Awesome...100.000 members!

2 (4 Bewertung(en))

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Autor Beiträge

10.01.2012, 16:59

Re: Awesome...100.000 members!

brudgon wrote:
Panda wrote:Last 3 pages of memberlist are full of members that have made acounts today !!
That's about 70 pesrons in one day.
It looks that Liveshow-tv becomes more and more popular day after day.
We are almost 102.000 members.Thumb up
right right now 101948 members but there is a little problemSad
how many members participate to discussion in every thread? always the sameSad
how many members download videos uploaded by ours videomakers? all members
this problem must be solved....excuse me for offtopic but it's my little battleSmile
i like we are almost 102000 members but i would like to read opinions by 102000 members alsoSmile

Are there at least 1000 members participating ?
i mean writing posts or even press the thank button ?
What do you think ?Confused

09.01.2012, 11:02

Re: Awesome...100.000 members!

brudgon wrote:
Panda wrote:Last 3 pages of memberlist are full of members that have made acounts today !!
That's about 70 pesrons in one day.
It looks that Liveshow-tv becomes more and more popular day after day.
We are almost 102.000 members.Thumb up
right right now 101948 members but there is a little problemSad
how many members participate to discussion in every thread? always the sameSad
how many members download videos uploaded by ours videomakers? all members
this problem must be solved....excuse me for offtopic but it's my little battleSmile
i like we are almost 102000 members but i would like to read opinions by 102000 members alsoSmile

Dear friends,
because I have a job I have problems to read all the daily posts of the latest active members.Blush And you would like over 100.000 posts.Cool
Would be a very difficult reading for me.Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

08.01.2012, 23:47

Re: Awesome...100.000 members!

brudgon wrote:right right now 101948 members but there is a little problemSad
how many members participate to discussion in every thread? always the sameSad
how many members download videos uploaded by ours videomakers? all members
this problem must be solved....excuse me for offtopic but it's my little battleSmile
i like we are almost 102000 members but i would like to read opinions by 102000 members alsoSmile

i tought exact the same.
once i've read the title of this thread i tought : '100.000 members ??? and where are they ?? i count 20 ..may be 30 members really active.. the others ??

brrr.. this is wierd, the forum is full of PHANTASMS !!!

lmao Big Grin

08.01.2012, 23:15

Re: Awesome...100.000 members!

Panda wrote:Last 3 pages of memberlist are full of members that have made acounts today !!
That's about 70 pesrons in one day.
It looks that Liveshow-tv becomes more and more popular day after day.
We are almost 102.000 members.Thumb up
right right now 101948 members but there is a little problemSad
how many members participate to discussion in every thread? always the sameSad
how many members download videos uploaded by ours videomakers? all members
this problem must be solved....excuse me for offtopic but it's my little battleSmile
i like we are almost 102000 members but i would like to read opinions by 102000 members alsoSmile

08.01.2012, 21:56

Re: Awesome...100.000 members!

Last 3 pages of memberlist are full of members that have made acounts today !!
That's about 70 pesrons in one day.
It looks that Liveshow-tv becomes more and more popular day after day.
We are almost 102.000 members.Thumb up

15.12.2011, 20:26

Re: Awesome...100.000 members!

Now we are a big town Big Grin

What tell us that ?

It is a nice city here with a great mayor = Mr_Admin Thumb up
a very good town government = All the Moderators Thumb up

If all countries of the world would have the same one ?
The world would have a lot of problems less ! Big Grin

Best Regards
and let's look forward to the 200 000 line Big Grin

15.12.2011, 16:51

Re: Awesome...100.000 members!

100.000 ? fine Thumb up

however, what irritates me, is that approx. less then 10% are active in here


15.12.2011, 16:10

Re: Awesome...100.000 members!

What is the reason for which we have come to 100000 members?
for me, that when you enter Liveshow-tv, is evident that it is a serious, respectful and informed well page.
That does that you remain hooked on this page.
Thank you very much to the mods for obtaining it.

15.12.2011, 04:52

Re: Awesome...100.000 members!

Also a hearty welcome to our member #100000 sanfour from me! Big Grin
And all other new members too,of course!

15.12.2011, 01:49

Re: Awesome...100.000 members!

welcome to mr sanfour our member number 100.000Thumb upBig Grin

15.12.2011, 01:38

Re: Awesome...100.000 members!

......and now you are faster then me daz...maybe for 1/2 secondBig Grin
anyway my compliment for all members/mods/admins worked hard for this forumThumb upThumb up

happy christmas to this best forum in the webBig GrinBig Grin

15.12.2011, 01:33

Re: Awesome...100.000 members!

right now 15/12/2011
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

15.12.2011, 01:33

Re: Awesome...100.000 members!

As it says "Awesome 100.000 members" congratulations goes to all active members for this number and Admin who as made it possible.

Also Watcher was only 3 days out and so was i Blush so quite good guesses considering that was over 3 months ago we said them.

03.09.2011, 22:48

Re: Awesome...100.000 members!

Watcher wrote:
brudgon wrote:it would be nice if we get this figure would mean .... great job by all the guysThumb up that make this forum great every dayThumb up ... I do not know why but I hope that this figure is reached for the chrystmas seasonBig Grin

May I refer you to [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] and following posts.

of courseThumb up

03.09.2011, 22:46

Re: Awesome...100.000 members!

brudgon wrote:it would be nice if we get this figure would mean .... great job by all the guysThumb up that make this forum great every dayThumb up ... I do not know why but I hope that this figure is reached for the chrystmas seasonBig Grin

May I refer you to [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] and following posts.