TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 rating(s))

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22.06.2011, 20:48

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

jost54 wrote:Thumb upBig Grin I count on one of the Queen.....

Oh sir, you are my really dear friend right now ! Thumb up

And the thing with Lady Li... , Lil ..., Lic...what was her name ? I have forgotten Cool I think it´s better ! Big Grin

22.06.2011, 20:34

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

@ Watcher, HvB, universal, rialpka and hanshel
Thank you for your helping hand, but it`s no comfort to me.Thumb upBig Grin I count on one of the Queens........or perhaps Lady Lilian.Tongue

22.06.2011, 19:59

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

jost54 wrote:Any information who will replace Lace tonight?????Angry My hope never dies.Smile

If she does like last time: Stay till 23:00cet distributes the bath-caps and fast disappears - it´s no problem.
Otherwise .... no,,....nooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take it out of my head nnnnooooooooo !!!!!!! Cool

22.06.2011, 19:33

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

universal wrote:[quote='jost54']/quote]

Well, there is already 3 K (Kate, Kia, Kristina) scheduled for the night show, I opt so that the fourth: Karry joins them and replace Lace.Thumb upSmile

Not of Karry in the shower show, she has the other occupations this evening which do not support the waterBig Grin and in more as in each of her shows a shower is asked the individual shower becomes her speciality.

22.06.2011, 19:24

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

jost54 wrote:Any information who will replace Lace tonight?????Angry My hope never dies.Smile

Well, there is already 3 K (Kate, Kia, Kristina) scheduled for the night show, I opt so that the fourth: Karry joins them and replace Lace.Thumb upSmile

22.06.2011, 18:45

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

jost54 wrote:Any information who will replace Lace tonight?????Angry My hope never dies.Smile

well, as the relevant artworks of Joseph Beuys have been destroyed and as I am unavailable, there is no one left to replace her ...

22.06.2011, 17:53

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

jost54 wrote:Any information who will replace Lace tonight?????Angry My hope never dies.Smile

But Lace is irreplaceable ... Tongue .

22.06.2011, 17:50

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Any information who will replace Lace tonight?????Angry My hope never dies.Smile

22.06.2011, 07:34

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

it looks like Genaro finally took the hint with "enjoy some long fine sleep" Smile


the one "only on webstream" etv model Cindy will be the Model who is in the studio in the time from 7 to 15 CET Smile .....wish her a very nice day Smile

21.06.2011, 21:36

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

outside wrote:I think Julia would have to do some shows as model, so she could know what callers really want.
+ if You know what i mean (evil face) Big Grin

21.06.2011, 21:33

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I think Julia would have to do some shows as model, so she could know what callers really want.

21.06.2011, 21:14

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

HvB wrote:Maybe it wasn't very clear what they expected.
The idea was to have viewers submit show ideas/concepts (that doesn't mean single scenes or actions that can be wished via VIP anytime and will sometimes be fulfilled) and after accepting one of the ideas to work with the viewer to make it into a whole show concept. As most VIP writers didn't understand that (the information wasn't actually very good transported, so even the German mod said something different in the show) and suggested single sceenes, they try to incorporate this ideas, too. Well ... with Julia picking the idea, it was obvious that no light fluffy sexy good mood suggestion would be choosen. Nevertheless some of us suggested exactly that. Would have been a nice challange for Julia ;)

whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat????????? Big Grin

they ask the viewer for a show concept? damn... you made my day... never laught so much.

So they really expect anyone send them ideas like small scenes during a show with the right song and played scene by model during song or themed show with a longer lasting concept, maybe for the whole time? And how would they make sure the concept works like the viewer wants? How would they teach the models the scenes or maybe intergrate some choreography ideas by the models which should play the scene? Isn't it a number to big for etv?

"ironic on" how much do they pay? 1.000€ for a show? Blush "ironic off"

21.06.2011, 20:46

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Yasmine1 wrote:Okay but this is not what was promised for a good two weeks by Mashiara ....

Maybe it wasn't very clear what they expected.
The idea was to have viewers submit show ideas/concepts (that doesn't mean single scenes or actions that can be wished via VIP anytime and will sometimes be fulfilled) and after accepting one of the ideas to work with the viewer to make it into a whole show concept. As most VIP writers didn't understand that (the information wasn't actually very good transported, so even the German mod said something different in the show) and suggested single sceenes, they try to incorporate this ideas, too. Well ... with Julia picking the idea, it was obvious that no light fluffy sexy good mood suggestion would be choosen. Nevertheless some of us suggested exactly that. Would have been a nice challange for Julia ;)

21.06.2011, 20:41

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Wow...the Queen together with the little Queen and not to forget the secret Queen.Cool Tonight will be a special show highlight in history of ETV.Tongue Well, I hope so and if goes on.Blush

21.06.2011, 20:30

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Yasmine1 wrote:Okay but this is not what was promised for a good two weeks by Mashiara ....

say the truth,
we all would be more than surprised if they would have kept that promise, or? Big Grin