News from the World

3.69 (16 Bewertung(en))

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11.12.2017, 18:16

Re: News from the World

Says who exactly ilian62, isn't this supposed to be a forum. Didn't I just cover this fact in one of my last posts. Its a Thread entitled News Of The World in which in order to call it a Thread on a forum that all News stories are open to debate. If not then what's the fucking point in having a forum. Fine if you don't like my posts, just ignore them but please don't try and referee on what can and cannot be said on an open forum. I will not be brow beaten into submission. I have no further comment to make. Thank you. Let's just leave it at that.

11.12.2017, 18:06

Re: News from the World

repeat: Scottishbloke, this thread "News from the World" is not intended for such a controversy or opinionCool

11.12.2017, 16:40

Re: News from the World

HvB just stop ok......................stop defending fucking Islam. Have you forgot about all those who are now dead as a consequence of this disgusting cult. 9/11 was because of Islam as was attacks in Germany, Belgium, France and the UK. What the fuck has the world come to on the back of all those attacks that Islam is still viewed as an acceptable religion. Even without those attacks Islam is still a disgusting and vile cult, Muhammad was a pedo, women living in countries under sharia law are treated as property and homosexuals get executed well just for being homosexual. There is nothing to defend so stop doing it. If you love Islam so much HvB why don't you go and live in one of those Islamic countries in which you can kiss goodbye to this forum that is unless you want to take a chance and risk getting caught viewing adult material and are willing to face the dire consequences Cool

11.12.2017, 15:46

Re: News from the World

There is no contradiction.
It just shows that he was able to learn and develop.

11.12.2017, 14:22

Re: News from the World

You obviously did not read this article HvB It kind of contradicts your other find on Churchill wouldn't you say Smile

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

11.12.2017, 14:13

Re: News from the World

Scottishbloke wrote:The late great Churchil must be spinning in his grave right now!

Certainly he would:
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

11.12.2017, 13:28

Re: News from the World

saoirse wrote:here dickhead. your're not as smart as you think you are. Islamophobia represents a form of racism mixed with cultural intolerance.

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

Aye that's me told alright. You really are a stupid cunt aren't you. You post a link from a left wing newspaper pushing through their biased narrative. Islam comes in all different races. Yes you do indeed get white Islam and muslim Christians. You uneducated twat.

saoirse wrote:you're a fuckin mong of the highest order.
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

Quite surprised to see you of all people try to get all self righteous with me especially taking into consideration your history and use of the mong word and your total blatant disregard for those born with a condition which cannot be helped. So what's worse, me speaking out against a dangerous belief system or you who openingly mocks the disabled with no justification. are the real dick here wouldn't you say so Smile

ilian62 wrote:good day Scottishbloke, nobody takes your opinion, does not even want to argue with you, just let you know that this thread "News from the World" is not intended for such a controversy or opinion.Cool

Well you certainly did ilian seeing as you thanked my previous 3 anti Islamic posts. Why the sudden change in heart, did you hit your head or something. Also why post a Thread on a forum and not have a discussion/debate about the subject. If I want to just read the news then I go to any of the various news sites out there. Also if you don't want to read my posts then you can always skip them. Nobody here forced you to read them. Besides its not as if my anti Islam stance is anything new. Its my democratic right under the freedom of speech rule that allows me to do so.

For all those left wing warriors out there just stop and ask yourself the question if it was one of my family members that got killed all in the name of Islam would I take such a liberal attitude to them. The late great Churchil must be spinning in his grave right now!

07.12.2017, 15:08

Re: News from the World

Scottishbloke wrote:First up fuck you saoirse - nobody cares what you think. You're only on this forum to pick fights which is mainly with me. Everything you post and have posted should be disregarded by all who read them.

Now Dackel0401 where do I start with you I wonder. That was some rant of a post you just made in which you basically called me out for being a racist. Islam is not a race. It's even known for white Europeans to become Islams. All be it the majority of the people who do follow this cult are Muslim but that's to be expected seeing as Islam is the main and only religion of their respective countries. To denounce Islam or to question the integrity of it is punishable by death.

Anyhow back to me being a racist. Islam is not a race. Infact I am a firm believer in human rights. Women especially should be free to dress as they please and should be equal men whether it be to their husband in any given marriage and just society in general. Last Sunday when I was in church. Oh yes I have been known to go to church every now and again the minister was discussing a charity that helps end the barbaric practice of Female genital mutilation which is a tradition of Islam. Another tradition of Islam is to execute all homosexuals. So just for being gay they will hang you off a crane. For lesser crimes such as petty theft they will simply chop off one hand and one foot which is done to a large baying crowd for their sick and perverse pleasure. This ofcourse is all done in the name of Islam. These are facts. This is not in any way trying to whip of a frenzy of hate. If stating facts makes me a racist then go ahead and call me it again.

