A Year in The Life of The Forum Reviewed

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15.12.2011, 16:57

A Year in The Life of The Forum Reviewed

I thought i would do something out of the ordinary and give you things from my side, but give you the chance to add your thoughts as 2012 approaches but this is not a happy xmas thread or happy new year thread, this is about the forum and your thoughts on it.

It as been a year of many ups and downs as we have lost some good members from posting, and some who came back and started posting again which i was very happy to see, bellerophon was a very sad loss to the team but was a sad loss for me as i saw him as my mentor but time moves on, at least we both got joint second in the Formular 1 Voting Cool

There are things i won't comment on as they deserve no comment so i won't.

We have gained some great new members who have added much to the forum as a whole and i see them as friends also, we have added 3 as Moderators and have done much to the running of the site, they are finding out daily that there is no real routine to Moderating as it throws up new challenges each day (some good and some not so good) someone asked this year what do Moderators do, well you wake up and find a new challenge or problem to solve, so the answer is (everything is different daily)

The forum as mainly been fun not just as a Mod but also as a member with some great surprises and greater laughs, i have managed to realise there are humans that are writing there thoughts and not some anonymous person hiding behind a keyboard, so i'm grateful for that as it opens the door to learning more about how others view things so not closing my mind to my own views, so i thank those members for that.

Its also been a good year for forum updates, as some use the option of previewing your post and i think personally that is one of the best additions, the like button in its new form i give it a Thumb up sadly it is used less than the preview button Big Grin but nothing is perfect Sad it is funny though as i was on forced leave due to my Com quitting on me at the time but the dislike button was used more and i think for all the wrong reasons, but it did make us wonder as most claim they did not know how to use the like button at the time Tongue but then that option went and we got the reps system which to me is much more fair as it gives feedback on what people think of you and your work, on a whole its better than the dislike button, also the addition of a signature and if your VIP you can personalise your status rather than (leecher or Liveshow Expert) and some have been quite inventive Big Grin

There are many more things that have happened like the Chinese Spammers who helped push the members count to 100,000 Confused but they did help get my banning practice in Cool one of the lowest points was one member decided to show his true colours as a racist after a certain new ETV model started but it gave the new Moderators practice at banning members and for the right reasons Smile

I can't review everything so i'll leave it to other members to remind us of what as happened to them this year on the forum.



08.01.2017, 10:02

Re: A Year in The Life of The Forum Reviewed

brudgon wrote:i don't know what's happened in this forum
there is a person that continued to post stolen videos by others premium etv videos stolen on the web and mods and admins semms disappeared from this forum
this forum is no longer the same forum

I do agree with the above points to a certain extent, yes this forum can be a bit under moderated at times however I have come to the conclusion to realise the fact that unlike the UK Babe Channels Forum mods who are most likely channel producers hence the reason they are more or less permanently logged in on there 24/7 the mods on Liveshow Forum are different as they are real people with real jobs and finding time to moderate a forum can be a particularly difficult and challenging thing to do on a permanent basis when you have the very fact that they most likely have their very own set of personal matters to attend to first and foremost.

I can emphasis with the mods to a certain degree as I have found out to my own real cost just how damn time consuming my Football Predictor Thread has been to run, particularly when I am deadbeat after having just finished a shift and being faced with the tiring job of counting up all the correct scores, writing a few summary's and updating the league table all in time for the next round of fixtures, unlike the mods come the end of May I will be able to take a break for at least 3 months until the start of the new season. No doubt Italianfan found it equally exhausting doing the Champions League Predictor Thread too Big Grin

What I will say however is this, I'd rather have a forum where the mods aren't always available than one such as the UK one where they run the place as a fucking dictatorship as they are permanently breathing down your neck as they will pounce very very fast on any post which they deem not to be to their liking, such as openinly criticising a channel and telling the channel rep exactly what they make of their piss poor show, the mods hammered me after I told the RLC channel Rep where they could stick their shitty show when they were bumming it up in order to drum up business which was then backed up by the usual cliche of brownosing fanboys. The RLC Rep complains about me to the mods and as a result I end up with my entire reputation removed without so much as a warning and this is what they call freedom of speech Blush

So yes the mods on this forum may not always be the quickest but fair play to the mods, they don't tend to interfere much with any of the forum spats which sometimes kick off here as they will generally let the arguments on the Thread run their natural course until it all dies down again. Only in extreme cases are we likely to see a mod enter the frame and when they do its always done in a delicate and diplomatic fashion so hats off to dazaman and co for their efforts on that front Thumb up

