Monna - Videos & Caps

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05.03.2009, 10:53

Re: Monna please!

Thanks a lot elmo!! this one is "Der Hammer" as we say here in Germany. That must have been late in the night (4:00) Who would be awake to view the show, specially that there is no time table anymore, and why does she always pick these times to appear without pantyhoses?! The show she did a few days ago at 09:30 pm was also one of her best so far, yeah yeah, I think she's reading these threads about her :-))

05.03.2009, 10:37

Re: Monna please!

Tuesday is feeding night

Wednesday is lets mess with the lights night

05.03.2009, 10:28

Re: Monna please!

THX a lot elmovision as usual. My question is: why that damned lights that spoiled all the nightshow and whatever of good the girls did, specially Sugar and Bella just good training our favourite hip hop dancer ( good performance from her too). Just at after hour show there were decent lights.

If ETV has someone to fire, Shamus has to be the first in line.

Quite optimistic SMS, I think this deserves a song, "Just An Illusion" from Imagination. :)))))))

About Cleopatra, it seems she borrowed her legwarmers from her mother. :))))))

I miss Nadine, I have to admit. ;)

05.03.2009, 08:21

Re: Monna please!

not quite (. )( .)
                 ) . (
                ( Y )  but never the less an interesting angle

Monna without shoes and socks being creamily adventurous here with Kleo

[hidden link - please register]
6:19 mins 768*576 H.264 mp4 79.1 MB

@ 4.37 the most optimistic SMS I've ever read :-))

@ Koelner & Co. tranquilizers before U download !!

04.03.2009, 22:56

Re: Monna please!


if smebody can post more video for monna on 2/3/09 showing her legs and panty. thx

04.03.2009, 05:42

Re: Monna finally took her top off!

Sooner or later I should thank DB for the vids he posted - it is quite generous of you to upload something that you don't even like just because of a poor man's request ;-) As for the generousity of Elmo - it is something that I highly value :)))

03.03.2009, 22:15

Re: Monna please!

It was absolutely my happy hour! Monna finally, by request from "Mark" gave her first legs- and foot-dance-show about half an hour ago, wearing pantyhose unfortunately, but I think this is the very first time and God that was awsome!! I love this girl!

02.03.2009, 17:01

Re: Monna please!

Yes I also tend to think she read this thread which I opened 8-) I had a good time today watching her with bare legs and feet, bad luck no close ups cause it was an early show and the cameramen were still sleeping....

02.03.2009, 12:42

Re: Monna please!

Maybe she has read here, but it seems she's now on the right way, nice performance, quite more erotic than her frantic (and sweaty) dance. And, I repeat, nice legs. THX a lot Shirtfull.

02.03.2009, 12:05

Re: Monna finally took her top off!

thanks for the quote on my message. The strategy of the show is clear, they leave a girl in the studio for hours and hours, and people at home is waiting for something but this something will never come! So day after day you remain watching a TV show where nothing changes....

I've decided long time ago never to watch ETV, I stay on this site because sometimes someone offers some video. But since september 2008 I've never seen ETV anymore.... and after six months there is still someone watching Gia!

02.03.2009, 11:18

Re: Monna please!

One for the archives, a vid of Monna removing her bra from under her slip, early 020309

2:34Mins 21Mb Mp4

[hidden link - please register]

02.03.2009, 09:46

Re: Monna please!

Here she is!! she is on air showing her bare legs! I think am gonna stay home until she is done! Why does she do that only on the early morning shows?????

28.02.2009, 14:20

Re: Monna finally took her top off!

I missed just that brief peek. :)))))))

Good job elmovision, I liked also Supertramp's "Breakfast In America" from the same title album, even though you all well know at ETV another Supertramp album is mainly played. :)))))))))

[hidden link - please register]

28.02.2009, 13:13

Re: Monna finally took her top off!

a bit short, but thanks a lot elmo!

28.02.2009, 12:54

Re: Monna finally took her nuns shoes off!

@ koelner
a few bits of Monna from the 1st half hour yesterday

[hidden link - please register]
1:36 mins 768*576 H.264 mp4 20 MB

outside was correct no nuns shoes in fact in these miniclips no shoes and no tights which means yes you guessed

f**t and a brief p****y peek