The good old days - A nostalgia thread

4.26 (104 rating(s))

(4.26 / 5, 104 ratings)

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26.10.2008, 10:35

Re: The good old days - A nostalgia thread

Eurotic TV1 11/12-2005: Melisa, Merry & Silvet

I don't know the fixed date of this show, it was end of 2005

the complete scene is 34min splitet in 3clips.

Beautiful Melisa handbra, Merry(well shaped) topless in hot maturbation

action and last Silvet full nude(no close ups) at the pole.

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12:08min 171mb mp4

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09:49min 138mb mp4

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12:18min 173mb mp4

each clip is a own file it is not necessary to download all for viewing

" the good old times"- enjoy

17.10.2008, 15:08

Re: The good old days - A nostalgia thread

Helena: ice&wax show 02/03?-2006 on Eurotic TV1

Helena get bound on the bed, Tia comes with ice, Kia and Nia with candles, Priscila is touching her

and at the end Helena is touching Priscila.Only Helena and Priscila are topless the other models stay


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the vid is splitet with hjsplit in big for 1. file), you need both parts for the complete

file. You can download hjsplit here:[hidden link - please register] it is freeware and is easy to use.

vid. stats: 20:30 min 290 mb mp4(x264)

13.07.2008, 02:21

Re: The good old days - A nostalgia thread

25 June 06
Kia and Tyra at the pole with a large red cloth followed by Tia wearing a red headscarf
[hidden link - please register]
9:23 mins 768*576 H.264 mp4 96.8 MB
Tia continues her strip in part 2, from there a Tyra strip, Kaleya strip, and Tia naked on a bar stool joined by Jaya. also present Amanda.      (@ eroticTiaBull have you got this ??)
[hidden link - please register]
9:23 mins 768*576 H.264 mp4 96.8 MB

not sure about the date  June 06
9:23 mins 768*576 H.264 mp4 96.4 MB
Jaya helping Kia to wear nothing but a sexy chain and strokes the area below. Simona also present.
[hidden link - please register]
3:19 mins 768*576 H.264 mp4 41.2 MB

27 June
Kaleya polestrip, followed by a floor session with Malena, a nice Simona strip and
ends with Kaleya sitting on the table with an "in your face" ??? camera, she winks accordingly.
[hidden link - please register]
9:23 mins 768*576 H.264 mp4 96.8 MB

on ETV2 Selena doing her thing, with Zita and Sunny
[hidden link - please register]
9:23 mins 768*576 H.264 mp4 96.8 MB

29 June
Hot Kaleya polestrip followed by Tia
[hidden link - please register]
9:18 mins 768*576 H.264 mp4 99.8 MB

have fun - till July 06

12.07.2008, 21:42

Re: The good old days - A nostalgia thread

for the impatient
a quick quantum leap forward to September the 7th to scaffolding and oildrums. A quick taste of things to come

Starts and ends with Kia´s privates and Alexa's boobies. Includes footage of the following : Jerry, Nikita with black hair, Megan, Kaleya horny, Eliza horny (the blue bit at the very end) and somebody in yellow, maybe Desita.
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18:40 min 640*480 H.264 rubbish bitrate 120 MB no sound.

12.07.2008, 21:00

Re: The good old days - A nostalgia thread

24 June 06
Hot Kia polestrip followed by  Kia with Megita and Merry (Soundtrack on helium ??)
[hidden link - please register]
9:23 mins 768*576 H.264 mp4 97.5 MB
Continues as above with brief appearances from Tia and Priscilla, the three are joined by Tyra and at the end by Priscilla (Soundtrack back to normal)
[hidden link - please register]
9:23 mins 768*576 H.264 mp4 97.3 MB
Third and last file, the group splits up and each do their own thing. Eliza and Tia seated in the background.
[hidden link - please register]
7:11 mins 768*576 H.264 mp4 74.7 MB

meanwhile over on E2 Alegra in a see thru body, a few minutes of that.
[hidden link - please register]
5:14 mins 768*576 H.264 mp4 52.8 MB