I used to be like so many of you in the past, A left wing Liberal. Now I regard myself as a right wing conservative. I value first and foremost human life. I value freedom from fear and oppression and most importantly I value the British idealisms. Just for the record. Islam is the only religion which I have a problem with. I will continue to speak out against it and hope that more people call it out for what it is. What do I want. Ultimately world peace. It will soon be Christmas and think just how wonderful it is that we are allowed to celebrate it. I will be spending the day with my close family members and I shall be meeting up with my friends over the holiday period and they all know me and being a racist is not how any one of them would ever describe me as being. I play in a local brassband and a lot of the concerts which we play in we donate to various charities. People on this forum can judge me all they wish but to honest I don't care Smile

here dickhead. your're not as smart as you think you are. Islamophobia represents a form of racism mixed with cultural intolerance.

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

07.12.2017, 12:19

Re: News from the World

good day Scottishbloke, nobody takes your opinion, does not even want to argue with you, just let you know that this thread "News from the World" is not intended for such a controversy or opinion.Cool

07.12.2017, 09:47

Re: News from the World

First up fuck you saoirse - nobody cares what you think. You're only on this forum to pick fights which is mainly with me. Everything you post and have posted should be disregarded by all who read them.

Now Dackel0401 where do I start with you I wonder. That was some rant of a post you just made in which you basically called me out for being a racist. Islam is not a race. It's even known for white Europeans to become Islams. All be it the majority of the people who do follow this cult are Muslim but that's to be expected seeing as Islam is the main and only religion of their respective countries. To denounce Islam or to question the integrity of it is punishable by death.

Next up I have friends who are Muslim. One is an atheist and the other one converted to become a Christian Thumb up which is a true religion which really does stand for peace. This wasn't always the case but modern day Christian churches all follow the New Testament and the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ who is a real prophet of peace, miracles and love. Whether he was really the son of god some will always debate but he was a good guy and installed many of the western day values which we all take for granted such as democracy.

Anyhow back to me being a racist. Islam is not a race. Infact I am a firm believer in human rights. Women especially should be free to dress as they please and should be equal men whether it be to their husband in any given marriage and just society in general. Last Sunday when I was in church. Oh yes I have been known to go to church every now and again the minister was discussing a charity that helps end the barbaric practice of Female genital mutilation which is a tradition of Islam. Another tradition of Islam is to execute all homosexuals. So just for being gay they will hang you off a crane. For lesser crimes such as petty theft they will simply chop off one hand and one foot which is done to a large baying crowd for their sick and perverse pleasure. This ofcourse is all done in the name of Islam. These are facts. This is not in any way trying to whip of a frenzy of hate. If stating facts makes me a racist then go ahead and call me it again.

I used to be like so many of you in the past, A left wing Liberal. Now I regard myself as a right wing conservative. I value first and foremost human life. I value freedom from fear and oppression and most importantly I value the British idealisms. Just for the record. Islam is the only religion which I have a problem with. I will continue to speak out against it and hope that more people call it out for what it is. What do I want. Ultimately world peace. It will soon be Christmas and think just how wonderful it is that we are allowed to celebrate it. I will be spending the day with my close family members and I shall be meeting up with my friends over the holiday period and they all know me and being a racist is not how any one of them would ever describe me as being. I play in a local brassband and a lot of the concerts which we play in we donate to various charities. People on this forum can judge me all they wish but to honest I don't care Smile

06.12.2017, 21:46

Re: News from the World

Boys, you can stop politicizing!
moderator should act!

Sadly such a statement goes way beyond "politicizing", it is beyond absurd and I even see it as an encouragement of hatred. It is also an insult of enormous part of the world's population and their belief & religion. Stirring up and inciting more hatred is no solution to the problems we face today. It will only make things much, much worse...

i can't believe this post is allowed...

I fully agree with you here! That says a lot considering your usual posts, nonetheless name-calling and insults are not necessary

@ Scottishbloke

Well, I can't say that I'm very surprised about your views considering the admiration you have for people like Donald Trump or Nigel Farage. People like them are not part of any solution, they are a part of the problem, actually a big part. Trump delivered on his promises? Really? Seems to me he fucked up pretty much everything since he started his term in office and now, after months and months, he finally got the travelban for some muslim-countries through. WOW! What a success! Let us see how trying to keep the "bad dudes" out will work. Maybe an interesting fact: Most of the muslim terrorists carrying out terrorist attacks in the US didn't have to travel to the States from another country. They were already there, mostly US-citizens and have been radicalised there. If terrorists really want to get into a country, they will find a way. Travelbans, borders or stupid walls can't keep them out and: 92% of terrorist attacks in the US from 1980 to 2014 have been carried out by none-muslims.

