Lesbian actions on ETV

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Author Posts

10.08.2011, 14:56

Lesbian actions on ETV

I thought it'd be a good idea to put all the vids with kisses, tongue actions and even more in one single thread. What do you think?

10.08.2011, 15:17

Re: Lesbian actions on ETV

Shur Thugal wrote:I thought it'd be a good idea to put all the vids with kisses, tongue actions and even more in one single thread. What do you think?

I think it's always a good idea to use [hidden link - please register] especially about a topic which is in general history at etv.

[hidden link - please register] is e.g. the result for "lesbian" and you can see that there are several existing threads.

Also are such scenes nearly never or just seldom shown at etv and if you will probably find these scenes in a thread like the [hidden link - please register] or the [hidden link - please register].
And if you like older scenes you should try threads like the [hidden link - please register], the [hidden link - please register], a [hidden link - please register] or smaller like [hidden link - please register] or [hidden link - please register].

I think we got enough threads for this topic. Smile
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