TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 rating(s))

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10.04.2011, 17:45

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

JBGOOD wrote:I simply think they do not care anymore of givig the scheduling. Maybe the new responsible (the schedule Boss?) is much more engaged in makiing the models happy (or better unhappy) than passing the information to the website.

If the "schedule-maker" is the person I think, I can only say that "he" has a lot of work these days and had maybe not yet the time to fill out the schedule at their website. So I'm sure no panic! Smile

I can remember at times where we had NO schedule for a long time....

10.04.2011, 12:12

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I simply think they do not care anymore of givig the scheduling. Maybe the new responsible (the schedule Boss?) is much more engaged in makiing the models happy (or better unhappy) than passing the information to the website.

10.04.2011, 11:10

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

'Saint Joan of ETV' or 'The Maid of ETV-City' saving the channel ;)

10.04.2011, 10:25

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

all models but Ju left the channel? Cry

10.04.2011, 00:31

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

....and I guess Hans the driverThumb down

09.04.2011, 22:36

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

steinbeiser wrote:Smile Scarlet is here tonight,the best news of the Day! Blush

Not really for me.

09.04.2011, 21:57

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I guess it was not yet. In order for two days before the start of the week the schedule was almost empty.
This is very puzzling. Maybe going a long discussion the cast of each show

09.04.2011, 21:39

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Zia just said that Scarlet will be in the nightshow. Thumb up

09.04.2011, 13:16

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Seems to have been a false alarm. All are back

09.04.2011, 13:12

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

JuFan wrote:
kyke50 wrote:Very strange.
Have disappeared from the list all the new girls.
Anyone know why?

In the list of "Former Models" there are many gaps as well. Confused

Maybe It´s only half as bad how It look´s and the Models which be missing get only a new picture or some other Informations are be changed.

09.04.2011, 13:02

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

kyke50 wrote:Very strange.
Have disappeared from the list all the new girls.
Anyone know why?

In the list of "Former Models" there are many gaps as well. Confused


It's all correct again. Thumb up

09.04.2011, 12:52

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Very strange.
Have disappeared from the list all the new girls.
Anyone know why?

06.04.2011, 22:09

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
zen_master wrote:cindy on the thursday nightshow?...,we have to take this chance as a great opportunity and hope to see something new.

I guess we will see the same as in her last night show Smile
Tarl... im afraid yes Sad

06.04.2011, 21:36

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

zen_master wrote:cindy on the thursday nightshow?...,we have to take this chance as a great opportunity and hope to see something new.

I guess we will see the same as in her last night show Smile

06.04.2011, 21:25

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

cindy on the thursday nightshow?
it`s a photo session show, therefore, instead of taking some photo,i don`t think that she is going to do something special, like tkaing off her clothes or even showing a little of her perfect body
i`m not a big fan of her, but due to the lack of creativity and new models in the nightshows,we have to take this chance as a great opportunity and hope to see something new.