Autor | Beiträge |
In the last 3-4 days i have some problem with the megaupload download speed, now my down is max 35kb, but 5 days ago my normal down with megaupload was 390 - 400..... Is only my problem or is a server problem? |
Slowfox wrote:yep, should have mentioned my wishes were meant ironical I think irony was safe ![]() ![]() |
dazaman wrote:Slowfox wrote:After having had some exchange with their support, I quit my account (i.e. will definitely not re-new) accompanied by my best wishes for success with their new pricing policy. yep, should have mentioned my wishes were meant ironical |
Slowfox wrote:After having had some exchange with their support, I quit my account (i.e. will definitely not re-new) accompanied by my best wishes for success with their new pricing policy. Suicide policy you mean? going by what i've seen they wanted to die not long after MU was fucked over, now this is the final, "STOP FUCKING SUBSCRIBING TO US PLEASE" kind of plea ![]() Just my view ![]() |
quiquems wrote:RapidShare is a joke, they deleted all my files(3 TB) and now they want that I pay when there are free file hosts? LMAO After having had some exchange with their support, I quit my account (i.e. will definitely not re-new) accompanied by my best wishes for success with their new pricing policy. |
RapidShare is a joke, they deleted all my files(3 TB) and now they want that I pay when there are free file hosts? LMAO
Post: #292 Zuletzt bearbeitet: 01.06.2014, 16:57 01.06.2014, 16:52 Re: Megaupload & Other File Host ProblemsShirtfull wrote:Cannot upload to my Rapid account, Tried logging but page just freezes, Tried their manager and got this. Sorry, it's german. Try google translater. Cloud-Speicher nur noch ab 50 Euro Das bislang unter dem Namen „Standard“ geführte Gratis-Angebot, mit dem Nutzer maximal ein Gigabyte Daten zeitlich begrenzt auf den Rapidshare-Servern speichern durfte, verschwindet ganz. Stattdessen lang der in der Schweiz ansässige Filehoster mächtig hin: Das neue Einstiegs-Angebot bietet zwar 300 Gigabyte Datenspeicher, kostet dafür aber auch satte 49,99 Euro pro Monat. Wer noch mehr Platz benötigt, zahlt für 700 Gigabyte rund 100 Euro monatlich. Zum Vergleich: Google verlangt für ein Terabyte Cloud-Speicher etwa zehn Euro. Mögliche Gründe für den Strategiewechsel Warum Rapidshare die Preisschraube derart fest anzieht, erklärt das Unternehmen nicht. Eventuell will man nicht mehr als Filehoster für Raubkopierer in die Negativ-Schlagzeilen geraten, sondern als Cloud-Dienst für Geschäftskunden auftreten. Denkbar ist auch, dass man durch diese extremen Preise unliebsame Kundschaft abschrecken möchte. Raubkopierer nutzen Filehoster wie Rapidshare zum Speichern von Musik, Games, Software und Filmen. Rapidshare ist per Gerichtsbeschluss dazu verpflichtet, die Datenbestände zu kontrollieren und offensichtlich illegale Inhalte zu löschen. Ein erheblicher Arbeitsaufwand, der sich wohl nur bei gut zahlenden Kunden lohnt. This i have from Computer Bild, a german PC magazine. Here is the link: [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] |
Cannot upload to my Rapid account, Tried logging but page just freezes, Tried their manager and got this.
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] ??? Plenty of points still left. Anyone else with probs? |
maybe only some server updates?
Post: #288 Zuletzt bearbeitet: 10.05.2014, 14:24 10.05.2014, 14:22 Re: Megaupload & Other File Host Problems
It seems something happened because my 1st attemt to visit the was faliure. Now I can visit the main page on but i can't login in my account
![]() EDIT: Ok, after 10 seconds i can login now ![]() ![]() |
Post: #287 Zuletzt bearbeitet: 10.05.2014, 14:13 10.05.2014, 14:10 Re: Megaupload & Other File Host Problems |
anyone else with filehoster problems at the moment?
my Mega account is closed because of the old copyright rubbish but iirc I've hosted only/ mainly etv vids on Mega and the links are posted only in this forum. of course I've answered that I disagree but no answer yet. if the etv vids are the reason for my closed account so it seems that we'll have another round with the stupid Sofkov shit. ![]() PS: interesting to see that Schmitz proves being an arsehole only a few days after he has gotten his money back. |
It would seem that turbobit is going the same way as oron did while still alive, it see's your ISP and classes that as your IP and you have reached your limit for the next 10 minutes.
Btw i've not downloaded anything from that host for at least 8 months ![]() |