Eurotic's website & webstream

2.8 (49 rating(s))

(2.8 / 5, 49 ratings)

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Author Posts

01.05.2010, 19:12

Re: Eurotic's website

It is up and running.

Crash was due to heavy demand

01.05.2010, 01:25

Re: Eurotic's website

Still down.
Thumb down

30.04.2010, 15:25

Re: Eurotic's website

Webstream down since a hour ca.

29.04.2010, 16:08

Re: Eurotic's website

Now traditional video feed, just with private cam banner.
[hidden link - please register]

29.04.2010, 15:52

Re: Eurotic's website

Now it looks Astra signal again.
[hidden link - please register]
I think it needs to announce who will feature at private cam, now it's Viviana's time.

29.04.2010, 11:29

Re: Eurotic's website

outside wrote:ETV webstream has now Astra graphics too.
Remote Cam out of working.

ETV webstream just with telephone numbers on the top Smile

and the Remote Cam is back. Thumb up

28.04.2010, 13:00

Re: Eurotic's website

outside wrote:Remote Cam out of working.

This stream are good for PPV Big GrinCool

28.04.2010, 12:47

Re: Eurotic's website

ETV webstream has now Astra graphics too.
Remote Cam out of working.

27.04.2010, 22:45

Re: Eurotic's website

new on the website for the [hidden link - please register] is a (yet missing) link for the upcomming 'Dream Screens'

(not sure about the link for the [hidden link - please register])

27.04.2010, 19:09

Re: Eurotic's website

outside wrote:Site is working now, but still with some bugs in TV Guide.

It looks there is one hour time shift is this a bug ? The time looks ok so it can't be a problem with the clock . Or someone forgot to change the local time ?

27.04.2010, 16:23

Re: Eurotic's website

Could they have picked any more less flattering pictures of the girls for the TV guide banner? Thumb down Also,for an update,you would think they would include only girls that are still on the channel!


27.04.2010, 12:18

Re: Eurotic's website

I also miss the actual posts in the forum. There are only the posts until march.

27.04.2010, 12:10

Re: Eurotic's website

Site is working now, but still with some bugs in TV Guide.

27.04.2010, 10:58

Re: Eurotic's website

Site still under maintenance, (Apache Server just installed and testing) no way to get the TV-guide.

27.04.2010, 10:06

Re: Eurotic's website

Many thanks guys for your advices. And what about the schedule??? Where i can find the daily schedule??
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