Mimi - Discussion & Chat

3.67 (3 rating(s))

(3.67 / 5, 3 ratings)

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21.04.2013, 12:47

Re: Mimi - Discussion & Chat

Just add "fake".
Blacklist is getting bigger.

20.04.2013, 23:47

Re: Mimi - Discussion & Chat

yusef89 wrote:Well but u have to admit that she looks gorgeous.Senstional body.I ve never seen an etv model that has perfect formed breasts like her Thumb up:cool:Lets hope that she gets relaxed in fta shows but with this body i think the bosses will avoid her taking part in nightshows to be the star in the web(unfortunately)Cry
This girl will become a big star on etv - unless the staff destroys her good mood and willingness. She needs some more time to improve her skills (up to now she's not a great mover) but the whole package is very sound.
An outstanding body with (nearly) perfect tits, great ass and gorgeous legs .... and her 'Mona Lisa' smile.
Hope they will not sqeeze her out like a lemon by scheduling her for too many web shows (as it seems to be, looking at the web show schedule) and that she will stay tattooless
by the way: for perfect natural breasts take a look at the video section, search for Alexa in 2006 (just my humble opinion) Smile

20.04.2013, 23:18

Re: Mimi - Discussion & Chat

asoert wrote:
maesefakir wrote:I'm watching the show and simply: S P E C T A C U L A R.

did mimi showed her boobs or did a full strip??

she did a full strip Tongue

20.04.2013, 23:07

Re: Mimi - Discussion & Chat

Well but u have to admit that she looks gorgeous.Senstional body.I ve never seen an etv model that has perfect formed breasts like her Thumb up:cool:Lets hope that she gets relaxed in fta shows but with this body i think the bosses will avoid her taking part in nightshows to be the star in the web(unfortunately)Cry

20.04.2013, 22:43

Re: Mimi - Discussion & Chat

It will be interesting to see how she will act in fta shows after this 'premium experience' - a bit more loose because she gained self-confidence - or even more uptight than before because the staff told her to show nothing on fta and everything on the web - money makes the world go round Confused

20.04.2013, 21:38

Re: Mimi - Discussion & Chat

The five models nude. Have been kissed on the lips. They have played more than usual. Mimi naked kissing on the lips with Angelina. A great show.

20.04.2013, 21:21

Re: Mimi - Discussion & Chat

maesefakir wrote:I'm watching the show and simply: S P E C T A C U L A R.

did mimi showed her boobs or did a full strip??

20.04.2013, 21:07

Re: Mimi - Discussion & Chat

I'm watching the show and simply: S P E C T A C U L A R.

20.04.2013, 19:25

Re: Mimi - Discussion & Chat

bellerophon wrote:Best to wait till it appears on video - by then you'll know if it was good or not. And it will cost less than 6 credits.
will be like watching a recorded football match knowing the result - the thrill is missing Confused

20.04.2013, 19:03

Re: Mimi - Discussion & Chat

YARACASAN wrote:hi friends.do you think that she will do a hot show tonight in the premier hours?does it worth to buy some credits?SmileSmile
Let me put it this way: if you don't watch people will tell you that she was great - if you do watch you may be disappointed afterwards - because you expected more ...
As (nearly) always the first 30 minutes will be pretty boring - and the 90 remaining minutes could be hot - if Tara and Angelina involve Mimi in some action - it's all a matter of atmosphere and the girls mood ... as you may know by now this is not a professional staff and these are not professional models - they have no script and no plan - it happens ... or not. Therefore it's not a safe investment of 6 credits - but it's spring and we need some sweet promises ...Blush

20.04.2013, 08:35

Re: Mimi - Discussion & Chat

hi friends.do you think that she will do a hot show tonight in the premier hours?does it worth to buy some credits?SmileSmile

19.04.2013, 19:52

Re: Mimi - Discussion & Chat

this will be a Mimi weekend: premium on saturday, fta evening show on sunday and exclusive with Kiara afterwards - maybe on monday we will know which way she will go in future - the 'Brona way' or the 'Alice way' ... or away Confused - anyway: etv counts on her and scheduled her for several web shows next week - hopefully they don't push her too hard and don't blame her in public for bad shows - like they did with some others.
Time will tell if Mimi becomes the new cash cow for etv - and if the viewers will follow her to the web. I'll give her a try Smile

18.04.2013, 00:05

Re: Mimi - Discussion & Chat

I appreciate a lot her tender smile

...also the Sheikh of Onan appreciates a lot her tender smile, but perhaps appreciates more her big breast.

17.04.2013, 23:56

Re: Mimi - Discussion & Chat

Still a little of dayshow and Mimi, according to me, is ready for the great jump in a night show. She is becoming always more brilliant and expansive, especially when the presence of other great models like Angelina allows her to show her best qualities. I appreciate a lot her tender smile and the kind way that she has to answer to the viewers. Regards.

14.04.2013, 21:19

Re: Mimi - Discussion & Chat

checco79 wrote:Good morning,
has anyone seen the show yesterday Etvshow of the beautiful and prosperous Mimi? How was it?

Thank you and regards,
            Checco79SmileBig GrinCoolTongueBlush
you didn't miss too much - first she was waiting for a special viewer to call - then she was talking to him
... and she didn't move too much ... and there was no reason to get excited - not even a bit Confused
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