@DB: silvester 2006 video

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18.10.2007, 11:51

@DB: silvester 2006 video

DB, our friend Brokingbull told me to ask you if you still somewhere have his video from 31.12.2006. It has been deleted at rapidshare, and BB can't find it without a substantial search effort. If you can locate it, I would be thankful for a new upload. Thanks and greetings, Kasenit.

18.10.2007, 23:42

Re: @DB: silvester 2006 video

Thanks a lot, DB. That was fast service!. Sorry if I don't quite understand your question. If I download a video, it's either because I like the featured girl(s), or sometimes because of other reasons (bad scenes, good scenes, funny scenes, oops scenes etc.) If I then see what I expected - sometimes yes, sometimes no.
Greetings, Kasenit

18.10.2007, 12:48

Re: @DB: silvester 2006 video

Here you are.

[hidden link - please register]

But I warn you it's just girls greeting one another,drinking bubbly and a few fireworks.

And with many ETV vids, did you really see what you think ?

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