TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 rating(s))

(3.79 / 5, 29 ratings)

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05.01.2012, 05:53

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Anna will be the Model which is in the studio from 6 to 11 CET Smile......I wish her a very nice day Smile

04.01.2012, 09:09

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

....and tonight for the first time i see roshana in liveBig GrinTongue

04.01.2012, 06:13

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Ronnie will be the Model which is in the studio from 6 to 11 CET Smile......I wish her a very nice day Smile

03.01.2012, 15:14

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

passion wrote:Tonight the usual cast of Tuesday. Will be able Claudia, Kristina, Mashiara, Scarlet and Tia
to make a show better than the show of the last night?Sad
I hope that the performance of new models serve to stimulate the models for the show tonight.Tongue

I doubt that the 5 models tonight know anything about the last nights show.
iirc Mashiara had to ask Isabelle for her name on saturday and so the 5 "old" models won't get so much infos about the shows of the "new" models.
the old models own the tuesday and the weekend while the new models have gotten monday, wednesday and some pieces of the rest.
does anyone remember 2009 and the schedule problems with Sabrina, Scarlet, Regina and Gia?
at the end we saw a nearly fixed cast & schedule for some weeks.

03.01.2012, 15:06

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tonight the usual cast of Tuesday. Will be able Claudia, Kristina, Mashiara, Scarlet and Tia
to make a show better than the show of the last night?Sad
I hope that the performance of new models serve to stimulate the models for the show tonight.Tongue

Good day at allSmileThumb up

03.01.2012, 05:51

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Simona will be the Model which is in the studio from 6 to 11 CET Smile......I wish her a very nice day Smile

02.01.2012, 09:53

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Laca321 wrote:Good cast in the night show!!!! And I hope...

Yes let´s do that! Thumb up (Am I smelling here a scent of Ro.. Roses? ...something? Blush )

Anyway, only models of 2011.
Then of course we have as always the complication of direction and camera management.

And the worst (?) perhaps: All these advertisements and some of the "requests" on the screen that more and more tend to take command of what could perhaps otherwise have been a show.

But as long as there is life, there is hope!

02.01.2012, 08:59

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Good cast in the night show!!!! And I hope...

02.01.2012, 05:57

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Simona will be the Model which is in the studio from 6 to 11 CET Smile......I wish her a very nice day Smile

01.01.2012, 20:55

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

limacchio wrote:very nice team for this night, only 1 problem Lilian, why?

A new year is coming and ETV allowed us to see "Princess" Lilian at the first night show at 2012 - it´s really a surprise and a "big" gift ! My opinion: Tonight it will be the next time that Lilian makes a full of herself and will give us her "great" performance. I must say: "Lilian, is this really needful"?

01.01.2012, 12:31

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

jomana wrote:are there any surprises tonight??????


Ronnie was there after a long time. And Kate made a nice lesbian show with Gia. I hope Eki didn´t saw it because he don´t like it lol

Happy New Year to everyone. Anything goes.

01.01.2012, 12:11

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

very nice team for this night, only 1 problem Lilian, why?

01.01.2012, 07:35

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Aria & Ronnie are the poor models who must do the sad shift this morning.
Thx for your effort. Smile

31.12.2011, 14:53

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

are there any surprises tonight??????

31.12.2011, 14:21

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Laca321 wrote:
universal wrote:I would not be there this night to see the show, but when I see the schedule, I have not too much regret (except for Kate).

i full agree with you, i hope the next year to come much better than the last show this year

I'm not really agree, there'll my 3 favourite girls Kate Gia and Carla