Now on ETV - The current show

4.09 (32 rating(s))

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25.12.2015, 20:03

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

xmsx80 wrote:
byjeanpoul wrote:if u are looking for some special opss situation from the Close Encounters
22 December
Jasmine, Roshana, Saiqa, will be disappointed...its not the first time that she performe less than she usually do on free....
merry christmas and best wishes
from a very unhappy member

What Roshana offers is more than enough for a character like her. You should turn to other models for the special stuff you would like to see.
And concerning "opss", it should be approved by the model what she wants to show, and not forced by some camera/ vision mixer hero.

yes, but lately her shows in exclusive are terrible, without motivation, without any imagination. Her 4 hours shows in exclusive were bad, but her last 5hours non-stop show was terrible. All the time at the phone, so no attention on the show, dressed many times, topless as much and endless time lying on the bed doing absolutely nothing but talking on the phone Thumb downThumb down Some models looks terribly unmotivated, bored and boring, and Roshana is one of them, at least in exclusives.

25.12.2015, 13:58

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Last minute changes to models - again. Yesterday the schedule listed Yoko, Leona Tallona, Rayyana and Aida, today's schedule lists Yoko, Tallona, Mikeila, Aida.

Since the supposed light traffic accident we haven't seen Leona on air. Also I like Rayyana more that the bodybuilder Mikeila.

24.12.2015, 18:41

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

byjeanpoul wrote:if u are looking for some special opss situation from the Close Encounters
22 December
Jasmine, Roshana, Saiqa, will be disappointed...its not the first time that she performe less than she usually do on free....
merry christmas and best wishes
from a very unhappy member

What Roshana offers is more than enough for a character like her. You should turn to other models for the special stuff you would like to see.
And concerning "opss", it should be approved by the model what she wants to show, and not forced by some camera/ vision mixer hero.

24.12.2015, 07:16

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

if u are looking for some special opss situation from the Close Encounters
22 December
Jasmine, Roshana, Saiqa, will be disappointed...its not the first time that she performe less than she usually do on free....
merry christmas and best wishes
from a very unhappy member

24.12.2015, 02:19

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

stegiato wrote:I gave a watch at Ns, ZOe is missing?

...and when I was watching the NS, Trixie was missing too, but Bunny who was not scheduled was in the Studio. Just four models at that time.

24.12.2015, 00:28

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

I gave a watch at Ns, ZOe is missing?

23.12.2015, 15:43

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

kennyboy2012 wrote:
badrus wrote:I said everybody like you those who continue to throw money at them you though are the prime example you may be the only one watching at end but now its like I said when you first got here there go our nightshows which were getting better until now

to be fair, you don't know how much money I have spent in recent weeks, Sunday was an exception and was a great show, but other than that, you have no idea.,
and also, hate to point this out, but you have always complained about ETV since I've been here.

but badrus, I'm going to stop replying/responding to you and yourr attempts to make it personal again. the forum is about ETV, not the forum members.

but what is etv without viewer/customer/member and what is the forum without the members?

Sorry wk you are the prototype of what etv would have as a new customer. Dont know and ignore what etv was in the past, pay a lot of money, see only and praise the small part you like. Then complains her and on the prawda a lot of times, if etv dont find your taste, but next time you buy again and again. But etv is more than the ex shows you like.

Why did etv dont close the free tv and free internet, the free tv gave etv a lot of income the last years, but sinse some time they dont like it anymore. If they close that, they are immediatly dead, because then they lose two of the main income source, the calls and the search messages 24 h the day to the free studio. After all this month of restrictions and rude changes etv had no similar income with the ex to drop the free. If ex had enough viewers, etv would at first close the free tv, but untill now this didnt happend.

With all this tries in the last year, etv had lost money and now they are at a point that they must save money. All the changes in the last weeks/month are to reduce cost, static camera, one studio, less models, less shifts and less crew. On the other site the try to get fast money, the last high promotions and now a rude clutch to the viewers money: If you send a wish you must buy the ex to see your wish. They hope that a lot of sms vip senders opens a new account and to do this they must buy credits and this was new money for etv.

It looks like that it goes to an end, in which way ever.

23.12.2015, 13:42

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

I heard Effy this afternoon show say "I heard about the changes around here aren't they shocking"
Whats so shocking are they loosing money? As far as I can see, for every model in front of the camera she has to support three more wages.

23.12.2015, 12:36

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

seems the anything goes show on tuesday change to no more pussy on TV Show on tuesday.
If the Internet Show then reach the level they had on the exclusive wish for free it's allright.
But it seems the only change is that the fullstrips are only made in the exclusive.
This is very poor for an Internet Show.
Ok what else can you expect.
And if you really buy the Internet Show and watch until midnight you can watch the rest two months later.
It is like you buy a half newspaper and get the rest to read two months later.

No opportunity for me sorry ETV you can keep it.

23.12.2015, 11:59

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

...boycott suggestion maybe could be an opportunity

23.12.2015, 11:55

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

an other very booring 5hours non stop exlusive from roshana...panty on all the time laying in the bed ..probably bored as well w are...maybe the boigot week and suggestion could change ur credit nothing new to see..merry christmas all

23.12.2015, 02:06

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Nearly everybody who has send normal TV wishes got simply robbed of his money, because they weren't allowed to watch what they had requested.

23.12.2015, 01:42

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

they want the fta only as a mere supporting vehicle for receiving sms and requests only to be performed in exclusive. Hopefully nobody but the paying excluisive customers send anything anymore for not wasting time and money. I guess nobody with brain can support this crap fta show in any way.

Wrong name for the show: fusion is not right. It should be

[hidden link - please register]

it would be far more descriptive.

23.12.2015, 01:13

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

badrus wrote:I said everybody like you those who continue to throw money at them you though are the prime example you may be the only one watching at end but now its like I said when you first got here there go our nightshows which were getting better until now

to be fair, you don't know how much money I have spent in recent weeks, Sunday was an exception and was a great show, but other than that, you have no idea.,
and also, hate to point this out, but you have always complained about ETV since I've been here.

but badrus, I'm going to stop replying/responding to you and yourr attempts to make it personal again. the forum is about ETV, not the forum members.

23.12.2015, 00:31

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

They try it again and again and the models look boredThumb down
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