TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 rating(s))

(3.79 / 5, 29 ratings)

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14.08.2011, 23:38

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Any news about the schedule for next week?

I hope it isn´t another nightmare week.

Thank you for any info.

14.08.2011, 18:12

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

poseidon69 wrote:Tonight again Lilian (5 night) and Marayay (4 night)

They do it just to keep the 'complainers' happy ... Smile .

14.08.2011, 18:06

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tonight again Lilian (5 night) and Marayay (4 night)

14.08.2011, 09:28

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

good mornonig chelseaBig Grin
have a nice day and i hope to see you as soon as in a nightshowBig Grin

13.08.2011, 22:57

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Amigo1205 wrote:
brudgon wrote:there is lilian? i don't careBig Grin
there is marayah? i don't careBig Grin
there are gia "the queen" and angelina "the spider woman":PTongueTongueHeartHeartHeart

bad if you can not see the Queen and Angelina,when Marayah pushed into the foreground.

in 6 hours i can see my favourite modelsHeart
problem isn't marayah but (my opinion) etv crew.....
i'm not a business man and i can't say if marayah into foreground is a business for etv....there is ten models? then (for me) must be the same cam time for all girls so fans can enjoy

13.08.2011, 22:45

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

brudgon wrote:there is lilian? i don't careBig Grin
there is marayah? i don't careBig Grin
there are gia "the queen" and angelina "the spider woman":PTongueTongueHeartHeartHeart

bad if you can not see the Queen and Angelina,when Marayah pushed into the foreground.

13.08.2011, 22:39

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Now it´s true ! ETV - or i must say Lilian-TV presents us this week Lilian 5 times in an night show. This is really a record breaking situation and a mockery to all viewers, who like a good erotic. For me it is a new acknowledgement, that the opinions of viewers (customers) for the ETV-Manager are not important. Ok - now i must switch off my TV.

13.08.2011, 22:24

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

there is lilian? i don't careBig Grin
there is marayah? i don't careBig Grin
there are gia "the queen" and angelina "the spider woman":PTongueTongueHeartHeartHeart

13.08.2011, 22:17

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

JuFan wrote:
Yasmine1 wrote:Somehow I have the feeling we will have a surprise model tonight instead of Chelsea her name starts with a L ....

yep, she's there.

and Claudia ... and Marayah ...

13.08.2011, 22:16

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

JuFan wrote:
Yasmine1 wrote:Somehow I have the feeling we will have a surprise model tonight instead of Chelsea her name starts with a L ....

yep, she's there.

Obvious, Chelsea made the terrible mistake to undress during her first nightshow...
Now this is her punishment Angry !
And Lilian is the gift for the viewers, Marayah was not enough.
Once upon a time Friday and Saturday nights were free from her.
Now another promotion for the "Queen of the night".
I expect a new supernatural record: 8 nightshows in a week Thumb downThumb downThumb down !

Thanks God that I'm going outside. Good night.

13.08.2011, 22:07

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Yasmine1 wrote:Somehow I have the feeling we will have a surprise model tonight instead of Chelsea her name starts with a L ....

yep, she's there.

13.08.2011, 21:52

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Somehow I have the feeling we will have a surprise model tonight instead of Chelsea her name starts with a L ....

13.08.2011, 06:56

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Athina will be the Model which is in the studio in the time from 7 to 12 CET Smile.....I wish her a very nice day Smile

12.08.2011, 22:37

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

ETV schedule update:

Tomorrow evening will Jacqueline again replaced, by Chelsea. Curiously she's still scheduled for the 3 hours at night. Confused

12.08.2011, 19:17

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Well tonight is a show for all the socks and stockings fetishists directed by Janine unfortunately in ETV's stage at the moment I guess that this will be done with panties and obviously not too transparent ... lets hope that I am wrong....