Lastly do I wish that this forum had more interaction, ofcourse I do, however I'd sooner have a quiet forum than one which is filled with junk and untruths such as great show posts and last but not least, an entire Thread devoted to which babe they last had a wank to and if that one isn't bad enough they even have another one entitled wank buddy, other members on the forum who they can PM for a 1 to 1 wank cam chat. Yip that's the kind of vile Threads which run on the UK Babe Channels Forum. I know that many members over there still come on here to read to my posts hence the reason my status over there went from account closed to banned on the basis of one damning post about their shitty fanboy forum Big Grin

If any mods from the UK Babe Channels Forum are reading this post (which I know you will) I'd just like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy New Year and last but not least, go fuck yourselves Big Grin

07.01.2017, 16:45

Re: A Year in The Life of The Forum Reviewed

Just so everyone knows. One of the last spam accounts was called "slava64" and this was not the slava64 we know of years of posting on LSTV Smile

07.01.2017, 15:11

Re: A Year in The Life of The Forum Reviewed

Mr.Meadow wrote:
brudgon wrote:i don't know what's happened in this forum
there is a person that continued to post stolen videos by others premium etv videos stolen on the web and mods and admins semms disappeared from this forum
this forum is no longer the same forum

Believe you are referring to spider26 aka savage22 aka savage23 aka savage24 now known as liveshow99

It is really odd behavior making money with other peoples work. Somebody should take care of that awful, respectless person once and for all.

My recommendation to everybody reading in is avoiding to click his links. You get busted with popups or get even linked to sites atempting to hack your browser. And all for some recompressed poor quality stolen or copyright protected material.

What is happening in this forum is more in the background brudgon and so you won't see things. Regards the member in question, he has been banned 5 times and 4 times by me.

The forum issues are more about Moderators having time on the board or in most cases, lack of time on LSTV. I have always stuck to the rule of real life comes first and have said it many times, I have also, always pointed out that this forum unlike others, we do not do it for profit, this is in our spare time and is not our full time job.

We do our best and that's all we can do!

07.01.2017, 12:26

Re: A Year in The Life of The Forum Reviewed

brudgon wrote:i don't know what's happened in this forum
there is a person that continued to post stolen videos by others premium etv videos stolen on the web and mods and admins semms disappeared from this forum
this forum is no longer the same forum

Believe you are referring to spider26 aka savage22 aka savage23 aka savage24 now known as liveshow99

It is really odd behavior making money with other peoples work. Somebody should take care of that awful, respectless person once and for all.

My recommendation to everybody reading in is avoiding to click his links. You get busted with popups or get even linked to sites atempting to hack your browser. And all for some recompressed poor quality stolen or copyright protected material.

07.01.2017, 09:38

Re: A Year in The Life of The Forum Reviewed


Years pass - the memory remains ...

Memory - a marvelous thing, and she gave us a little bit themselves - the memory about
the amazing past of ETV , but time is drawing something another strange and incomprehensible ...

“Our memories are the only paradise from which we can never be expelled.”
~ Jean Paul Richter ~

06.01.2017, 23:12

Re: A Year in The Life of The Forum Reviewed

brudgon wrote:i don't know what's happened in this forum
Well, in the end the forum is what we make of it.
The moderators also have a private life and it seems they don't have much time to care for the forum at the moment.
But in general it got pretty quiet here after the shutdown of ETV.

So I'd like to thank Big Al, Shnaps and Best-Reporting for their contribution to the general forum and the video makers for reuploading old ETV videos and also those who keep posting in the UK Liveshow section!


06.01.2017, 21:15

Re: A Year in The Life of The Forum Reviewed

i don't know what's happened in this forum
there is a person that continued to post stolen videos by others premium etv videos stolen on the web and mods and admins semms disappeared from this forum
this forum is no longer the same forum

30.12.2016, 09:45

Re: A Year in The Life of The Forum Reviewed

What can you say as dazaman has pretty much covered everything on 2016 as it will be remembered as an annus horribilis of a year. ETV officially died at the height of summer Cry unfortunately no comfort was to be found whatsoever in the UK Babe Channels. Babestation Unleashed also closed its doors. Sexysat disappearing didn't surprise me as the shows were dwindling and in the end they only had 2 or 3 models left anyhow and leading up to its demise was mostly pre recorded footage from past shows.

