Bella - Videos & Caps

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24.10.2008, 15:09

Re: Sexy Bella 24.10.08

Ciao Mr.Elmo, again thanks for the supervid from a very beautiful girl.

24.10.2008, 14:50

Re: Sexy Bella 24.10.08

THX a lot elmovision.

Here's the red coral lace, sometimes at her neck, sometimes at her wrist, sometimes at her ankle.

24.10.2008, 10:13

Sexy Bella 24.10.08

from this morning on ETV1 Sexy Bella wearing mini skirt and feathered mask, includes a few balloons from last night

[hidden link - please register]
9:18 min 768*576 H.264 mp4 116.35 MB

07.10.2008, 19:04

Re: Bella This morning on ETV2 ** SEXY **

Thanks a lot

I download immediatly

07.10.2008, 18:29

Re: Bella This morning on ETV2 ** SEXY **

i saw just 15 minutes etv2 today and i was surprised that Bella show "so much" of her body :) Go go Bella

07.10.2008, 13:52

Re: Bella This morning on ETV2 ** SEXY **

Mr Elmo again thanks for your vids. You doing a great pleasure for us.

07.10.2008, 10:46

Re: Bella This morning on ETV2 ** SEXY **

two short scenes from this morning before the commercial break. Bella solo on ETV2 sexy she is, also very careful

[hidden link - please register]
5:23 min 768*576 H.264 mp4 68.4 MB

and one after the break

[hidden link - please register]
3:10 min 768*576 H.264 mp4 40 MB

bonus - change of clothes and readjustment before moving over to ETV1

[hidden link - please register]
31 secs 768*576 H.264 mp4 6.5 MB

07.10.2008, 08:03

Bella This morning on ETV2 ** SEXY **

Dear all

Please post videos of Bella this morning (07/10/2008) on ETV 2

Thanks a lot

15.09.2008, 08:23

Re: Bella....oops she did it again!

I think you can forget it she is a soft model and will stay a soft model. Why don't they make an extra show for the softmodels. Title : "Call me I'm pretty but I don't strip" so everybody knows what will not happen and a lot of guys can save their money and time and nobody get's fooled.

15.09.2008, 03:17

Bella....oops she did it again!

Some "highlights" of Bella from yesterday : 14/09/2008

this time the cam was closer when Bella had to arrange her breasts

[hidden link - please register]

92mb 8:36min mp4

ps: I wish that we can see more in the next time.

09.09.2008, 00:06

Re: 07/09/2009: Bella is getting warmer

It does play with vlc player, thanks for that tip, but I am confused why quicktime won't play it as it does play other mp4 files? I already have divx codec but if its an mp4 file than how is it divx? Sorry for my ignorance!

08.09.2008, 22:50

Re: 07/09/2009: Bella is getting warmer


if you can't play the video with wm player, you can download

the codecs that you need here:

[hidden link - please register]

another possibility is, that you download the vlc player.

this player plays nearly all codecs.

[hidden link - please register]

maybe one of this two solutions will help you to find, what is the best for you.

08.09.2008, 22:14

Re: 07/09/2009: Bella is getting warmer

Thanks but video doesn't seem to play in quicktime on windows? What is the codec?

08.09.2008, 21:19

07/09/2009: Bella is getting warmer

Beauty Bella seems to be forgotten. In the afternoon show yeasterday, standing behind Vicky and Chary

she is arrenging her... ..and nobody noticed it.

[hidden link - please register]

12:24 min 103 mb mp4

11.08.2008, 21:44

Re: Bella video please?

More from Bella

her best scenes  from the nightshow 03/04.08. 2008

[hidden link - please register]

[hidden link - please register]

in this videos is no nudity, if you want to see naked flesh please don't download