TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 rating(s))

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12.09.2011, 19:16

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
Tarl_Cabot wrote:a picture on the etv homepage

according to their advertisement we'll see at least a topless Karry shower.

about the pic itself is no further comment needed. Tongue

for those who have problems to see the source code of a post:

my post below contains a photo link to the official etv website.
try this link [hidden link - please register] and you'll see the pic below and that Randa is probably using Firefox for surfing the internet. Smile

If you need you can go here [hidden link - please register] to find it without firefox's frame...

12.09.2011, 19:12

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:a picture on the etv homepage

according to their advertisement we'll see at least a topless Karry shower.

about the pic itself is no further comment needed. Tongue

for those who have problems to see the source code of a post:

my post below contains a photo link to the official etv website.
try this link [hidden link - please register] and you'll see the pic below and that Randa is probably using Firefox for surfing the internet. Smile

12.09.2011, 19:06

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

They need to be more active then usual, not spneding the whole night explaining I cant do this I cant do that. This casting could make it very erotic without total stripping, just teasing. And maybe after 2300 CET at least in swimsuits or something. But my opinion is it is at least an evening of most beautiful models since long long time. Maybe they will have some surprise for us, but only thing I dont wanna see is all models lying there all night doing nothing and explaining how they cant do anything for money being spent as is for other models. Kate for example was brilliant yesterday. More action from her is surely coming. Maybe shower with pussy like the other night?

12.09.2011, 18:44

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

May I suggest to all guys who are disappointed before the tonight show starts to do something else tonight? this is simple and healty. I do this anytime the schedule doesn't fit my taste. and I'm happy.Smile
At least try
have a nice eveningCool

12.09.2011, 17:30

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tonight, will this:-

[hidden link - please register]

superfluous Smile

12.09.2011, 16:41

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I think ETV is fooling us all. It will be a big surprise show. Every so called hot model will be fully dressed tonight. The soft models will show everything or almost everything. Wearing Brasilian micro bikini's after 11pm CET. Wish you all a good show

12.09.2011, 15:48

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Big Grin maybe it's a sublimation tactics of manager
Cool In love

12.09.2011, 14:31

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Legxpert wrote:
klemi wrote:So I am just checking which girls will be in Karrys show...Maybe one of the most beautiful castings ever. BUT I have a little question for you all: 8 girls, but how many nipples? 2 or 4???

who needs nipples?

Uh, the girls do, what would their breasts be without. Big Grin

12.09.2011, 13:57

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

[hidden image - please register]

according to their advertisement we'll see at least a topless Karry shower.

about the pic itself is no further comment needed. Tongue

12.09.2011, 11:15

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

klemi wrote:So I am just checking which girls will be in Karrys show...Maybe one of the most beautiful castings ever. BUT I have a little question for you all: 8 girls, but how many nipples? 2 or 4???

who needs nipples?

12.09.2011, 11:15

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

voncall wrote:For tonight show due to the scheduled models (except Kate) what type of forecast is it possibile?
1) The most boring show of the Year
2) A surprise ?
To the discendants the hard judgement

If all wear short skirts it's probably the best show ever. But because it is Carrie's show and we know her she will disappoint us and there will be not enough short skirts to please us.

12.09.2011, 11:04

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

For tonight show due to the scheduled models (except Kate) what type of forecast is it possibile?
1) The most boring show of the Year
2) A surprise ?
To the discendants the hard judgement

12.09.2011, 10:20

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

The official and authorized voice of ETV speaks also for Karry now.

12.09.2011, 08:23

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

klemi wrote:So I am just checking which girls will be in Karrys show...Maybe one of the most beautiful castings ever. BUT I have a little question for you all: 8 girls, but how many nipples? 2 or 4???

if all works as planned by Karry: 0

12.09.2011, 08:09

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

klemi wrote:So I am just checking which girls will be in Karrys show...Maybe one of the most beautiful castings ever. BUT I have a little question for you all: 8 girls, but how many nipples? 2 or 4???

Maybe 2 but not more. Only one real model Kate the rest simply wants money for nothing. But there are many fools in love so the show will be a success but what should I say if viewers like it that way and want to pay for it. It's money for nothing but the chicks are not for free if someone remember.