12.07.2008, 18:15

Re: The good old days - A nostalgia thread

16 June
Simona shows off her see thru panties, a polestrip with Lin and a little Alegra
(I have previously upped a portion of this - file name: eUrotic Simona 16.06.06.mp4)
[hidden link - please register]
8:21 mins 768*576 H.264 mp4 91 MB

17 June
The best of Lin
[hidden link - please register]
6:22 mins 768*576 H.264 mp4 68.4 MB

19 June
A scene with mainly Kia and Tyra
[hidden link - please register]
5:27 mins 768*576 H.264 mp4 58.9 MB

12.07.2008, 15:26

Re: The good old days - A nostalgia thread

................  to continue 12 June '06

Megita polestrip later joined by Jerry 2 seperate files for one scene.
[hidden link - please register]
9:23 mins 768*576 H.264 mp4 98.2 MB
[hidden link - please register]
6:01 mins 768*576 H.264 mp4 61.8 MB

A rarity, a Tyra strip with a fully naked Amanda
[hidden link - please register]
9:07 mins 768*576 H.264 mp4 98.5 MB

The final minutes of the show Jerry, Megita, Tyra, Eliza and Amanda all flashing.
Bianca didn't, she was more into the June '08 scenario. A forward thinking young lady.
[hidden link - please register]
4:47 mins 768*576 H.264 mp4 51 MB

enjoy close ups,and focused camera.

10.07.2008, 21:38

Re: The good old days - A nostalgia thread

Another nice strip at the pole:

[hidden link - please register]  89 MB

And another nice one and another day:

[hidden link - please register

34 MB

The next 3 clips are my last ones. Now I know what I lost with my last hd crash many months before. :-D

There were some more clips from her. The following ones I don't know if I have recorded, even no date in the filename.  But all 3 are not younger than 11.6.07. And hot.

[hidden link - please register]  54 MB

[hidden link - please register]  12 MB

[hidden link - please register]  4 MB

09.07.2008, 20:30

Re: The good old days - A nostalgia thread

She is still naked all the time with a short oops of the pussy from the backside.

[hidden link - please register] 116 MB

@ misto

What is hard at the nude beach? :-D

And here the last part, in the last minute you can see her sense of humour. Compare it with the boring shows of the Gias or red nose idiots nowadays.

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[hidden link - please register]

[hidden link - please register]

250 MB

09.07.2008, 16:54

Re: The good old days - A nostalgia thread

20 minutes later, the show went on, nice oops

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67 MB

10 minutes later, even hotter than part 2 (and longer, 193 MB), also unedited like pt 2, I leave you with the original show fragment to feel the athmosphere

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09.07.2008, 15:44

Jerry's lesboshow with Penelope on nightshow 15.09.06

...featuring Bianka, Veronica and others.

Finally I'm through with my dvds and I found a little treasure. Jerry naked over hours, sometimes with a black miniskirt and nothing under!! Baaah, that makes me wake up. :-))

You can watch pussy flashes for many times, mostly she shows her great ass, the best in universe.

Enjoy this lovely, sexy and charismatic lady:

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[hidden link - please register]

[hidden link - please register]

All parts needed, 360 MB, I couldn't decide what to cut away. :-))

28.06.2008, 12:08

Re: The good old days - A nostalgia thread

@ hi brokingbull

i found her clip in this old thread, i hope to see more of this beauty soon ;)

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and there are many Alexa shows, too!

27.06.2008, 02:05

Re: The good old days - A nostalgia thread

Another nice clip from Lana:

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26.06.2008, 15:11

Re: The good old days - A nostalgia thread

i found a hot clip of Lana, too. She is completely naked and very beautiful. Are there any similar shows of her? Without the other models? or is there another part 2 of the show?

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25.06.2008, 19:11

Re: The good old days - A nostalgia thread

A nice strip with closeups from Lana:

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