which seems useless for someone, it may be treasure for somebody else", and you know why I say this.
The REP system is fine but my truly "reward" is the people's company and friendship like you are Smile.

Thanks for the picture ( and the many videos Tongue Thumb up Smile ) for Brudgon.

Thanks for the nice words for Galahad, Kyke50, Dr. Menard and mic02 too, and not just the nice words but the many interesting and great post in many different thread Smile.

Thanks also for samoth the nice words and the tons of vids. Your work is truly valuable here Thumb up, and I hope the members will realize this really soon Smile.

Thanks for those people who found that my poor "work" is good enough to give a REP for me.

Funny part:
I have a feeling that I forgot something...I forgot to saying thanks for my parents...No
I forgot to saying that Sorry for my bad English...No...because Eigentor will kick my Big Grin...Ooh..I got it
Thanks for the nice words from you too.

Dackel0401 wrote:Enjoy your little "reward", but don't party too much tonight... Big Grin
I do not planned a party tonight because almost every time is a party here with a good company.
Well, I thought the girls of course Big Grin.
Sorry, I'm just joking.

Thanks again Smile

13.02.2014, 23:30

Re: Over 20 reputations

congratulations genya for 40
    Thumb up

13.02.2014, 22:48

Re: Over 20 reputations

Hi genya

congratulations to your

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

th Thumb up

13.02.2014, 19:33

Re: Over 20 reputations

You are kind, polite, respectful and you write good posts, all this does that you have obtained 40 reputations.
If you continue thus you will obtain many more, you deserve them.
Congratulations, genya.Thumb upThumb up

13.02.2014, 19:18

Re: Over 20 reputations

Congratulations genya! Well done & truly deserved! Thumb upThumb upThumb upThumb upThumb up

Definitely one of the nicest & most helpful guys here, a good person and a real gentleman
Enjoy your little "reward", but don't party too much tonight... Big Grin

Please keep up the good work. but much more important: Stay the way you are
Have a great day!

Congratulations also to: Samoth, mic02, didymos.f6
Thank you for your efforts!

13.02.2014, 14:09

Re: Over 20 reputations

Congrats genya, old chap. Thumb up
Many good clips, many reps...good English too. Big Grin Happy overtaking me Tongue

Same for mic and samoth of course. Smile

13.02.2014, 13:52

Re: Over 20 reputations

Hey genya congratulations from me also Big GrinThumb up

13.02.2014, 13:44

Re: Over 20 reputations

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