Now on ETV - The current show

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08.02.2015, 15:04

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

I am with you lucifer70 and others who think like that, because once the TV was born and continued to move forward with Sms yes and expensive phone calls to see the show and to undress the models completely nude, but today the TV will remain only for those who would love to see how the models completely nude and wait if one day you shall strip ?? Eroticism is beautiful on all fronts and the models should be bare, at a certain time of the protected zone, without falling into pornography. So now all this is manipulation of the brain as much TV do together to Eurotic Tv. I prefer to be real and see real things, where the TV was in the past, but today, because the rules have changed, the TV will remain for a few and for those who imagine, but in the end if they see a topless is already so. This is my humble thoughts. Hello!

08.02.2015, 14:35

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

without SAT, ETV will turn into a small club funded by a few customers.
They'll survive, but the past is the past and they'll never return to the their former glory.
ETV is based on deception and on the promise that Is never kept.
in a nutshell, ETV is only a method to get money by Those who're naive enough to give them ......
When you all will become aware of this, then we can hope in the ETV return, but as long as you continue to pay and complain nothing will change.Cry

08.02.2015, 14:28

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

simply22 wrote:This is just my opinion: Eurotic TV is dead!!
For those like me who loved to see hot, naked and pussy shows, all this is over! We will remember ...

Not true! €TV LIVE .

08.02.2015, 14:08

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

simply22 wrote:This is just my opinion: Eurotic TV is dead!!
For those like me who loved to see hot, naked and pussy shows, all this is over! We will remember ...
At least the night shows are dead, if ETV itself, time will tell.
But even more than pussys and fully nude girls I miss the interaction, girls petting and stripping together.


07.02.2015, 20:33

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Just tuned in to see a bunch of models laying down relaxing and looking as if they are sleeping--just like their customers this week ha ha. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

06.02.2015, 11:30

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Eurotic don't exactly help themselves. I checked out this mornings show with Jasmin and friends. All I see is 3 models staring at a static cam, no dancing, no encouragement , no teasing using a hand held cam to flow up and down or over the models, no shots of Jasmins legs wearing shorts and hold ups, no shots of Lara teasing potential customers with her legs or shoes, absolutely nothing going on to encourage any calls or sms to the girls in the studio. And they blame new rules or anything else for being in the state they are in just now. You could freeze frame the screen and start again in an hour- no difference.

06.02.2015, 09:02

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Like on Wednesday, yesterday I was watching the afternoon show (Angelina, Jade, Sandra, Tara) with the same intention one more time. Some SMS and phone calls more, but not really worth mentioning. Sometimes Sandra and Angelina were sitting stunned in the studio with a face like seven days of rain. As if they couldn’t believe what’s going on ...


05.02.2015, 13:34

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Slowfox wrote:Are you a ghost writer of ?

I'm just a customer disappointed by the constant broken promises of the Bulgarian TV called etv ...
And fyi has not a e-wall, lol...

05.02.2015, 13:14

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

goldy wrote:[hidden image - please register]

Angie is on show today, but who cares... i will not call her, they must understand their mistakes!

Are you a ghost writer of ?

05.02.2015, 12:45

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

[hidden image - please register]

Angie is on show today, but who cares... i will not call her, they must understand their mistakes!

05.02.2015, 10:59

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

I do not think to take back loans

05.02.2015, 10:57

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Yesterday while I did some work in my home office I parallelly was watching with one eye on the TV screen the afternoon show (Danna, Jade, Sandra, White). I did it because it interested me how many SMS or phone calls they get. I watched it from around 1:30pm to 3pm. I’d like to point out two things. First: during that time there was only ONE VIP SMS requesting that the models are doing a "spin the bottle" game (this message could be only sent by an satirist, couldn’t it? Was it someone here from this forum?Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin). To me it seemed they didn’t liked that wish. Accordingly they also performed it. Second: After this VIP SMS there neither was sent any more VIP SMS nor any phone call received the models for more than an hour.
It seems that ETV is getting back very soon what they sow with the new rules!


05.02.2015, 03:47

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

OK, the night-show is dead. To see that before was free now someone can pay, someone only because i hope not many peoples are so stupid.
From tomorrow eurotic tv do not exists for me. The end! Thumb downThumb downThumb downThumb downThumb downThumb down

05.02.2015, 01:27

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

MisterXXX wrote:Buuuut...who did expect that...Lara "regular" topless in a night show?? Woow..
One last surprise before they turn to "Desperate clothed housewives" ?? Confused
yes, suddenly, after crying in her terrible video posted in the wall,she has turned wild. She was also topless in her exclusives today. Curious, when it was needed in the new business strategy, surprisingly and suddenly she lost her shyness.

05.02.2015, 01:08

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Buuuut...who did expect that...Lara "regular" topless in a night show?? Woow..
One last surprise before they turn to "Desperate clothed housewives" ?? Confused
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