Eurotic's website & webstream

2.8 (49 rating(s))

(2.8 / 5, 49 ratings)

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10.08.2012, 18:37

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Look at the Wall, the last answer. they deny themselves.
once the exclusive was the show of freedom interactivity and creativity. models were happy for this...and now...

"...There is no sense the models to do a show in the time available for conversations as well it is not reasonable to do a show when they are about to talk. The Exclusive shows are not a shows of orderings of Premium wishes, but they are a time of communication. Regards, ETV"

well there are many of us who call for the so called interactivity during the show, These are the oldest and more reliable customers..don't you think ETV will loose the cream of their audience?

10.08.2012, 18:20

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

[hidden link - please register]

this is what you can see during PS as a "not Logged"
Naturally this is only a mistake and not a little trick to "cheating" some new viewers!

10.08.2012, 18:06

Re: The Situation now.

I doubt it matters now since it looks highly likely that this thread will be closed soon, BUT I will point out for the record that when I 'joined' ETV club, minimum entry fee was 25 credits.

The invitation on their site was called 'why should I buy credits' and the answer they posted was (not verbatim) When you buy credits with your credit card we know that you are an adult. We need to know this because the exclusive web shows are showing material suitable for adults only. To watch the ELS does not cost any extra. Your credits are for sending messages etc if you wish.
I considered it, I bought into it.
They changed the rules a short time later and the ELS has been killed off.
Those are plain facts.

10.08.2012, 18:01

Re: The Situation now.

Watcher wrote:What a load of b*ll*cks ...
You confuse being fooled with being fools.
It was clearly stated, and highlighted in this forum many times, that buying credits just to watch the Exclusive Live Show would be a stupid idea.
Stupidity reigns supreme ...
Sorry again. I bought the credits just for watching the shows. And maybe an sms per month when there is a good show.Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin
What do you suggest? Or what do you like? Shall we all buy chocolate for hungry Karry? Or better Lillian in the hope she will explode?
It's my decision how and when to drive my car in this or that direction. And when petrol becomes too expensive I drive less fast. At the moment I just watch ELS and wait for better times. I read here, they aren't around yet.

10.08.2012, 17:57

Re: The Situation now.

I am out of this Topic.

Watcher and Friends can have a beer and applaud themselves.

Never mind the Bollocks. God save the Queen.

10.08.2012, 17:51

Re: The Situation now.

Watcher wrote:I am not a teacher.
I expect everyone to be intelligent enough to be able to find out the facts if they really want to know them Cool

Well, as you were basically saying that the only way to do something is a stupid way...

10.08.2012, 17:22

Re: The Situation now.

Chris26 wrote:Enlighten us on the alternative methods available, at the time, to watch them, then.

I am not a teacher.
I expect everyone to be intelligent enough to be able to find out the facts if they really want to know them Cool

10.08.2012, 17:16

Re: The Situation now.

Watcher wrote:
fcn2011 wrote:At first the viewers paid the membership to view the ELS Show.

And now? They broadcast the ELS Stream for free, the girls are bored, the Normal Fans are angry and the guys who paid ETV only for the ELS Shows now really fooled about the new situation.

What kind of managment outside works with this methods to fool the Viewers?

What a load of b*ll*cks ...
You confuse being fooled with being fools.
It was clearly stated, and highlighted in this forum many times, that buying credits just to watch the Exclusive Live Show would be a stupid idea.
Stupidity reigns supreme ...

Enlighten us on the alternative methods available, at the time, to watch them, then.

10.08.2012, 17:10

Re: The Situation now.

fcn2011 wrote:At first the viewers paid the membership to view the ELS Show.

And now? They broadcast the ELS Stream for free, the girls are bored, the Normal Fans are angry and the guys who paid ETV only for the ELS Shows now really fooled about the new situation.

What kind of managment outside works with this methods to fool the Viewers?

What a load of b*ll*cks ...
You confuse being fooled with being fools.
It was clearly stated, and highlighted in this forum many times, that buying credits just to watch the Exclusive Live Show would be a stupid idea.
Stupidity reigns supreme ...

10.08.2012, 17:07

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

fcn2011 wrote:Why they don´t cut the Transponder Costs and make only Webshows?

The end of FTA erotic call channels via Astra was announced 1.1.2012.
I'm sure it will happen sooner or later. Cool

10.08.2012, 17:05

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

babacola7 wrote:
lucifer70 wrote:Sorry if I insist, but complaining on this forum is good for nothing.
You've activated an account, you've paid ETV, if you are not satisfied, write to ETV and tell it so.
ETV has given you a great power, use it. The era of Nightshow is over, the philosophy of "ask and maybe you will be satisfied" is definitely dead. They killed it.
If you don't like the show, tell him clearly and don't buy other shows.
Simple.Big Grin

I complain but my message was not published, they can choose the message they want to be publishedConfusedThumb down

This is obvious, do you believe that they publish negative posts?
But they have read it and they know what you think about. If all the discontented would send an e-mail or a post of protest or criticism, constructive course not offensive, they would know for sure that what they are doing is wrong and should adapt to the demands of customers.
No calls, no sms and no money for premium ..... guess who will win this round?
Clients are always right in the real non molvanian world!Cool

10.08.2012, 16:43

Re: The Situation now.

fcn2011 wrote:At first the viewers paid the membership to view the ELS Show.Thumb up

And now? They broadcast the ELS Stream for free, the girls are bored, the Normal Fans are angry and the guys who paid ETV only for the ELS Shows now really fooled about the new situation.Thumb up

What kind of managment outside works with this methods to fool the Viewers?

Good comment and the only right conclusion!! If you have paid the beefsteak at the supermarket's cashbox the boss can't come thereafter and change it with cheap fish. That's exactly what etv has done.
And I wouldn't call it management, they don't deserve this word.AngryAngryAngry
I have some words for you to chose, but be warned, you can't use them here and my english is also very bad:

1. crooks
2. cheaters
3. betrayers
4. thieves
5. ...

Can someone complete the list of forbidden words? Maybe the mod can help out?

10.08.2012, 16:41

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

CommanderData wrote:My humble opinion:
- we have a big loss now, because of the stupid and useless webshows that make the TV-shows suffer ...

So, reading in this thread tells me I'm the only one who thinks ETV TV "shows" were always and are continuing to be (apart from a few exceptions)
something like sychronised swimming, rhythmic gymnastics or dressage......namely BORING BEYOND BELIEF.

10.08.2012, 14:06

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

By the excellent monty python team (who eventually parodied or lampooned every sort of nonsense and institutional thinking) there was a sketch where, at a public meeting, everybody agreed with everything everybody else said. Funny because incongruous but completely pointless of course.
Here we come to exchange differing views, sometimes a bit heated.

10.08.2012, 13:51

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Hello you.
@ hanshel:. what's the name of the crap are you smoking??
On behalf of ideological presupposition: we are so confident of possessing the truth (and truth) than any other approach to reality seems unacceptable.
And we have certainty so strong that even if the facts contradict them, we will deny the facts.

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