Lack of channels on ASTRA 19.2 belt
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One thing I've noticed recently is the lack of live shows on the astra 19.2 belt. Before there must have been about 4 or 5 only a few years ago. Now all we have is a pitiful 2 channels Eurotic tv and Sexysat 1. Meanwhile on uk astra 1 belt there is about 27 channels to choose from. Has this type of show in the rest of europe run its course or are we likely to see an emergence of new channels in the future.
if i remember right i am sure i read that bluebird has plans on starting a, or some channels in europe as well as the uk.
so that would mean more choice so more competition which the viewer should benefit. no info on freq or sat, so i will have to wait for that info. but like everything written about them, it is still speculation seen has though none of the channels are on yet. thanks for asking that davecool31 i had forgotten about that. |
True, but I doubt that it's going to become better ... rather even worse. We are still desperately waiting for spin-offs of UK channels to start in "the rest of europe"
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