* Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

1.33 (3 rating(s))

(1.33 / 5, 3 ratings)

Author Posts

25.11.2008, 22:40

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Will someone please move the grapes out of Nikita's reach or tonite could be a Bulimia nite. :-P

25.11.2008, 22:39

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

First i will say please let them do their show. Everybody has earned a chance and why should this show be weaker then yesterdays?

Second i am really disappointed about Donatella. When she starts she was soo hot even has a lots of oops. But now?

She sits around and dances sometimes. That´s all. Even her friend at the evening show was better and makes a good dancing. I don´t know the name of the model but the eveningshow was quite good for ETV 1.

Good night folks


25.11.2008, 22:22

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

tonight Etv presents: the show of Nikita and Sabrina pity that they leave.
I want to vomit when I see them, I immediately change the channel.

Good night Worst

25.11.2008, 20:13

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Oops, Elsa is back with a Tampax.. So don't await too much of her tonight. :-D

25.11.2008, 19:42

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

One of them is Donatella, our nr.8 in the girls page.

25.11.2008, 19:25

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Looks like Elsa has been replaced by two professionals. Are they new?

25.11.2008, 19:15

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

More and more static views in the morning show with a camerawork like in the earlier show.

A pity for the lovely Patricia (today and yesterday) and Viviana yesterday. The cameraman seems very lazy and the show is very static and boring, a 10 meter view.

Good close-ups in the evening and in the night show with several cameras, unfornately only for the shows with the barbies or the two favorite models of the regie ("the best friends.").

I am waiting to see in the following days but i suspect a self censorship from Etv.

25.11.2008, 17:21

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Patricia in the afternoon show, Sugar, Carmen and Elsa now on E1, Athina now on E2.

Tonight another sad nightshow? Very likely, highly probable.

25.11.2008, 14:55

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Hi HvB-- I have closed my curtains and locked my doors already. As we speak I am booking a flight and going to some dark place where nobody asks questions of you and offers you a place to hide from those who seek you. All they ask is you pretend to talk to someone when a camera points your way. If you get one of those rare calls you do not have to react to what they are asking of you. As long as you fill a chair for 5 or 6 hours every day your safety and secrecy will be assured. I hope I don"t give to many clues where I am going ha ha

25.11.2008, 14:42

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

@ outside Metal fans like me have to use the moment pablo is DJ. Wrong models good music. Freddy!!!!!

25.11.2008, 14:40

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

@glassy: you would be lucky to find a horsehead on your pillow ... a nice pint of hydrochloric acid in the face is considered to be a warning in etv land. Exception is a city at the coast, where they just put some pikes in your car ...

25.11.2008, 14:15

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Okay guys okay--I will not talk about the lazy Clio again. I don"t want to have a horses head left on my pillow as a warning ha ha. I will leave it up to Ines to deposit something else on my pillow which she seems to have a talent for. And also that show last night had bad written all over it with only Sandra being the only model likely to do any kind of strip. Very poor choice of model mix indeed.

25.11.2008, 14:06

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Look at Patricia right now, she was caressing her "noble part" after pulling her panties down.

Maybe it's black metal music worth. :))

25.11.2008, 01:21

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

No need to light, there is nothing to see
A superb show, a great etv as usual, super freezer.

The only place where it is hot, it is in my bed.

Good night gangster

25.11.2008, 00:51

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

lights are too expensive,

do you want a bohemian night?
