A blast from the past - part 2: oil drums and scaffolding

4.43 (7 rating(s))

(4.43 / 5, 7 ratings)

Author Posts

30.12.2008, 15:14

Re: A blast from the past - part 2: oil drums and scaffolding

Santa elmo rides again. Thanks a lot.

30.12.2008, 14:49

Re: A blast from the past - part 2: oil drums and scaffolding

An excellent idea, elmo, to give viewers some visual material to show what is usually referred to as the good old times !

It also provides some illustration for the discussion in this laudable Forum. Thank you !

30.12.2008, 14:23

Re: A blast from the past - part 2: oil drums and scaffolding

continuing with Malena and Tyra

[hidden link - please register]
6:42 mins 768*576 H.264 mp4 82.7 MB

also features Priscilla, Lin and Tia

Penelope just started at ETV, an erotic pole dance

[hidden link - please register]
2:37 mins 768*576 H.264 mp4 33 MB

also features Kaleya and Alice

thanks to all for your encouragement, I will continue with what I have from this period at ETV

30.12.2008, 13:50

Re: A blast from the past - part 2: oil drums and scaffolding

thank you excellent video

30.12.2008, 12:01

Re: A blast from the past - part 2: oil drums and scaffolding


Very Happy new year

Great clip timely during drought

30.12.2008, 11:31

Re: A blast from the past - part 2: oil drums and scaffolding

Elmo thanks a lot for the vids and I wish you a Happy New Year.

30.12.2008, 11:09

Re: A blast from the past - part 2: oil drums and scaffolding

Sometimes I think that people who complain about now-missing-good-old-times are quite pathetic, as old times will never come back again.
But when I see videos like those, I tend to become pathetic as well.