Please read: Posting / Requesting Videos & Caps

4.08 (12 Bewertung(en))

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Autor Beiträge

27.03.2012, 23:19

Please read: Posting / Requesting Videos & Caps


We have noticed that the number of caps posted along with clips is exceeding which unfortunely slows down the page loading speed for many members and impairs the browsing experince. That's why we had to set up a new rule about posting caps:

Do not post more than length of the clip in minutes x 1.5 caps per video.
Example: 15 caps for a 10 minute video

For large clips you may post a maximum of 30 caps, for very small clips a maximum of 9 caps is ok as well.

Posting too many caps will result in the post being edited and caps being removed.
We know that making a small but fine selection of caps is not easy, but always remember that less is more.

  • Do not repost / reupload videos from other members, unless you have asked them for permission before.
  • Never forget to give credits to the original uploader / creator of a clip

  • Do not ask uploaders to host their files on other hosting services in the video threads. If you are not happy with the filehosting service the videomaker has used, please contact him by PM.
  • Do not report / post if a file is missing or can't be downloaded. Usually the files are available, but there could be temporary problems with the filehoster (e.g. Megaupload), so wait and try again later. If you still cannot download the file at a later time, kindly ask the poster of the clip by PM to re-upload the file.
  • Posts in video threads asking for other fileshosting services and posts about unavailable files will be deleted without further notice.
  • As you may have noticed video threads are being cleaned up every now and then, which means that request / thank / chat posts will be removed. If you wanna thank somebody for his videos and caps please use the Thumbup / Like button at the bottom of the respective post.
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