The latest arrivals

3.32 (22 rating(s))

(3.32 / 5, 22 ratings)

Author Posts

16.06.2010, 14:17

Re: The latest arrivals

not sure about further shows for the new models

but for sure is Ronny no soft model Smile

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16.06.2010, 12:45

Re: The latest arrivals

2 new blondes in the studio since ..... no idea.

The model in the first page is Jolanda and the model in the yellow dress is Ronny.
There are no names shown on the etv side so I will use these till beller or outside confirm or choose another name.

Both models are speaking english.

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16.06.2010, 08:23

Re: The latest arrivals

the Devil inside
..comes back on saturday afternoon.

16.06.2010, 00:49

Re: The latest arrivals

Yasmina off schedule already - like Liza a week ago... something is going wrong in etv-land Angry

15.06.2010, 20:08

Re: The latest arrivals

She's really the Devil in Person.

she has al lot of Potential. Let's hope that we will see her in the nightshow soon.

15.06.2010, 16:57

Re: The latest arrivals

ooooooooooh she is very beautiful.. waiting for her mid night shows...Thumb upThumb up

14.06.2010, 23:10

Re: The latest arrivals

Hmm i must confess she looks nice ...she looks a bit like the actrice Gina Gershon

Kind Regards

14.06.2010, 13:14

Re: The latest arrivals

[hidden link - please register]
Here's the new Devil, of course ETV can't spell.

I hope they will change soon her nickname, there's one and only Little-She-Devil (Diavoletta in italian) and it's Inez.

14.06.2010, 13:13

Re: The latest arrivals

According to the ETV website, her name is Devill!

12.06.2010, 11:26

Re: The latest arrivals

ThomasLoeber wrote:Yasmina looks very pretty and gorgeous

I AGREE ! Thumb up

i don't think she could be a night model, but she is nice.

12.06.2010, 10:44

Re: The latest arrivals

Yasmina looks very pretty and gorgeous

11.06.2010, 18:14

Re: The latest arrivals

outside wrote:Gone away already?
How long did Raya last?

she is on the schedule for next week tuesday and friday

11.06.2010, 14:38

Re: The latest arrivals

outside wrote:Gone away already?
How long did Raya last?

I think that she stayed 10 minutesBig Grin
Yasmina is still there ... hidden !

11.06.2010, 14:34

Re: The latest arrivals

Gone away already?
How long did Raya last?

11.06.2010, 14:03

Re: The latest arrivals

Quite shy, of course let's strart with reminding game.
Ruslana's hair and Lin (not the current Lin, but lin the Twin) eyes.
With a bit of Ashley 2 (the redhead).