Brianna II - Discussion & Chat

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12.09.2011, 17:03

Re: Brianna II - Discussion & Chat

Oo that`s sad news about her... Sad
I hope she`ll return one day or (better) she`ll come back soon!!! Thumb up

12.09.2011, 16:53

Re: Brianna II - Discussion & Chat

I see that Brianna removed from the list of models! Sad
But I still have hope that she will return soon (I expect the news about her situation)
and then decide what about my further adventure of ETV Confused

11.09.2011, 20:18

Re: Brianna II - Discussion & Chat

Shame no Brianna today, But i can remember the last time i saw her in a show i thought from seeing her body language she was not enjoying this anymore, so perhaps she has had enough and left, although i hope she hasn't.

11.09.2011, 17:22

Re: Brianna II - Discussion & Chat

Unfortunately once again the lack of it in the show! Sad
In the next week, until what is not planned.
From what I know she has important things on the outside.
I hope all is well (above all with health), and soon we will see this beautiful girl on the screen! Smile

05.09.2011, 12:47

Re: Brianna II - Discussion & Chat

... me too. Unfortunatelly we`ve to wait one week... Sad

04.09.2011, 16:14

Re: Brianna II - Discussion & Chat

I was so happy after returning from my holiday to show Brianna. And its absence! Sad
In the next week as planned just for show on Sunday. Sad

04.09.2011, 09:36

Re: Brianna II - Discussion & Chat

... this afternoon it`s again Brianna time... Thumb upSmile

27.08.2011, 09:31

Re: Brianna II - Discussion & Chat

She`s scheduled for todays afternoon show and the night show too! Together with Angelina... Tongue Thumb up
I hope they won`t change the timetable again!!!

... and today the same combination again!!! Thumb upTongue

19.08.2011, 14:17

Re: Brianna II - Discussion & Chat

... she`s scheduled this afternoon... will be very nice to see her again!! Smile Thumb up

ooo sad she`s removed now!! Thumb down

14.08.2011, 10:08

Re: Brianna II - Discussion & Chat

iveco wrote:... this afternoon again with Angelina...!!! Thumb up Thumb up Smile
i hope the timetable won`t change...

How Tarl wrote below does not remember the scenes Brianna & Angelina. Me too. As we have seen last night. They were far apart.
However, it should be happy with her return. Smile Beautiful yesterday evening show. And her beautiful red dress. Thumb up

fcn2011 wrote:I don´t think so. She even wears her nylons in the nightshow yesterday. Her smile is not enough to make me call.....Big GrinSmile

And me so Smile

14.08.2011, 09:59

Re: Brianna II - Discussion & Chat

I don´t think so. She even wears her nylons in the nightshow yesterday. Her smile is not enough to make me call.....Big GrinSmile

14.08.2011, 09:55

Re: Brianna II - Discussion & Chat

... this afternoon again with Angelina...!!! Thumb up Thumb up Smile
i hope the timetable won`t change...

13.08.2011, 13:01

Re: Brianna II - Discussion & Chat

fman1 wrote:
iveco wrote:... together with Angelina... Thumb up Smile Cool

She will show her feet ...

cannot remember such a scene
but know someone who will be more than happy. Confused

13.08.2011, 12:52

Re: Brianna II - Discussion & Chat

fman1 wrote:
iveco wrote:... together with Angelina... Thumb up Smile Cool

She will show her feet ...

What!!!! ... You mean take her shoes off? ... In the daytime? ... How rude ... Tongue .

13.08.2011, 12:28

Re: Brianna II - Discussion & Chat

iveco wrote:... together with Angelina... Thumb up Smile Cool

She will show her feet ...