The latest arrivals

3.32 (22 rating(s))

(3.32 / 5, 22 ratings)

Author Posts

24.07.2011, 22:34

Re: The latest arrivals

Germane wrote:
steinbeiser wrote:
Germane wrote:Well, I have watched the interview from Chelsea today. That was really nice, I am surprised, she has potentialSmile. Lena looks for the first moment very interesting. Let's see...

But the new one Amira...I think she is too old for ETV. My opinion...

Sad to old? Sad

What about aria, athina, lace or tia?
She is not older, She looks not older!

I agree with you. All out please Smile

nobody is old if is young insideBlush

24.07.2011, 22:25

Re: The latest arrivals

steinbeiser wrote:
Germane wrote:Well, I have watched the interview from Chelsea today. That was really nice, I am surprised, she has potentialSmile. Lena looks for the first moment very interesting. Let's see...

But the new one Amira...I think she is too old for ETV. My opinion...

Sad to old? Sad

What about aria, athina, lace or tia?
She is not older, She looks not older!

I agree with you. All out please Smile

24.07.2011, 21:46

Re: The latest arrivals

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
Yasmine1 wrote:
Panda wrote:I've just heared mod saying a new name.
Dark haired.

P.S. Amartia is a greek word for sin.

I'll stick to Jane the "pro"

according to the Mods a friend of Sabrina.
Maybe the reason Sabrina's mood seem's to improve, her last show's were not too bad
so is Sabrina a "pro", too?
What a stupid discussion. None of the hot models is a real "girl next" door, there are only better and worse actors ;)
[edit:] and maybe also roles defined by the ETV management

24.07.2011, 21:33

Re: The latest arrivals

Yasmine1 wrote:
Panda wrote:I've just heared mod saying a new name.
Dark haired.

P.S. Amartia is a greek word for sin.

I'll stick to Jane the "pro"

according to the Mods a friend of Sabrina.
so is Sabrina a "pro", too?

btw: Joanna said Amartia speaks german, too.

24.07.2011, 18:44

Re: The latest arrivals

Lots of new models beginning with an "A". Do they want to counterbalance the loss of Amy, Alexis and Angie??

24.07.2011, 18:09

Re: The latest arrivals

Panda wrote:I've just heared mod saying a new name.
Dark haired.

P.S. Amartia is a greek word for sin.

She said in fact she speaks Greek too.

24.07.2011, 18:08

Re: The latest arrivals

Panda wrote:I've just heared mod saying a new name.
Dark haired.

P.S. Amartia is a greek word for sin.

I'll stick to Jane the "pro"

24.07.2011, 17:57

Re: The latest arrivals

I've just heared mod saying a new name.
Dark haired.

P.S. Amartia is a greek word for sin.

24.07.2011, 17:57

Re: The latest arrivals

outside wrote:New girl in studio, she is a friend of Sabrina (who is in studio just to introduce her). Her name is Ammanita (like the mushroom) or Martina (it depends on what Aria is smoking right now).
Pic coming soon.

[hidden link - please register]

24.07.2011, 17:55

Re: The latest arrivals

New girl in studio, she is a friend of Sabrina (who is in studio just to introduce her). Her name is Ammanita (like the mushroom) or Martina (it depends on what Aria is smoking right now).
Pic coming soon.
[hidden link - please register]
Amartìa, Sabrina said.

19.07.2011, 22:35

Re: The latest arrivals

Well, I have watched the interview from Chelsea today. That was really nice, I am surprised, she has potentialSmile. Lena looks for the first moment very interesting. Let's see...

But the new one Amira...I think she is too old for ETV. My opinion...

19.07.2011, 20:43

Re: The latest arrivals

hubsonek wrote:
logic wrote:
Tarl_Cabot wrote:tonight the lastest Pro: Jane

Without headphone! So only a special guest for some hot show or really a new model? We will see...
scheduled for friday night so let us hope she's new model Thumb up

Friday and Saturday

19.07.2011, 20:39

Re: The latest arrivals

logic wrote:
Tarl_Cabot wrote:tonight the lastest Pro: Jane

Without headphone! So only a special guest for some hot show or really a new model? We will see...
scheduled for friday night so let us hope she's new model Thumb up

19.07.2011, 20:25

Re: The latest arrivals

Germane wrote:Oh oh oh....the new ones in my opinion really no interesting or nice girls (or grannies?)Angry No replacement for Amy or Scarlet, or Giselle or Jessica.......AngryAngryAngryThumb down

not easy for Hans to find girls suitable to the ETV concept ( nice looking; undressing , languages skill, able to speak with lot of dif. characters on the head phone )

Would be nice to see a really viewers shows similar to the concept like american idol hype [edit: calling/sms for a model to stay in the progress]

Sure a strange wish isn´t it?

19.07.2011, 17:50

Re: The latest arrivals

she's so beautiful I hope remaining a long time