It has been an extremely disappointing year, its been months now since I've been an active video poster, I don't even watch the shows anymore, I'm done with them. They are fucking garbage Thumb down My wish for 2017 is to see them undertake a dramatic transformation, the other night Sophia Knight announced her retirement from the shows, in the past it would have been dramatic news, now the shows are so bad, it was more or less addressed with a shrug of the shoulders of oh well..........good luck, might see you back again in the future, if not then fuck it, it's no big deal.

With regards to forum interaction on this place, it was always inevitable when ETV folded that with it went the discussions and a mass exodus of previously active members, now all we see is a handful of them discussing a website. On the + side I have been delighted in the response that my Premier League Predictor Thread has received. I wasn't too sure when I posted it if even one member was going to participate so I left myself open to have egg on my face, thankfully much to my relief its become a very competitive league and many thanks to the members for embracing in effect what was a brand new concept, it had worked for many years on other forums but I had my doubts whether it would happen or not on liveshow so thanks again to the other 8 members for joining up. Next season my hope is to keep the current members and hopefully a few more will sign up now that they have seen how the format works Smile

From a personal point of view 2016 has been a very good year for me, I had a fantastic trip to Germany earlier this year and I also told my old boss to stick my job up his arse and since then I have found myself a far superior working environment away from all the daily backstabbing which I had to put up with in my previous work place. Now I am working with really nice people Smile

All the best for this forum in 2017, if the shows pick up then we might have something to talk about again which will hopefully lead to more interaction and discussions Thumb up

30.12.2016, 07:56

Re: A Year in The Life of The Forum Reviewed

Hey Guys!! Another Year Nearly Over!!
Can I wish everyone on Our Forum. and everywhere else!!

A Very Happy and Successful New Year!!
I hope 2017 will be kind to us all!! Well said dazaman!! very nice words!!SmileThumb up
My Respects to everyone!!Thumb up
Cheers!!, Alan, The Old Man Of Lydd!!SmileSmile

29.12.2016, 17:18

Re: A Year in The Life of The Forum Reviewed

Dear dazaman,
I think you're one of the Admins, thank you for the summary of the year now spent, this beautiful site to which we are all tied up trying to improve and overcome problems. Your analysis is correct and in the hope that the new year will change things for the better I do you and other Admins my best wishes for a Successful 2016 and 2017 good principle.
Heartfelt wishes.

29.12.2016, 16:48

Re: A Year in The Life of The Forum Reviewed


Thanks Daz for yours words!

We can not change the time, time changes us.
Time passes - but the friendship remains!
And zounds - we are still alive ...

29.12.2016, 16:24

Re: A Year in The Life of The Forum Reviewed

Time goes so quick Blush

I'll make this brief as i've not been on the forum as much as I would like Angry

The year as been more about losing channels and gaining cams. We lost Sexysat, we lost ETV. Both channels are now long gone but still the arguing continues, over what exactly, both are gone in their original form and not really Liveshows anymore.

The UK section as gone nuts over cams to the point of not actually showing anything below the neck on TV in some cases, this makes me lol as it is more censored than ofcom could ever have wished for Thumb up But on the upside is that if you pay X amount of money, you can see the girls pussys but ironically not the head attached to the body Big Grin

I think the forum as been on a whole, quite busy considering these events and I thank all active members for their continued support of our little forum. THANK YOU ALL Smile

02.01.2016, 07:56

Re: A Year in The Life of The Forum Reviewed

saoirse wrote:when you say you came back to this forum was it after you were kicked off the other forum?

For your information I never got kicked off that other forum as you so elegantly put it. I left on my own free will, infact it took admin months to close my account down, it was only after I posted a parting shot on my last visit there that he actually got off his lazy arse and obliged.

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

You'll do well to read this Thread and look at the date before making such foolish remarks again in the future. Please note that at the time I was posting actively on both forums.

Those who I have shared PMs with will know my reasons as to me leaving that other place. I have nothing further to say on the subject. Thank you.

31.12.2015, 19:04

Not only Porn addicts...

Hi Guys Smile

In reading below: the Scottishbloke's post and the daz's one (sorry Pal, i just thanked it today...believe it or not, i missed it...too much drugs certainly...) i realise that my Life is a paradise...sometimes i forget it Blush
So thanks men and a torrid 2016 to you both Thumb up

A torrid last night of the year to the readers Cool
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