Off-Topic Discussion

4.31 (13 Bewertung(en))

(4.31 / 5, 13 Bewertungen)

Autor Beiträge

29.03.2012, 17:28

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

our terminator mod is only one post away from post number 5.000. that means immortality... Tongue

congrats and thanks for your effort here in the forum! Thumb up

29.03.2012, 13:04

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

woowww Heart Great pic maryna !!! Thumb up
Too bad only once a year your birthday as well ! Blush Big Grin
By the way, I wish happy birthday too , Brother ! Smile

29.03.2012, 12:02

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

I congratulate my friend Ji_mar happy birthday ! ! ! I wish you pleasant views of the GIA in the title role !!![Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

27.03.2012, 21:06

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Rune70in gia discussion and chat wrote:and where the hell is our old friend brudgon????? Sad we need your positive arguments here right now!!! Big Grin Thumb up pleeease come back!!! Blush
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

27.03.2012, 11:37

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Happy Birthday [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]. Smile

27.03.2012, 09:25

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Buccaneer wrote:Has no one noticed?
chrispocz has passed 2000 contributions (now 2002) ! Big Grin
Thank you mate for so much good and hard work and quality! Thumb up

it is quality that matters and you can be sure... 2000 posts with a lot of high quality. thank you for that! Thumb up
it's not me who's irreplaceable, it's you... Tongue

27.03.2012, 03:16

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Buccaneer wrote:Has no one noticed?
chrispocz has passed 2000 contributions (now 2002) ! Big Grin
Thank you mate for so much good and hard work and quality! Thumb up

congratulation Chris and thanks for your fantastic work Thumb up
reading your posts and of course watching your videos is a real pleasure
I'm looking forward to your next 2000 Smile

27.03.2012, 01:50

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Buccaneer wrote:Has no one noticed?
chrispocz has passed 2000 contributions (now 2002) ! Big Grin
Thank you mate for so much good and hard work and quality! Thumb up

Hi Chris, friend, tireless worker.
Your videos are always good and the election of the music is always the appropriate one.
Congratulations and you it always continues thus.
Thanks for everything.

27.03.2012, 01:22

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

chrispoczThumb up
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
always a pleasure to read yours posts and great work for the videosThumb upThumb up

27.03.2012, 00:53

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Has no one noticed?
chrispocz has passed 2000 contributions (now 2002) ! Big Grin
Thank you mate for so much good and hard work and quality! Thumb up

26.03.2012, 12:24

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
brudgon wrote:
Tarl_Cabotin gia discussion and chat wrote:
brudgon wrote:i know that right now i don't respect the rulesConfused
........but mods can i flood this thread with my stupid messages?Big Grin
i'm so happyBig Grin

bumping off a topic will result in a warning and the lose of the VIP status.
i think you don't have a sense of humor tonightConfused
excuse for this little joke......................

if you check the history of the Gia D&C you'll see that many of the posts are off topic or often content which would be removed in other threads. that's probably the reason why this thread is for some so popoular and for maybe even more so annoying. in the past often the content of the Gia D&C was mainly private chat and off topic content during her shows while some were "crazy" or bored and didn't know what to do and if you read the Gia D&C you'll see that most of this was neither moved nor removed. so the Moderators of this forum have given already some "special rights" or bigger forbearance to this threads and the forum members who post in it.
nonetheless must also the Queens Club keep the forum rules and even the comeback of if Gia isn't a reason to flood the Gia D&C with off topic posts or smilies. and if a certain level is risen above the Mods would have to move or remove some posts and the next level would be PMs up to warnings which have been given already for floding other threads. I'm sorry but neither for you nor for the Gia D&C we can make too many exceptions although you have already some special rights. so try to keep at least a minimum on topic.

and about humour:
maybe not only the things you laugh about are humour, or?
and humour was probably the only help to survive the last night show. Tongue
....i never post again in the gia's thread so i give you no problems

26.03.2012, 06:02

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

brudgon wrote:
Tarl_Cabotin gia discussion and chat wrote:
brudgon wrote:i know that right now i don't respect the rulesConfused
........but mods can i flood this thread with my stupid messages?Big Grin
i'm so happyBig Grin

bumping off a topic will result in a warning and the lose of the VIP status.
i think you don't have a sense of humor tonightConfused
excuse for this little joke......................

if you check the history of the Gia D&C you'll see that many of the posts are off topic or often content which would be removed in other threads. that's probably the reason why this thread is for some so popoular and for maybe even more so annoying. in the past often the content of the Gia D&C was mainly private chat and off topic content during her shows while some were "crazy" or bored and didn't know what to do and if you read the Gia D&C you'll see that most of this was neither moved nor removed. so the Moderators of this forum have given already some "special rights" or bigger forbearance to this threads and the forum members who post in it.
nonetheless must also the Queens Club keep the forum rules and even the comeback of if Gia isn't a reason to flood the Gia D&C with off topic posts or smilies. and if a certain level is risen above the Mods would have to move or remove some posts and the next level would be PMs up to warnings which have been given already for floding other threads. I'm sorry but neither for you nor for the Gia D&C we can make too many exceptions although you have already some special rights. so try to keep at least a minimum on topic.

and about humour:
maybe not only the things you laugh about are humour, or?
and humour was probably the only help to survive the last night show. Tongue

26.03.2012, 00:18

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

pepeg wrote:
brudgon wrote:i know that right now i don't respect the rulesConfused
........but mods can i flood this thread with my stupid messages?Big Grin
i'm so happyBig Grin

But brudgon, friend

Your messages are never stupid, just a "temporary madness" due to the vision of your favorite model
...try to ask it to tarl_cabot.....maybe i lose my vip status only for my enthusiasmCry

26.03.2012, 00:05

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Tarl_Cabotin gia discussion and chat wrote:
brudgon wrote:i know that right now i don't respect the rulesConfused
........but mods can i flood this thread with my stupid messages?Big Grin
i'm so happyBig Grin

bumping off a topic will result in a warning and the lose of the VIP status.
i think you don't have a sense of humor tonightConfused
excuse for this little joke......................

25.03.2012, 18:36

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

kyke50in gia discussion and chat wrote:I am glad to see very much many new names in this thread giving the welcome and support Gia.
It is nice to see that Gia keeps on provoking positive emotions and many desires to see her.Thumb upThumb up
....and i hope new members participate in the future for gia's thread and for this forumBig Grin