In my eyes Trump is not only unfit to be President, I'd even say he's too stupid for this job and his views & opinions are more and more alarming. Meanwhile he's even lying about his previous lies and gets more unstable every day. He shows no respect (that is something you have to learn as well it seems and you can add tolerance to that). Just when you think he could not go lower anymore - he can without much effort. Defending and sympathizing with Neonazis & the Clan in Charlottesville (an innocent woman was killed by one of their lunatics), firing the FBI-Director who's investing his russian ties, taking away healthcare from millions of americans, tax cuts for the super-rich (of course they need it most), who cares for the poor, the less well off - let them starve to death in the streets. America deserves better and hopefully apart from the racist rednecks there, I'm sure most people will learn their lesson. Remember the "Lock her up"-chanting about Hillary? Give investigator Mueller a few more months and let us find out if it is not Trumpolini who gets locked up...

Some terrorists are muslims, but not all muslims are terrorists

The statistics show that +/- 1,6 billion of earth's population are muslims. Only a very small percentage of them are radicalised fanatics and terrorists. In numbers that is 0.00004%. Considering the numbers and reducing everything just to religion, then we have more christian terrorist organisations operating and existing today. ISIS is on its last legs now, thanks to combined efforts including the Iraqi Army, the Kurdish Peshmerga and dozens other muslim nations. They have zero in common with the fantatic lunatics of ISIS, I guess they have to be bad people as well - after all they are also muslims and there is no difference between them? Why not condemn the 2,1 billions of christians too, they committed the most heinous crimes in history inluding genocide - and not only once...

History has shown a couple of times now that the most effective, long lasting action to fight terrorism is to take away or at least reduce the reason why terrorism exists drastically. For sure that is not an easy task, but it can be done. We have to sort this out and we need the right people to do that. Reborn czar "I can't afford a shirt" and President "Crazypants" are for sure the worst people in such a bad situation. A lot of different factors led to the situation we find ourselves in today and more hatred and violence is not the answer. We need the right people, responsible people, dialog and we have to learn to make a step towards each other to end the violence. Yes, ISIS and religous nutjobs have to be stopped - I can agree with that, but demonizing 1,6 billion people because of their religion is a lot more than just wrong. Almost all of them are decent, good, peaceful people who do others no harm, would never do that and they don't deserve it to be demonized because that would be guild by association and nothing less. I know a lot of muslims living here who care exactly as much about religion as I do and that means zero. If I have to believe in something, then it is Darwin's theory of evolution. Makes sense to me, the bible, the koran, whatever are just fairy tales in my opinion. If that justifies violence for some people, then a nuthouse would be the right place for them imho.

Speaking about responsibility: "I will be with you, whatever." Does that ring a bell? It is from Tony Blair's confidential Iraq memo to George W. Bush. The United Nations, the European Union, actually most the world warned you to follow the US and start an unnecessary war. This (crime) war laid the groundwork, led to the rise of ISIS and even more islamic terrorism. The UK played a major role in creating more & more problems. It all went so wrong, on so many levels and in the end we had the result of the Syrian war which brought not only terrorism, but also flows of refugees into Europe. Caused by the US & UK, not by the european nations who warned you strongly to not get involved in this war. Nonetheless we had to deal with most the outcome and consequences of it and the UK was playing the usual "not our fault - lets blame others"-game."

Don't worry about Europe, we are doing very fine. Not Europe is a mess right now - we've never been more united. It looks to me it is the not so United Kingdom which is falling apart. A bit more day by day. Recently the mighty british bulldog was even bitten by a feisty irish setter. Not much can go wrong with David Davis negotiating the brexit-stupidity and Liam Fox negotiating all your trade agreements from scratch. Easiest job in the world for such a capable person, isn't it? So far both of them have done so well - or maybe not?

One of the fundamental values of your so called European cousins are human rights. Here are some passages you should think about:

It is forbidden to incite for war, for religious hatred of any kind, towards other nations or races, hostility calls and to stir up hatred

Article 2:

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

Does the things you have written make you a bigoted racist? Sadly, in my opinion they do and it is indeed disappointing that this forum provides a platform and allows such a statement of hate. You know the islamic preachers of hate who radicalise people step by step? With your post you are following their path, just the other way around and that shows what kind of person you are...

