Nature - Discussion & Chat

4.6 (10 Bewertung(en))

(4.6 / 5, 10 Bewertungen)

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06.03.2017, 15:38

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

Hey Guys Some more of delightful Bangkok!!SmileSmile

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06.03.2017, 15:26

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat


Smithsonian Magazine's 2016 Photo Contest ...

The editors of Smithsonian magazine have just announced the finalists in their 14th annual photo contest, selected from more than 48,000 entries sent in from 146
countries. They've kindly allowed to share several of these images . The Natural World, Travel, Sustainable Travel, People.

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Lighting the Old Man On a stormy autumn day a fleeting shaft of light illuminates the Old Man of Storr and other pinnacles of the Trotternish Ridge on
the Isle of Skye, Scotland. Photographed by Garry Ridsdale

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Turtle-Back Ride The thing that draws me to the ocean the most is that I never know what I’m going to come across on any given day. I count myself
extremely fortunate to have been in the right place at the right time to capture this image. Photographed by Michael B. Hardie in Hawaii.

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Bestas Taking place every year across Galicia, Rapa das Bestas, or 'Shearing of the Beasts,' involves cutting the manes of semi-feral horses that live in
the mountains. Horses are rounded up into enclosures called curros, foals are branded and the adults groomed before being freed. The best known is the
Rapa das Bestas of Sabucedo, which occurs on the first weekend in July. Photographed by Javier Arcenillas.

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Father Calling This night frog, endemic to the Western Ghats of India, exhibits a unique breeding behavior. The males call for females, the females come
and lay the eggs, then the males fertilize them. In this image, the male has successfully fertilized a clutch of eggs from a female. He is calling out for other
females to lay eggs. Photographed by Karthik AK.

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TV School A couple watches a television literacy program. This photo is part of a series on the impact that media has on the lives of people in rural Brazil.
Photographed by Alisson Gontijo.

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Flying We were the very last to get on a small plane taking us from Sochi to Saint Petersburg. Little did we know what was waiting for us up above. I took
the window seat not expecting to see much, as there was a light drizzle landing on the plane. But as we took off, it became clear I had the best seat on the
plane. Photographed by Lina Samoukova.

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The Hidden Murder A spider with a housefly kill, hiding under the petals of a Madagascar periwinkle flower. Photographed by Swaroop Singha Roy.

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Paper Mill Waste from a paper mill is agitated by aerators, producing steam and foam, which are pushed by the wind. Clearwater Paper Reservoir, Lewiston,
Idaho. Aerial image (shot from a plane at 1,500 feet). Photographed by Jassen Todorov.

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Take Me Away, Deer! Since ancient times, the Nenets have led a nomadic life. Reindeer harnessed to sleds is the most reliable form of transport on the
tundra, and the people of the North make use of their navigational abilities. In severe conditions, such as a blinding snow storm, deer are not only loyal
companions, but sometimes the only hope for survival. Photographed by Kamil Nureev

06.03.2017, 12:11

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

Hey Guys.Some more of Delightful Bulgaria!!SmileSmile

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06.03.2017, 09:53

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

Hey Guys, Some More of the delightful North Yorkshire Moors!!SmileSmile

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05.03.2017, 17:35

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

Hey Guys, Some More Of Delightful Greece!!SmileSmile

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05.03.2017, 15:36

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

Hey Guys, some more of Cairngorms National Park!!SmileSmile

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05.03.2017, 13:06

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

Hey Guys, Some More of delightful Faroe Isles!!SmileSmile

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05.03.2017, 10:43

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

Hey Guys, Some more of The Delightful Isle of Skye!!SmileSmile

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05.03.2017, 09:37

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

HI Guys, Some more of the Lovely Outer Hebrides!!SmileSmile

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05.03.2017, 09:14

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

Hey Guys,Some more of the Delightful Inner Hebrides!!SmileSmile

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04.03.2017, 18:13

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

Hey Guys, Some more of the Delightful Thailand!!SmileSmile

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04.03.2017, 13:49

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

Hey Guys, Some more of Beautiful Vietnam!!SmileSmile

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04.03.2017, 10:40

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

Hey Guys, Some more of delightful Isle Of Man!!SmileSmile

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04.03.2017, 09:07

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

Hey Guys, Some more of Trinidad and Tobago!!SmileSmile

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04.03.2017, 08:37

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

Hey Guys, Some more of the East Coast of Ireland!!SmileSmile

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