Off-Topic Discussion

4.31 (13 Bewertung(en))

(4.31 / 5, 13 Bewertungen)

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08.12.2014, 22:47

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Is anyone having problems with ?

I've been trying to open the page for two hours now Cry

07.12.2014, 16:24

Four years in Heaven: my Annual Statement...

Hi Guys, yes it's the moment, you will again stand my annoying annual statement...Tongue

As usual, i will start with my life in the forum, it will be ultra fast as 2014 was certainly my poorest year here, sorry for that.
I wasn't (very) active, and didn't post more vids.
The reason? A lot of work and a lot of other nice things to do...Tongue
As each year, i will say that i'll make an effort for 2015 but nothing is sure...Life is too short and making correct vids takes time.
But apparently the forum is in good form: the pillars are very active, the videomakers are better each day and the new threads come regularly Thumb up
So, if you agree, i will continue right now with 2014 on our Planet...

The most important word/subject in 2014 was for me: terrorism Confused
Al Quaida, Daech, Boko Haram, Islamic State, the number of squads is as large as the terror/horror they provide.
Abduction, rape, decapitation, murder, i will not detail, you watched it on your TV.
The question is why? In the name of God/Allah they say...essentially for money i say.
Religion is far away from their preoccupations and some young people who join the Jihad make it only for fun i'm sure or to escape from their no future life in France, UK or USA.
And in the number, there is probably some authentic psychopaths who find in this "quest" a place to liberate their horrible pulsions.

I already ear: "hey, you forget something!"...Ok, the economical's still there i know and it's probably one of the reasons of the departure of young people to the Jihad...i admit it.
But this scourge will stay for a long time and i have no solutions to propose. All i can say is: make good studies and don't stop looking for a job, don't believe you will find the solution in buying a plane ticket for Syria.
Life will always be harder for some people and sweater for others...use the available tools to find your own happiness and that's all.

I'm sorry but my inspiration is down, i will close my statement here in wishing you a Happy Christmas and a ...torrid 2015.

Long Life to Cool

02.12.2014, 12:08

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Is this the start of complete censorship in the UK and going back to the good old days of nothing to see [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] Sad We are being steadily brainwashed to the point of total control. This is of course in our own interests. What comes next, Anyone over 18 and single gets monitored 24/7 on the internet just to make sure they're not masturbating to porn Confused

Steadily our rights erode in the UK and we're allowing it?

01.12.2014, 10:28

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Watcher wrote:
slava64 wrote:< snip >
I congratulate all on the first day of winter! Smile

You seem to be suffering from premature congratulation Confused
Still almost 3 weeks to go ...
Nope, if you see a ghost driver next time check first if you are on the right lane ;)
From meteorological point of view beginning of winter is first of December.


01.12.2014, 10:15

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Seasons can cause much argument.
That is because there are now two ways in which they are defined: Meteorological seasons or Astronomical seasons.

[educational segment]

Meteorological seasons:
In order to be consistent and to make forecasting easier, meterologists divide the year into 4 seasons of 3 months each:
spring - starting March 1 and ending May 31,
summer - starting June 1 and ending August 31,
fall (autumn) - starting September 1 and ending November 30, and
winter - starting December 1 and ending February 28 (Februrary 29 in a Leap Year).

Astronomical seasons:
Astronomers and scientists on the other hand, use the dates of equinoxes and solstices to mark the beginning and end of seasons in a year.
Like meteorological seasons, there are 4 astronomical seasons in a year:
spring - March equinox to June solstice,
summer - June solstice to September equinox,
fall (autum) - September equinox to December solstice, and
winter - December solstice to March equinox.

[/educational segment]

Being an engineer, I prefer the celestial mechanics which govern the Astronomical seasons since the weather is far too variable to be relied upon.

01.12.2014, 09:22

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Watcher wrote:
slava64 wrote:< snip >
I congratulate all on the first day of winter! Smile

You seem to be suffering from premature congratulation Confused
Still almost 3 weeks to go ...

so congrats to the first piece of chocolate. Smile

01.12.2014, 08:24

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Watcher wrote:
slava64 wrote:< snip >
I congratulate all on the first day of winter! Smile

You seem to be suffering from premature congratulation Confused
Still almost 3 weeks to go ...

Quote Google ...
The astronomical winter (Northern Hemisphere) 2014 begins on
Sunday, December 21
and ends on
Thursday, March 19

I got a Family gift yesterday that screams it's winter to me!

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

I don't think my Family would give me bad information and I fear someone relies on Wiki for all the facts Cry I trust my Family first and so. Happy first day of winter. Now time to fully test drive my new coffee cup Cool

01.12.2014, 06:23

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

slava64 wrote:< snip >
I congratulate all on the first day of winter! Smile

You seem to be suffering from premature congratulation Confused
Still almost 3 weeks to go ...

Quote Google ...
The astronomical winter (Northern Hemisphere) 2014 begins on
Sunday, December 21
and ends on
Thursday, March 19

01.12.2014, 00:05

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

I congratulate all on the first day of winter! Smile

21.11.2014, 18:20

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

cristyloe wrote:I really wish winter would just go away already

It has to start first ... still a month away here Cool

21.11.2014, 17:11

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

cristyloe wrote:I really wish winter would just go away already

Which winter!? Or do you live in the USA or Scandinavian.

This weekend it could be 18°!!

So maybe some [Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig] this weekend.Tongue

21.11.2014, 16:44

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

I really wish winter would just go away already

03.11.2014, 08:20

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

eigentor wrote:I love the climate change !! Cool

Today, 2nd of November ~3pm. 21°C in Potsdam, Germany...flipflop and t-shirt weather. Hello Summer !! Smile

well, in Bremen the saturday was better than sunday but sunday was still fine for washing and drying clothes.

PS: enjoy all the requests for the feet vid. Tongue

02.11.2014, 18:34

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

in accordance to the post of "Eigentor" I ask myself one question Confused

Why I did install the winter tires last weekend ??? Big Grin


02.11.2014, 17:58

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

I love the climate change !! Cool

Today, 2nd of November ~3pm. 21°C in Potsdam, Germany...flipflop and t-shirt weather. Hello Summer !! Smile

I'm thinking about buying a Bugatti Veyron, open the windows while I´m heating and keep the hot water tap running permanently
to add some more carbondioxide to the atmosphere. Tongue

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
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