06.12.2017, 15:15

Re: News from the World

Scottishbloke wrote:Well if its all the same with you eigentor I'd rather not see any more dead people blown up in the name of Islam. Europe is a mess right now. Every security level is set at the risk of a terrorist attack as highly likely. How come social justice warriors don't go bleeping when under the Obama administration that the USA were dropping bombs left right and centre - Interesting article I think you should all [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

Where was the outrage, Trump puts in a travel ban and the left go into a crazy frenzy of mass hysteria. Where's the perspective. All Trump is doing is putting America first just like he promised. How many other politicians can anybody else here name that delivered on their promises. Trump won the election yet people still cannot accept this as fact. I bet the ones that protest either didn't know about the killings done under the Obama era or conventionally turned a blind eye to it. Notice how the narrative pushed through by the main stream media also turns a blind eye to this. Put the pitch forks away and get behind the President of the United States. Years later when Europe has lost all its identity to so called cultural integration will some look back and say. Eh...............Trump, I think he might have had a point afterall. Why didn't we listen to him. The warning signs were all there.

If that also makes me a bigoted racist for sharing his views then count me in. I'd sooner offend people with my comments than sit blindly back and allow these mass atrocity's to happen under my watch and do and say nothing. Islam is not a race, its an idea. Read this fact and let it sink in.

The majority of traditional hadith sources state that Aisha was married to Muhammad at the age of six or seven, but she stayed in her parents' home until the age of nine, or ten according to Ibn Hisham, when the marriage was consummated with Muhammad, then 53, in Medina.

There you have it. Muhammad was a paedophile and yet is worshipped by millions. Yeah...........lets all just hold hands, embrace multi multiculturalism and throw a pop concert every time Islam decides to blow us up.

Donald Trump is far from perfect but compared to the prophet Muhammad he is a fucking saint Cool

i can't believe this post is allowed. it is beyond ignorant and the author is a racist cunt of the highest order.

06.12.2017, 14:48

Re: News from the World


Johnny Hallyday, the "French Elvis", dies at 74 ...

On Wednesday, December 6, France’s biggest rock star, Johnny Hallyday, the leather-trousered “French Elvis”
who sold more than 110m albums over a career spanning more than half a century, has died aged 74. He had lung cancer.

[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

The singer, whose hits were little known outside the French-speaking world, went from a young heartthrob
with a quiff who introduced US-style rock’n’roll to France in the 1960s to the ageing, bad boy “patriarch of
French pop”, a national monument, akin to music royalty, plastered over the cover of celebrity magazines.

06.12.2017, 13:06

Re: News from the World

Boys, you can stop politicising!
I think that this line is a statement not a commenting!Cool
moderator should act!

06.12.2017, 09:46

Re: News from the World

Well if its all the same with you eigentor I'd rather not see any more dead people blown up in the name of Islam. Europe is a mess right now. Every security level is set at the risk of a terrorist attack as highly likely. How come social justice warriors don't go bleeping when under the Obama administration that the USA were dropping bombs left right and centre - Interesting article I think you should all [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

Where was the outrage, Trump puts in a travel ban and the left go into a crazy frenzy of mass hysteria. Where's the perspective. All Trump is doing is putting America first just like he promised. How many other politicians can anybody else here name that delivered on their promises. Trump won the election yet people still cannot accept this as fact. I bet the ones that protest either didn't know about the killings done under the Obama era or conventionally turned a blind eye to it. Notice how the narrative pushed through by the main stream media also turns a blind eye to this. Put the pitch forks away and get behind the President of the United States. Years later when Europe has lost all its identity to so called cultural integration will some look back and say. Eh...............Trump, I think he might have had a point afterall. Why didn't we listen to him. The warning signs were all there.

If that also makes me a bigoted racist for sharing his views then count me in. I'd sooner offend people with my comments than sit blindly back and allow these mass atrocity's to happen under my watch and do and say nothing. Islam is not a race, its an idea. Read this fact and let it sink in.

The majority of traditional hadith sources state that Aisha was married to Muhammad at the age of six or seven, but she stayed in her parents' home until the age of nine, or ten according to Ibn Hisham, when the marriage was consummated with Muhammad, then 53, in Medina.

There you have it. Muhammad was a paedophile and yet is worshipped by millions. Yeah...........lets all just hold hands, embrace multi multiculturalism and throw a pop concert every time Islam decides to blow us up.

Donald Trump is far from perfect but compared to the prophet Muhammad he is a fucking saint Cool