Carmen - Videos & Caps

4.16 (25 rating(s))

(4.16 / 5, 25 ratings)

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07.03.2010, 03:49

Re: Carmen - Videos & Caps

Never I have seen Carmen Like this.

Stupendous performance. Thanks Thanks

Wonderful in my life

19.02.2010, 11:51

Re: Carmen - Videos & Caps

< - - - - - elmo joins the 2K club with a Carmen clip Thumb up Thumb up Smile

Carmen rather subdued last night, possibly overwhelmed by the cinematic demands. NOT - just chillin' Carmen you deserve a break, others sit and get paid for it.
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cross reference to the foot department
Amy creamed soles

17.02.2010, 18:51

Re: Carmen - Videos & Caps

Merci beaucoup magnifique Carmen! The very very very best woman in Eurotic tv! In love

17.02.2010, 14:47

Re: Carmen - Videos & Caps

Carmen last night - manifique
[hidden link - please register]
3 clips combined to fit the new soundtrack 63 MB 4.47 min

merci beaucoup Jonas

17.02.2010, 13:30

Re: Carmen - Videos & Caps

Someone have video from carmen pussy show yestaday night

08.02.2010, 01:28

Re: Carmen - Videos & Caps

A closer look at Carmen's Y fronts
[hidden link - please register]
Carmen in tights and hot pole strip for Jonas
[hidden link - please register]

23.01.2010, 23:01

Re: Carmen - Videos & Caps

I sent Carmen a message in french language before that strip. But without a strip request!
After her answer I called her, and Carmen told me that she would strip now. It was a positive surprise for me! I suppose the director (Eliza) couldn`t read my french message and thought that I did request a strip. Thanks Eliza for that misunderstanding and for the good camera!

23.01.2010, 14:12

Re: Carmen - Videos & Caps

Carmen stripping on Jonas request
[hidden link - please register]
02:51 46MB H264 MP4
edited scenes + sound

22.01.2010, 23:07

Re: Carmen - Videos & Caps

she is on air now and damn hot! I'm sure she gonna do sth really exciting!

20.01.2010, 01:07

Re: Carmen - Videos & Caps

Yasmine1 wrote:I think in Jonas words "She told me before, that she could not take her slip totally down" hides the story of ETV !! Before the show starts each girl knows exactly what she is allowed to show and if a girl is not following the rule she is simply ignored !! I am sure that in some cases they cover it with the excuse of the known issue girls have a certain time of the month (obviously some of the time this is correct but knowing some members here I am sure they are counting ...)

Ah, you mean my red nose day.Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinTongueTongueTongue

20.01.2010, 00:51

Re: Carmen - Videos & Caps

A not so f*cked up pole strip from Carmen, good camerwork, few interruptions.

[hidden link - please register] [hidden link - please register] [hidden link - please register] [hidden link - please register] [hidden link - please register]

[hidden link - please register]
(768x576 MP4, 4:50 mins, 70 MB)

19.01.2010, 21:58

Re: Carmen - Videos & Caps

It has nothing to do with "the story of ETV" or "what a girl is allowed to do"! It has to do with the fact that women are no robots or sex machines!

19.01.2010, 21:10

Re: Carmen - Videos & Caps

I think in Jonas words "She told me before, that she could not take her slip totally down" hides the story of ETV !! Before the show starts each girl knows exactly what she is allowed to show and if a girl is not following the rule she is simply ignored !! I am sure that in some cases they cover it with the excuse of the known issue girls have a certain time of the month (obviously some of the time this is correct but knowing some members here I am sure they are counting ...)

19.01.2010, 20:50

Re: Carmen - Videos & Caps

jonas wrote:I don`t understand what you meant with "fucked up"???

Only the electronic video effects (picture-in-picture, freezing-the-picture, slow motion) were not necessary and terrible!Thumb downAngry
= fucked up

19.01.2010, 18:08

Re: Carmen - Videos & Caps

I don`t understand what you meant with "fucked up"??? It was the show I wished (a strip with pussyshow at the end - not ONLY pussyshow with covered tits like 2 hours before!) She told me before, that she could not take her slip totally down - let`s see the night show today! During the strip I called Carmen, she fulfilled my wish like usual. Her performance was good, the camera work was o.k. like in the whole night show (good female director, not Vicky, Julia or Sandra, I don`t know her name!)TongueIn loveThumb up
Only the electronic video effects (picture-in-picture, freezing-the-picture, slow motion) were not necessary and terrible!Thumb downAngry