Last night's show

3.32 (22 rating(s))

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04.09.2010, 16:01

Re: Last night's show

luca82 wrote:@ brokingbull

The beauty of Tia is unquestionable, but this doesn't resolve the Vappiano's citation 'The triumph of the couch'; unfortunately the version hot, end 2009- beginning 2010, is only a far remember.
Since she has said that etv isn't a porno channel she has changed (for her choice or management's choice) the level of her performance making at most only the part of teasing.

Sorry, which potato are we talking about. There were a lot.Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

But only one beautiful, I admit. But Tia teases 100x better than Gia.
Just my 2 cents.

04.09.2010, 15:34

Re: Last night's show

@ brokingbull

The beauty of Tia is unquestionable, but this doesn't resolve the Vappiano's citation 'The triumph of the couch'; unfortunately the version hot, end 2009- beginning 2010, is only a far remember.
Since she has said that etv isn't a porno channel she has changed (for her choice or management's choice) the level of her performance making at most only the part of teasing.

04.09.2010, 14:58

Re: Last night's show

vappiano68 wrote:Last nightshow could be named 'The triumph of the couch', the protagonist of the show.

Congratulations !

When I saw your pics minutes ago my eyes began to hurt.Sad

Over and over again the (n)eurotic disturbings from the molvanian hills.

Tia and Lace:

Fire and ice

The beauty and the beast

Marmelade toast with mustard

Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte with Bismarckhering (for germans)

Turkish honey with Schnitzel (for arabs)

What a delicious mix!Thumb downThumb downThumb down

Congrats to etv!AngryAngryAngry

04.09.2010, 10:22

Re: Last night's show

Last nightshow could be named 'The triumph of the couch', the protagonist of the show.
Here the main events:

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But everything has its own explanation:

Miss Couch Potato, in her comeback in the nightshows some weeks ago, was terribly irritated, seeing a studio and a behaviour of the girls and the camera which was too different from the lazy performances she always used to offer and the crap direction she always used to follow.
So, for her return on Saturday 11.09.2010, she has imposed the return to her favourite style.

In fact, if you notice, these last nightshows have been unwatchable, a total crap under every point of view.

In this way she will be able to find again her natural 'habitat', and she will be able to offer her lazy a*s on every couch in the studio for other 50 years.

Congratulations !

03.09.2010, 22:32

Re: Last night's show

Who is the most important person who decides the rules in the channel? The boss
Then, why these complaints for a bad show if the director is been the same boss?

You (included the moderators) try to complain on the etv's official forum.
What will be the answer of admin?
In general he answer in this way: 'We will investigate the situation and will take care to fine the director'; this time how will be his answer?Big Grin

03.09.2010, 19:06

Re: Last night's show

JohnF wrote:At the beginning of the show, italian mod Simone said: "Tonight the director is our big boss....".

Chupa-Chups is his signature.... Confused

Thank you John!
Mhh... so someone else is not so well informed ...

03.09.2010, 18:49

Re: Last night's show

At the beginning of the show, italian mod Simone said: "Tonight the director is our big boss....".

Chupa-Chups is his signature.... Confused

03.09.2010, 17:51

Re: Last night's show

sucker wrote:
Tarl_Cabot wrote:…The last nights show was totally different to his last show (different opening, different camera style and even different music iirc).
Do u really think so?Confused

The boss did a show last week (iirc), too.
Last night was the one with the same name as the boss the director and the director style was totally different.

But my confusion about vappianos little mistake is already solved.

The last night was b*l*s*i* and the show last week was better (iirc).

03.09.2010, 17:11

Re: Last night's show

Another well informed friend of this forum told me right now this is a case of 'homonymy'.

If it's true, probably it's not the best 'name' for a director ...Cool

03.09.2010, 16:50

Re: Last night's show

HvB wrote:Not every trustworthy info has to be right, especially when there are name similarities ...

If you know something more or different, please, give us your light Smile

03.09.2010, 16:47

Re: Last night's show

Not every trustworthy info has to be right, especially when there are name similarities ...

03.09.2010, 16:32

Re: Last night's show

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
vappiano68 wrote:... because ETV second boss was the director of this disaster !

Did Clio say that the molvanian studio boss was the director of the show?

The last nights show was totally different to his last show (different opening, different camera style and even different music iirc).

Trustworthy info, given by our italian friend John (I receive ETV from Astra).

03.09.2010, 15:21

Re: Last night's show

vappiano68 wrote:... because ETV second boss was the director of this disaster !

Did Clio say that the molvanian studio boss was the director of the show?

The last nights show was totally different to his last show (different opening, different camera style and even different music iirc).

03.09.2010, 11:55

Re: Last night's show

bellerophon wrote:I've seen some poor camerawork and terrible Regie over the years at ETV. But during the second hour last night there was complete chaos. Unthought-out positioning of cameras and models, girls all standing in front of one another, mobile cameraman unable to hold the camera steady, silly and unsuccessful attempts to be "arty" by fliming through gaps in the white curtain, absurd camera cutting, poor setting-up of studio furniture. Enough for immediate dismissal for disastrous incompetence, I would have thought. And of course Gia did what she always does when surrounded by idiots, she gave up even trying. Clever girl.

I hope the ETV boss gets to watch that hour. If he/she does, wait for blood to flow.

Yes Beller, you're completely right but...
... we have to hope that ETV first boss gets to watch that hour, because ETV second boss was the director of this disaster !

03.09.2010, 11:08

Re: Last night's show

klemi wrote:... After 0100 CET something had to happen. Why? Because the show just died. In last few hours when it should get even hotter, nothing. Anyone knows more on this one?...

Like many shows in the past the last night show was dead before the show was over.
We see a few good 5 hours shows, we see a few shows that are murdered in the first hour and reactivated till the end of the show (often Vicky shows with a hot last hour), we see too much shows that start already dead and stay dead till the end but most of the shows die after 2 or 3 hours. Some of them come back in the After Hour but that shouldn't be an argument or explanation.

If somebodys knows the reason it would be nice to post this and even better to post it somewhere where the directors read.
Maybe it's the missing concept or the not existing creativity of some directors or the missing callers who go to bed or ..... whatever it may be. It's one of the general problems at etv.