Models Of The Year 2014

1.8 (5 rating(s))

(1.8 / 5, 5 ratings)

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21.12.2014, 14:11

Re: Models Of The Year 2014

I agree it should be one man= one vote but I think in Molvania they are quite new to democracy Smile

21.12.2014, 12:25

Re: Models Of The Year 2014

passion wrote:At this time, the ranking shows that viewers appreciate the new faces.In love
In my opinion, if this will be the final standings ETV should take this into account
for the show scheduling.

Good sunday to everyone.SmileThumb up
I agree they should give more space to the new faces in the night shows,
but considering last year's voting I wouldn't interpret any meaning in the intermediate results, they didn't have much in common with the final results.


21.12.2014, 11:39

Re: Models Of The Year 2014

Considering that the "Model of the Year" will win a trip to a destination of her choice, be careful to vote : she may not come back again Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

21.12.2014, 11:24

Re: Models Of The Year 2014

bellerophon wrote:Unfortunately, it's nothing much to do with which models have the most fans. As has been said before and as Plato pointed out last per plasma last night, this voting system (the first of the 2 last year) is all about who has the richest fan(s) prepared to spend a huge amount of money - which is why Sugar won last year. After that result which was clearly a travesty (no disrespect to Sugar), they had the gumption/cheek/financial acumen to redo the voting with one vote per person. At least that had a better chance of crowning the models with the widest, not the richest, fanbase. Maybe the second, fairer, voting system is still to come once etv have made a huge amount of money producing what will probably be a false result.

Having said that, good on Gabrielle, Lauren, Monique and co for being in the list. Gabrielle, bless her, is certainly one of the most daring and least censored models.

No explanation necessary. Even believe I was the first to raise this here

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[hidden link - please register]

21.12.2014, 11:18

Re: Models Of The Year 2014

That ranking, was compiled in alphabetical order ... or am I wrong? Smile

It is strange to see Gabrielle in the number 1 position. Thumb up

21.12.2014, 10:11

Re: Models Of The Year 2014

At this time, the ranking shows that viewers appreciate the new faces.In love
In my opinion, if this will be the final standings ETV should take this into account
for the show scheduling.

Good sunday to everyone.SmileThumb up

21.12.2014, 09:37

Re: Models Of The Year 2014

Slowfox wrote:The ranking can also be found in the news section

1 Gabrielle 5 Monique 9 Sellena
2 Jasmine 6 Nancy 10 Sugar
3 Keira 7 Roshana
4 Lauren 8 Saiqa

Anyway, it looks strange to me. I would have never expected Gabrielle to be on top. From as little as I can figure from the shows I thought Jasmine, Sellena and/or Lauren to be higher up. Surprisingly Nancy and Roshana, the last years winners are ranked pretty low. And where is Kristina ?

Rank order statistics is not intended! Also do not like me, but it's a decision voting viewers.Confused

21.12.2014, 09:09

Re: Models Of The Year 2014

The ranking can also be found in the news section

1 Gabrielle 5 Monique 9 Sellena
2 Jasmine 6 Nancy 10 Sugar
3 Keira 7 Roshana
4 Lauren 8 Saiqa

Anyway, it looks strange to me. I would have never expected Gabrielle to be on top. From as little as I can figure from the shows I thought Jasmine, Sellena and/or Lauren to be higher up. Surprisingly Nancy and Roshana, the last years winners are ranked pretty low. And where is Kristina ?

21.12.2014, 09:06

Re: Models Of The Year 2014

brudgon wrote:[hidden image - please register]

It's unfair that the newly arrived Gabrielle got more votes than Jasmine and Roshana.
I call this as a: BLIND DATE.Envy

21.12.2014, 08:49

Re: Models Of The Year 2014

brudgon wrote:[hidden image - please register]

That blew new winds? Joseph has not Dream told last word.Big Grin

21.12.2014, 08:31

Re: Models Of The Year 2014

[hidden image - please register]

12.12.2014, 20:02

Re: Models Of The Year 2014

orhan3131 wrote:my vote for JASMINE... sweet girl...
Well, actually this is not a voting thread, only for introduction and discussion of the ETV voting.
You'll have to vote at ETV, not here.


09.12.2014, 22:42

Re: Models Of The Year 2014

One viewer = One vote
The only way of truth and fairness.

If they can make this sure I would give my vote but I fear that's to complicate for them now.
Well on the other hand they were launching two competitions at the same time last year what leaded up to this result:

Sugar: Model who received the most votes in general.
Nancy: Model who received the most votes from different viewers and everyone of them had had one vote only.

Why not to walk the same path this year ?


07.12.2014, 21:39

Re: Models Of The Year 2014

Slowfox wrote:Once they go for a fair voting, i.e. one viewer = one vote for one girl, I will certainly participate.

Me too, but I'd assume it would be 20 credits for your single vote then. Big GrinTongue


07.12.2014, 15:41

Re: Models Of The Year 2014

bellerophon wrote:The non-listed models who appeared at least reasonably regularly - at least as often as either Molly or Electra - in 2014 (excluding the one or two day only try-outs)

Allegra, April, Danielle, Foxy, Leila, Lina, Lorena, Megan, Melanie, Nicole, Riya.

And you can guess what they (nearly) all have in common Smile

Nope Confused ... Enlighten me Smile