Off-Topic Discussion

4.31 (13 Bewertung(en))

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09.09.2016, 17:46

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

shnaps7 wrote:Very good and beautiful music - Our congratulations shaky !!! Thumb up Thumb up Thumb up

Many many thanks Blush Smile Thumb upThumb upThumb up !!!!

09.09.2016, 17:23

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

shaky-schumi wrote:Check it out people
Blush Blush Blush

Very good and beautiful music - Our congratulations shaky !!! Thumb up Thumb up Thumb up

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

09.09.2016, 16:55

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Check it out people Blush Blush Blush

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue

Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart

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Kind Regards

06.09.2016, 20:39

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Scottishbloke wrote:Why is that shaky-schumi.....Blush Is it because you are actually the real Shakin Stevens that's been secretly hiding his real identity for all those years on this forum Big Grin



Big Grin

Kind Regards

05.09.2016, 22:31

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Why is that shaky-schumi.....Blush Is it because you are actually the real Shakin Stevens that's been secretly hiding his real identity for all those years on this forum Big Grin

05.09.2016, 22:27

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

I'm getting very very veeeery nervous Blush Blush Blush.... the reason Cool

[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

Yes yes yes yeeeeeeeees TongueTongueTongueTongueTongueTongueTongueTongueTongueTongueTongueTongueTongueTongueTongueTongueTongueTongueTongueTongueTongueTongueTongue HeartHeartHeartHeartHeartHeartHeartHeartHeart TongueTongueTongueTongueTongueTongueTongue Thumb upThumb upThumb upThumb upThumb upThumb upThumb upThumb upThumb upThumb upThumb upThumb up

Kind Regards

19.08.2016, 22:27

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

glamrocker wrote:What on earth has happened to this thread.
It now seems to be a boring slanging match.
Maybe now the show has ended on tv and grinding to a halt altogether
it may be time for everyone to draw a breath and be thankful.
Those who never really liked it to be thankful its gone.
Those who enjoyed it be thankful for what you had and the memories.

Now quit the slanging matches and move on. Please

Really moved to Off-Topic Discussion.
Why did it take you so long to take action and stop the bickering.
Had I not made this post how long would you have let it go on.
Just curious.

19.08.2016, 18:26

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

I've actually got things planned this weekend dazaman, tomorrow at this time I shall be chilling out with a nice cold beer in my hand as I'm going to a local beer festival Smile Please also enjoy your weekend Big Grin

19.08.2016, 18:22

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Of course content moved from ETV Smile

Enjoy your weekends and chill CoolBlush

19.08.2016, 18:02

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

saoirse wrote:you are insulting towards kenny, it's plain to see to anyone who hasn't got their head up your arse. you think because you post a few video's and have an inflated post count you can be condescending and arrogant to other posters who don't or can't post content. the thing about me is, i couldn't give a shit how many posts you've made or how many crappy video's you've posted. i think the way you've treated kenny is really poor, so i spoke up.

now i'm done with you. I was the only member that ever disagreed with Kenny, have you even read all the posts on the forum dickhead or just mine...........Now I'm done with you Smile

PS - Was I taking a shit when somebody appointed this troll the official public relations man to speak on behalf of kenny. Fuck me you couldn't make this shit up even if you tried Big Grin

Edit - Do you care to explain why you find my videos so shitty, do you not like boobs or vaginas or if its men you're after then this forum obviously isn't for you! Blush

19.08.2016, 17:53

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Scottishbloke wrote:
kennyboy2012 wrote:actually scottishbloke, a lot of you're posts to me were attempts at being insulting, I just tried to rise above your level. It seems you don't like it when positions are reversed Smile

Kenny I'll be more than happy to give you full explanations on any old posts which you may wish to bring to my attention. With regards to anything saoirse has posted, even by your standards that's piss poor of yourself not to be able to identity that this guy doesn't actually log into this forum to debate any of the shows, he is obviously a member of a former forum in which I used to post on and some beef with me, saoirse on here is obviously under the disguise of a different user name, unlike him I don't try and conceal who I am, cowards like him however generally like to hide especially when they've previously been shot out of a barrel. I also must reiterate something here, positions haven't been reversed so sorry to shatter your illusion here Blush

you are insulting towards kenny, it's plain to see to anyone who hasn't got their head up your arse. you think because you post a few video's and have an inflated post count you can be condescending and arrogant to other posters who don't or can't post content. the thing about me is, i couldn't give a shit how many posts you've made or how many crappy video's you've posted. i think the way you've treated kenny is really poor, so i spoke up.

now i'm done with you.

19.08.2016, 17:00

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

kennyboy2012 wrote:actually scottishbloke, a lot of you're posts to me were attempts at being insulting, I just tried to rise above your level. It seems you don't like it when positions are reversed Smile

Kenny I'll be more than happy to give you full explanations on any old posts which you may wish to bring to my attention. With regards to anything saoirse has posted, even by your standards that's piss poor of yourself not to be able to identity that this guy doesn't actually log into this forum to debate any of the shows, he is obviously a member of a former forum in which I used to post on and has some beef with me.

On this forum saoirse on here is obviously hiding his previous forum name, unlike him I don't try and conceal who I am, cowards like him however generally like to hide especially when they've previously been shot out of a barrel. I also must reiterate something here, positions haven't been reversed so sorry to shatter your illusion here Blush

19.08.2016, 13:47

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

This is the result if there is no show Confused

This is the message to the united nations, make more babe programs to help world peace Big Grin

19.08.2016, 08:56

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Scottishbloke wrote:
saoirse wrote:wait a minute scottie, you get your mates to ask me not to keep replying to you as you feel bullied, but you turn around and do the same thing to kenny. you need to wind your neck in. people are entitled to their own opinion without others putting them down. can you not debate without resorting to insults?

For anybody that is not familiar with this guy, he's my stalker. He has yet to make a single contribution to this forum but seems to get a massive erection for my posts. He logs into this forum on a daily basis just to read my posts. Everything you have stated is a vicious lie and as such I fully expect all on this forum to ignore anything you post and treat you with the contempt you deserve. For your information, I've never insulted Kenny nor have I have asked anybody to PM you on my behalf. If you however want an insult then here's one for you. You're a prick, a loser, a gobshite and a troll Big Grin

actually scottishbloke, a lot of you're posts to me were attempts at being insulting, I just tried to rise above your level. It seems you don't like it when positions are reversed Smile

19.08.2016, 00:48

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

saoirse wrote:i'd rather stick pins in my eye's than have to read through all the arrogant shit you post.

Let me know when you've done it. Yeah I dare I try and make this forum a better place what with all my uploads and you with well fuck all...........Were you bullied at school or something, you need help, no seriously you yourself in to a shrink and get yourself seen!

saoirse wrote:i've got to be the worlds worst stalker.

Glad you've admitted it, so why do you log into this forum. It's obviously not to post anything of worth as each and every single post you have ever posted is junk. I suppose I'd better let you have the last word as I'm done with you Cool
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